Winning a Pandemic Crisis/War

America learned in the Great Depression and especially World War ll how to win a crisis and a war. Each time we have deviated from the winning strategy we have lost. Each time we have followed the strategy we have won.

The strategy is simple. Go on defense and hunker down while assimilating intelligence and stockpiling offensive capabilities until overwhelming firepower and offensive resources are available for a well-planned offensive.

Unfortunately, America's leadership during the current COVID-19 Pandemic is ignoring or unaware of America's traditional winning strategy. Sadly, while we know how to defeat our current enemy, COVID-19, our leadership has neither the patience nor will we need for crisis/war leadership.

We should be in the hunkering down defensive stage, but our leader has led us too quickly to grow impatient and stopped or relaxed far too early. While in the defensive hunkering down mode we are supposed to be producing and readying our offensive capabilities and arsenal. We seem to have surrendered and been brainwashed into accepting defeat, or at least our leader has.

How long do we “hunker down”?
In Camp's case, maybe we should make it permanent, in case his stupidity is contagious...

I recommend placing him in his mom's basement and nailing the doors and windows shut for his own protection!!!

This how liberals cower, while real Americans fight.
America learned in the Great Depression and especially World War ll how to win a crisis and a war. Each time we have deviated from the winning strategy we have lost. Each time we have followed the strategy we have won.

The strategy is simple. Go on defense and hunker down while assimilating intelligence and stockpiling offensive capabilities until overwhelming firepower and offensive resources are available for a well-planned offensive.

Unfortunately, America's leadership during the current COVID-19 Pandemic is ignoring or unaware of America's traditional winning strategy. Sadly, while we know how to defeat our current enemy, COVID-19, our leadership has neither the patience nor will we need for crisis/war leadership.

We should be in the hunkering down defensive stage, but our leader has led us too quickly to grow impatient and stopped or relaxed far too early. While in the defensive hunkering down mode we are supposed to be producing and readying our offensive capabilities and arsenal. We seem to have surrendered and been brainwashed into accepting defeat, or at least our leader has.

How long do we “hunker down”?
In Camp's case, maybe we should make it permanent, in case his stupidity is contagious...

I recommend placing him in his mom's basement and nailing the doors and windows shut for his own protection!!!

That seems to be the answer. As we allow more businesses and people to move around, the numbers will increase, until there is a vaccine, the virus numbers will always go up as soon as we ease off social distancing. Many of these countries that have been lauded for keeping the virus contained are going to see numbers go up quickly as soon as they open any borders.
During Great Depression and World War ll we had leaders who sought to unite the American people and foster their courage and resolve.

Today the occupant of the WH seeks to divide the American people with fear and lies, fostering only disunion and conflict.
No bitch. It's you and those like you that keep the divide up.
You just parrot whatever the propaganda machine wants you to.
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America learned in the Great Depression and especially World War ll how to win a crisis and a war. Each time we have deviated from the winning strategy we have lost. Each time we have followed the strategy we have won.

The strategy is simple. Go on defense and hunker down while assimilating intelligence and stockpiling offensive capabilities until overwhelming firepower and offensive resources are available for a well-planned offensive.

Unfortunately, America's leadership during the current COVID-19 Pandemic is ignoring or unaware of America's traditional winning strategy. Sadly, while we know how to defeat our current enemy, COVID-19, our leadership has neither the patience nor will we need for crisis/war leadership.

We should be in the hunkering down defensive stage, but our leader has led us too quickly to grow impatient and stopped or relaxed far too early. While in the defensive hunkering down mode we are supposed to be producing and readying our offensive capabilities and arsenal. We seem to have surrendered and been brainwashed into accepting defeat, or at least our leader has.
We will win the war (which is a stupid analogy imo) when we overcome the lefts fear and return to life's normal functioning.

No army in history has defeated an enemy by hiding from it.
What you call fear and hiding others call moral character and sacrifice for our vulnerable. So, your side calls opponents of their opinions cowards and the alleged coward side calls your side morally bankrupt and weak.
Nothing but propaganda and fear mongering.
THAT is your arsenal
Could workers in manufacturing plants such as meat packaging facilities wear some kind of protective suits that would keep them safe while they processed meat? The answer is yes. How many other jobs could be performed safely if specialized protective gear and equipment were provided? Producing and implementing such gear is what we should be doing for getting folks back to work safely.
Most of America does not work on an assembly line. The employees of Best Buy are just as essential as those at the meat packing plan. They too have families to support. Babies to feed. Older parents to help care for. Rent/mortgage to pay.
Telling them they are not essential while allowing Muhammad work at the liquor store is ass backwards and counter productive.
There are plenty of ways of making jobs safer for Best Buy employees. Some retail facilities have plexiglass shields at checkouts for cashiers. Better more efficient masks are available, think of gas masks. All kinds of technology are being invented for fighting the virus.
Fear has you in a tight grip
No, I'm a history buff and know how we prepared for crises and wars in the past.

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