Windmills Harm the Environment by Consuming Energy


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Urban windmills harm the environment
A small windmill on your roof or in the garden is an attractive idea. Unfortunately, micro wind turbines deliver hardly enough energy to power a light bulb. Their financial payback time is much longer than their life expectancy and in urban areas they will not even deliver as much energy as was needed to produce them. Sad, but true.
Urban windmills harm the environment
A small windmill on your roof or in the garden is an attractive idea. Unfortunately, micro wind turbines deliver hardly enough energy to power a light bulb. Their financial payback time is much longer than their life expectancy and in urban areas they will not even deliver as much energy as was needed to produce them. Sad, but true.

But it's so fun acting 'greener' than your neighbors. :lol:
Urban windmills harm the environment
A small windmill on your roof or in the garden is an attractive idea. Unfortunately, micro wind turbines deliver hardly enough energy to power a light bulb. Their financial payback time is much longer than their life expectancy and in urban areas they will not even deliver as much energy as was needed to produce them. Sad, but true.

But this doesn't weigh in the "I am better than you because I care" factor.
Urban windmills harm the environment
A small windmill on your roof or in the garden is an attractive idea. Unfortunately, micro wind turbines deliver hardly enough energy to power a light bulb. Their financial payback time is much longer than their life expectancy and in urban areas they will not even deliver as much energy as was needed to produce them. Sad, but true.

But it's so fun acting 'greener' than your neighbors. :lol:

As if your post required proof:

‘In fact, more than half of the Prius buyers surveyed this spring by CNW Marketing Research of Bandon, Ore., said the main reason they purchased their car was that “it makes a statement about me.” ‘
Urban windmills harm the environment
A small windmill on your roof or in the garden is an attractive idea. Unfortunately, micro wind turbines deliver hardly enough energy to power a light bulb. Their financial payback time is much longer than their life expectancy and in urban areas they will not even deliver as much energy as was needed to produce them. Sad, but true.

But this doesn't weigh in the "I am better than you because I care" factor.
The National Weather service has just issued a stage 3 smug alert! :lol:
Observations of an economist environmentalist
The word efficiency carries a meaning immersed in all things positive – you never hear that being more efficient could possibly be detrimental. In fact, if you can bear the evangelical fervour, you may have read about achieving ‘Factor Four’ or ‘Factor Five’ gains in energy efficiency, as part of a ‘Natural Capital’ revolution comprising a ‘decoupling’ economic growth from a growth in the consumption of exhaustible resources – also known as ‘sustainability’. You may even have heard about the equation I=PAT or I = P x A x T, where environmental impact (I) is a function of population (P), affluence (A) and technology (T), and that becoming more efficient will enable a desired level of affluence with far less environmental cost.

Historical experience shows that these claims are untrue, and indeed the facts suggest greater energy efficiency is counterproductive to the stated aims of curbing resource use and decreasing negative environmental externalities.
Which brings me back to corn based ethanol. More energy is used to produce the product than is released when it is used as a fuel. Which is an absolutely useless fact when confronting a politician trying to buy votes in the corn belt.

[SIZE=-1]"Alcohol is for drinking, gas is for cleaning parts, and nitro is for racing!"[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]
Don Garlits (among others)[/SIZE]
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Look at the usual suspects gather around red meat to rejoice a passage in a blog by Low-Tech Magazine on a topic they hope and pray to be true.

You know, it's fittingly amusing that you clowns will adhere to a blog that quote:

Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution. A simple, sensible, but nevertheless controversial message; high-tech has become the idol of our society.

Low-tech Magazine: About

Meanwhile, your entire M.O., almost to a man, is to DENY the concern over the drawdown of hyrdo-carbon energy sources by leaning on the assumption of technology advances!!!!!!

So which is it, exactly? You guys don't seem to know WHERE you stand. All you know is that progress is bad, and status quo meal tickets like Big Oil? Gooooood.

LOL... Cons... Rest assured that when faced with a fresh con claim, you can just lift the rock and watch the bugs scurry.

Either way, some day, you morons will wish we put up the renewable infrastructure when we had the chance.... Costs will be irrelevant.
Which brings me back to corn based ethanol. More energy is used to produce the product than is released when it is used as a fuel. Which is an absolutely useless fact when confronting a politician trying to buy votes in the corn belt.

