Winning: EPA Swamp Being Drained

There are measures to take to reduce run off from fertilizers, Manures, etc.

Riparian barriers for one.
Those are for erosion control. Water has to go somewhere. Eventually it ends up in a stream and then a river and then a lake or ocean.

We didn't have this problem fifty years ago.
It's come with the over-use and often indiscriminate application of chemicals.

How do you know we didn't have the problem 50 years ago? Do you imagine we didn't have fertilizer then? How do you propose to prevent fertilizer from getting into the ground water?

Because I grew up in the region. It's not as much a problem with fertilizer as it is when, how and in what quantity it's applied.
I gaurentee you that farmers were using plenty of chemical fertilizer 50 years ago and agricultural runoff was just as big a problem then as it is now - maybe even worse. You just weren't aware of it because you were some dumb punk kid who didn't know jack shit about anything.

furthermore, no one cared about it 50 years ago. We had more serious things to be concerned about.
You're a fucking moron. Agriculture is far different than it was 50 years ago.
This EPA removed the words climate change from its web site.

Just like Trump removed 7 words from CDC documents including fact based and evidence based.

We are living under a totalitarian regime.
Those are for erosion control. Water has to go somewhere. Eventually it ends up in a stream and then a river and then a lake or ocean.

We didn't have this problem fifty years ago.
It's come with the over-use and often indiscriminate application of chemicals.

How do you know we didn't have the problem 50 years ago? Do you imagine we didn't have fertilizer then? How do you propose to prevent fertilizer from getting into the ground water?

Because I grew up in the region. It's not as much a problem with fertilizer as it is when, how and in what quantity it's applied.
I gaurentee you that farmers were using plenty of chemical fertilizer 50 years ago and agricultural runoff was just as big a problem then as it is now - maybe even worse. You just weren't aware of it because you were some dumb punk kid who didn't know jack shit about anything.

furthermore, no one cared about it 50 years ago. We had more serious things to be concerned about.
You're a fucking moron. Agriculture is far different than it was 50 years ago.

Yeah, it probably uses less chemical fertilizers now than it did 50 years ago.
And Leonardo DiCaprio, who took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award and then flew home the next day, is not happy. FANTASTIC!

The Environmental Protection Agency has shrunk considerably since Scott Pruitt took over as administrator. In fact, the agency is back to President Reagan-era staff levels.

Over 700 EPA personnel have either retired, quit, or taken voluntary buyouts since Pruitt took over, Think Progress found after combing through federal employment statistics. Some are quitting in “disgust.”

“There has been a drop of employees of 770 between April and December. While several hundred of those are buyouts, the rest of those are either people that are retiring or quitting in disgust,” Kyla Bennett, director of New England Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), told ThinkProgress. “Is that number higher than it would normally be? I think it is.”

Liberals were outraged over Pruitt’s nomination last year, labeling him a “climate skeptic” and criticizing his ties to the fossil fuel industry.

“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Famous environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio brought his concerns straight to President-elect Trump at Trump Tower, where he and activist Terry Tamminen reportedly prepared a presentation explaining how preserving the environment has a positive effect on the economy.

EPA Employees Have Left in Droves Since Scott Pruitt Took Over

This is a good thing because imbeciles like you will be poisoned by polluted air and water.
Putting environmental wack jobs in charge of environmental regulations is like putting PETA in charge of a whole-pig BBQ competition.

That is why Republicans want oil company executives running the EPA

So all oil company executives are automatically evil, right?

God forbid you get people who actually know the industry being regulated to help with the regulations....

Far better to have some idiot with an Environmental Policy bachelors running things....

Great, another moron who thinks we can trust corporations to do the right thing.

The EPA is cutting regulations & you just love it as you condemn the planet to more pollution./ For what? What is God;s sake is your excuse for this?

Because your corporate overlords said so? Because Trump said so?

Just how fucking stupid are you people?

And you trust government to always do the right thing... which is even stupider.

Corporations can be held accountable by a government that performs its role However the massive federal bureaucracy can do what it feels like, in opposition to policies wanted by the elected people, and you are A-OK with it because it suits your purposes.

I deal with regulations all the time in my field, and most of them are tedious exercises in paper chasing that are merely CYA exercises, or even worse, attempts at suppression of a given activity disguised as regulation.

I would trust the EPA ( Pre Orange Dork) over Corporations.

Science over corporate greed & politics any day of the week.If there is a regulation, it was likely written because one of your corporate buddies found a loophole & polluted something.

You idiots put our environment at risk.

The ones that complain about regulations are the same ones that woud pollute as soon as it was lifted. The companies that have the environment in interest WANT these regulations to keep out the cheap ass competition willing to cut corners to profit.

I know where you stand.

I read some industry journals & read how some won't want to weaken regulations & protections. Only greedy fucks & asswipes want to allow for more pollution.