[SIZE=-1]"Alcohol is for drinking, gas is for cleaning parts, and nitro is for racing!"[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]
Don Garlits (among others)[/SIZE]

There is a slight energy gain from corn ethanol. If you raised corn just to make ethanol that gain is only about 2:1. The thing energy only critics fail to factor in is the corn was already being raised to feed livestock. The DDG feed that comes out of the ethanol plants still feeds the same amount of animals. The plants just convert the corn starch into ethanol for cars. The corn protein still remains for the animals. This makes the energy gain much higher than 2:1.

The other advantage of ethanol is that it replaces the MTBE adaptive in gasoline. MTBE was a major cause of ground water pollution.

Corn ethanol is only part of the answer. It will only provide 36 billion gallons of fuel in the USA.
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But it's so fun acting 'greener' than your neighbors. :lol:

As if your post required proof:

‘In fact, more than half of the Prius buyers surveyed this spring by CNW Marketing Research of Bandon, Ore., said the main reason they purchased their car was that “it makes a statement about me.” ‘

Here is another good quote from the article.
“I felt like the Camry Hybrid was too subtle for the message I wanted to put out there,” Ms. Gatch said. “I wanted to have the biggest impact that I could, and the Prius puts out a clearer message.”
I'm simply amazed. I never knew there were so many authorities on the environment, global warming, and now alternative fuels and energy on this board. I feel so inferior. I'll add my two cents to this post. You can burn cow shit if you dry it out long enough. It's grain that's been recycled down to it's lowest form and still useful. Look! I'm an energy wiz too! We're all energy nurds - or turds. Whatever.
There is a slight energy gain from corn ethanol. If you raised corn just to make ethanol that gain is only about 2:1. The thing energy only critics fail to factor in is the corn was already being raised to feed livestock. The DDG feed that comes out of the ethanol plants still feeds the same amount of animals. The plants just convert the corn starch into ethanol for cars. The corn protien still remains for the animals. This makes the energy gain much higher than 2:1.

So, now you're hijacking your own thread, and punting to corn?

Wait, are you actually going to stump for ethanol? This should be fun. Good luck.
I'm simply amazed. I never knew there were so many authorities on the environment, global warming, and now alternative fuels and energy on this board. I feel so inferior. I'll add my two cents to this post. You can burn cow shit if you dry it out long enough. It's grain that's been recycled down to it's lowest form and still useful. Look! I'm an energy wiz too! We're all energy nurds - or turds. Whatever.

Plus, if you put a lid over it while it drys you can get a touch of methane too.
I'm simply amazed. I never knew there were so many authorities on the environment, global warming, and now alternative fuels and energy on this board. I feel so inferior. I'll add my two cents to this post. You can burn cow shit if you dry it out long enough. It's grain that's been recycled down to it's lowest form and still useful. Look! I'm an energy wiz too! We're all energy nurds - or turds. Whatever.

Plus, if you put a lid over it while it drys you can get a touch of methane too.

There is not as much methane in cow shit from cows that eat DDG feed from ethanol plants. This also helps the environment.
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I'm simply amazed. I never knew there were so many authorities on the environment, global warming, and now alternative fuels and energy on this board. I feel so inferior. I'll add my two cents to this post. You can burn cow shit if you dry it out long enough. It's grain that's been recycled down to it's lowest form and still useful. Look! I'm an energy wiz too! We're all energy nurds - or turds. Whatever.

Plus, if you put a lid over it while it drys you can get a touch of methane too.

There is not as much methane in cow shit from cows feed DDG feed from ethanol plants. This also helps the environment.

Well, I guess we can't say you don't know shit...
Like everything else, alternative energy on the home scale depends on a number of factors. For solar, you have to have an area that gets enough sunlight. For wind, you need to live in a wind area for a small turbine to be effective.

And, finally, if one wants the most bang for the buck, you have to be reasonably intelligent and able to follow simple construction instructions. If all of the above apply, here is where one can begin;

How To Make Solar Power Generator Panels - Build Wind Turbine Power Generator - Home Use Solar Power Electricity
Again, which is it? Is technology gonna save us, or do we adhere to "Low-Tech" web sites for all our answers?

Which is it, Palin disciples?

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