I'm not surprised you have blind trust in big daddy government. It's a common symptom of progressivism.

it's funny you assume all the "evil" people end up in business, when it's far more likely they end up in government due to the level of power available.
We didn't have this problem fifty years ago.
It's come with the over-use and often indiscriminate application of chemicals.

How do you know we didn't have the problem 50 years ago? Do you imagine we didn't have fertilizer then? How do you propose to prevent fertilizer from getting into the ground water?

Because I grew up in the region. It's not as much a problem with fertilizer as it is when, how and in what quantity it's applied.
I gaurentee you that farmers were using plenty of chemical fertilizer 50 years ago and agricultural runoff was just as big a problem then as it is now - maybe even worse. You just weren't aware of it because you were some dumb punk kid who didn't know jack shit about anything.

furthermore, no one cared about it 50 years ago. We had more serious things to be concerned about.
You're a fucking moron. Agriculture is far different than it was 50 years ago.

Yeah, it probably uses less chemical fertilizers now than it did 50 years ago.

It's the exact opposite, retard.
That is why Republicans want oil company executives running the EPA

So all oil company executives are automatically evil, right?

God forbid you get people who actually know the industry being regulated to help with the regulations....

Far better to have some idiot with an Environmental Policy bachelors running things....

Great, another moron who thinks we can trust corporations to do the right thing.

The EPA is cutting regulations & you just love it as you condemn the planet to more pollution./ For what? What is God;s sake is your excuse for this?

Because your corporate overlords said so? Because Trump said so?

Just how fucking stupid are you people?

And you trust government to always do the right thing... which is even stupider.

Corporations can be held accountable by a government that performs its role However the massive federal bureaucracy can do what it feels like, in opposition to policies wanted by the elected people, and you are A-OK with it because it suits your purposes.

I deal with regulations all the time in my field, and most of them are tedious exercises in paper chasing that are merely CYA exercises, or even worse, attempts at suppression of a given activity disguised as regulation.

I would trust the EPA ( Pre Orange Dork) over Corporations.

Science over corporate greed & politics any day of the week.If there is a regulation, it was likely written because one of your corporate buddies found a loophole & polluted something.

You idiots put our environment at risk.

The ones that complain about regulations are the same ones that woud pollute as soon as it was lifted. The companies that have the environment in interest WANT these regulations to keep out the cheap ass competition willing to cut corners to profit.

I know where you stand.

I read some industry journals & read how some won't want to weaken regulations & protections. Only greedy fucks & asswipes want to allow for more pollution.

I'm not surprised you have blind trust in big daddy government. It's a common symptom of progressivism.

it's funny you assume all the "evil" people end up in business, when it's far more likely they end up in government due to the level of power available.
It is not blind,.

For example, I recognize the piss poor assshole we have as President & all the stupid ignorant people he has appointed to run the executive branch.

I see the Republicans fuck over the Middle Class & hand billions to wealthy people all on the credit card.

I saw really duped stupid people vote for an inexperienced, pretend businessman, who can't tell the truth & has no clue of the global market.

It is you that is blind.
And Leonardo DiCaprio, who took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award and then flew home the next day, is not happy. FANTASTIC!

The Environmental Protection Agency has shrunk considerably since Scott Pruitt took over as administrator. In fact, the agency is back to President Reagan-era staff levels.

Over 700 EPA personnel have either retired, quit, or taken voluntary buyouts since Pruitt took over, Think Progress found after combing through federal employment statistics. Some are quitting in “disgust.”

“There has been a drop of employees of 770 between April and December. While several hundred of those are buyouts, the rest of those are either people that are retiring or quitting in disgust,” Kyla Bennett, director of New England Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), told ThinkProgress. “Is that number higher than it would normally be? I think it is.”

Liberals were outraged over Pruitt’s nomination last year, labeling him a “climate skeptic” and criticizing his ties to the fossil fuel industry.

“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Famous environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio brought his concerns straight to President-elect Trump at Trump Tower, where he and activist Terry Tamminen reportedly prepared a presentation explaining how preserving the environment has a positive effect on the economy.

EPA Employees Have Left in Droves Since Scott Pruitt Took Over

This is a good thing because imbeciles like you will be poisoned by polluted air and water.

You sacrifice your own children, dumbass
So all oil company executives are automatically evil, right?

God forbid you get people who actually know the industry being regulated to help with the regulations....

Far better to have some idiot with an Environmental Policy bachelors running things....

Great, another moron who thinks we can trust corporations to do the right thing.

The EPA is cutting regulations & you just love it as you condemn the planet to more pollution./ For what? What is God;s sake is your excuse for this?

Because your corporate overlords said so? Because Trump said so?

Just how fucking stupid are you people?

And you trust government to always do the right thing... which is even stupider.

Corporations can be held accountable by a government that performs its role However the massive federal bureaucracy can do what it feels like, in opposition to policies wanted by the elected people, and you are A-OK with it because it suits your purposes.

I deal with regulations all the time in my field, and most of them are tedious exercises in paper chasing that are merely CYA exercises, or even worse, attempts at suppression of a given activity disguised as regulation.

I would trust the EPA ( Pre Orange Dork) over Corporations.

Science over corporate greed & politics any day of the week.If there is a regulation, it was likely written because one of your corporate buddies found a loophole & polluted something.

You idiots put our environment at risk.

The ones that complain about regulations are the same ones that woud pollute as soon as it was lifted. The companies that have the environment in interest WANT these regulations to keep out the cheap ass competition willing to cut corners to profit.

I know where you stand.

I read some industry journals & read how some won't want to weaken regulations & protections. Only greedy fucks & asswipes want to allow for more pollution.

I'm not surprised you have blind trust in big daddy government. It's a common symptom of progressivism.

it's funny you assume all the "evil" people end up in business, when it's far more likely they end up in government due to the level of power available.
It is not blind,.

For example, I recognize the piss poor assshole we have as President & all the stupid ignorant people he has appointed to run the executive branch.

I see the Republicans fuck over the Middle Class & hand billions to wealthy people all on the credit card.

I saw really duped stupid people vote for an inexperienced, pretend businessman, who can't tell the truth & has no clue of the global market.

It is you that is blind.

Standard progressive hack-tropes from the standard progressive hack.

If you ever had an original thought it would probably give you an aneurysm.
Record Ethanol Production Under Trump EPA & Admin :badgrin:
And Leonardo DiCaprio, who took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award and then flew home the next day, is not happy. FANTASTIC!

The Environmental Protection Agency has shrunk considerably since Scott Pruitt took over as administrator. In fact, the agency is back to President Reagan-era staff levels.

Over 700 EPA personnel have either retired, quit, or taken voluntary buyouts since Pruitt took over, Think Progress found after combing through federal employment statistics. Some are quitting in “disgust.”

“There has been a drop of employees of 770 between April and December. While several hundred of those are buyouts, the rest of those are either people that are retiring or quitting in disgust,” Kyla Bennett, director of New England Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), told ThinkProgress. “Is that number higher than it would normally be? I think it is.”

Liberals were outraged over Pruitt’s nomination last year, labeling him a “climate skeptic” and criticizing his ties to the fossil fuel industry.

“Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the US Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires,” Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, said of the nomination.

Famous environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio brought his concerns straight to President-elect Trump at Trump Tower, where he and activist Terry Tamminen reportedly prepared a presentation explaining how preserving the environment has a positive effect on the economy.

EPA Employees Have Left in Droves Since Scott Pruitt Took Over

This is a good thing because imbeciles like you will be poisoned by polluted air and water.

You sacrifice your own children, dumbass
Oh noes! Allz da chillins gonna die from da steam pollutions!

Shitforbrains thinks steam is bad for the environment.

Sure moron....that's "steam" that those sweethearts are pouting out to improve fuckheads like you complexion..) Please do NOT breed any more nitwits like you.
If you look closely at the photo, you'll notice that the "smoke" is all coming from cooling towers. That means it's water vapor, but you're too much of a dumbass to know things like that.
There are moany chemical processes that use cooling towers around vapors that are not water to extract that have a higher atomic weight molecules and atoms. I must say that I am looking forward to the Ohio river being on fire 24 hours a day three hundred and sixty five days a year again. There is no such thing as hazardous waste and we need no regulations for it! Oh, ya we do not use temperature and presure in chemestry either!
This EPA removed the words climate change from its web site.

Just like Trump removed 7 words from CDC documents including fact based and evidence based.

We are living under a totalitarian regime.

Define "climate change" and what causes it....

Start with explaining why one Earth polar circle has 9 times the ice of the other...
How do you know we didn't have the problem 50 years ago? Do you imagine we didn't have fertilizer then? How do you propose to prevent fertilizer from getting into the ground water?

Because I grew up in the region. It's not as much a problem with fertilizer as it is when, how and in what quantity it's applied.
I gaurentee you that farmers were using plenty of chemical fertilizer 50 years ago and agricultural runoff was just as big a problem then as it is now - maybe even worse. You just weren't aware of it because you were some dumb punk kid who didn't know jack shit about anything.

furthermore, no one cared about it 50 years ago. We had more serious things to be concerned about.
You're a fucking moron. Agriculture is far different than it was 50 years ago.

Yeah, it probably uses less chemical fertilizers now than it did 50 years ago.

It's the exact opposite, retard.
No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't.

You're just a fool who doesn't know the slightest thing about modern technology or farming.

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