Winning: EPA Swamp Being Drained

You're a fucking moron. Agriculture is far different than it was 50 years ago.

Yeah, it probably uses less chemical fertilizers now than it did 50 years ago.

It's the exact opposite, retard.
No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't.

You're just a fool who doesn't know the slightest thing about modern technology or farming.
Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to.

Except they obviously do, dope.
If they do like you say,( which is what they should do),then their crops must be doing very poorly if they're losing so much to run off.

You have the logic skills of a turnip.

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit. Apparently you believe farmers want to waste money by applying too much. You simply spout off without any actual knowledge of mordern farming proactices. You're an ignoramus and a hooligan.

No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit.

That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.
Which results in
More Energy & Lower Gasoline Prices! Ethanol / Gasoline is Below Diesel Price.
Not because we burn food. Ethanol requires more energy to produce than is obtained from it.

Wrong - Polluting Canadian Tar Sands that burns more energy than it creates in the car engine, Not USA Ethanol.

Food / DDG protein is not consumed making ethanol. Only Greenhouse Gas Methane producing Corn Starch that animals belched & farted out are now turned into Ethanol. Ethanol plants produce high protein DDG feed for livestock that produces no-longer produce Methane emissions, because it was removed from their feed & put into gas tanks.

Big Oil Pigs hate Ethanol creating competition forcing down gasoline prices. Ethanol removes Big Oils harmful MTBE from the gasoline & water supply.

Trump pledged to protect ethanol and the biofuel mandate. President Donald Trump intervened personally with the Environmental Protection Agency amid pressure from Republicans who worried the agency was poised to weaken biofuel quotas, three people familiar with the discussions said.

Trump directed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to back off any changes that would dilute a federal mandate for biofuel use, the people said. A top EPA official said Trump’s urging was unnecessary because Pruitt wasn’t planning on weakening the mandate.

Nevertheless, the agency was told by the White House to drop two changes that were under consideration: a possible reduction in biodiesel requirements and a proposal to allow exported renewable fuel to count toward domestic quotas.
Obviously you have no clue to farming and growing corn. You just read Leftist BS and parrot it.

You've proven you don't know anything. Rightwingnut swampdwellet

Exactly! - He is a paid shill for Big Oil. They want to go back to polluting this country with MTBE & Lead Poisoning! He is clueless about environment, farming, food & ethanol.
Yeah, it probably uses less chemical fertilizers now than it did 50 years ago.

It's the exact opposite, retard.
No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't.

You're just a fool who doesn't know the slightest thing about modern technology or farming.
Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to.

Except they obviously do, dope.
If they do like you say,( which is what they should do),then their crops must be doing very poorly if they're losing so much to run off.

You have the logic skills of a turnip.

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit. Apparently you believe farmers want to waste money by applying too much. You simply spout off without any actual knowledge of mordern farming proactices. You're an ignoramus and a hooligan.

No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit.

That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.

Nope. I claimed that farmers now use less fertilizer per bushel of product than they have in the past, and nothing more. You claim that can't be true because we still have agricultural runoff. In other words, computerized applicaiton of fertilizer can't be happening because it should eliminate agricultural runoff.

You're so stupid you don't even understand what you have posted.
Last edited:
Yeah, it probably uses less chemical fertilizers now than it did 50 years ago.
So, you are bloviating here & having a fit because "probably".


More fertilizer is used today than 50 years ago.
Because more crops are grown than 50 years ago, Dufus. Fertilizer and pesticides cost money. I know this is a news flash for you, but it’s true. Farmers are in the business to make money, not waste it.
A lot of those additional crops are corn grown to make ethanol.
Yep. Which require fresh water, fertilizer and pesticides.

The environmental wackos are supporting the very thing they claim to hate.
The Left never care their agenda always results in the opposite outcome they desired.
It's the exact opposite, retard.
No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't.

You're just a fool who doesn't know the slightest thing about modern technology or farming.
Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to.

Except they obviously do, dope.
If they do like you say,( which is what they should do),then their crops must be doing very poorly if they're losing so much to run off.

You have the logic skills of a turnip.

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit. Apparently you believe farmers want to waste money by applying too much. You simply spout off without any actual knowledge of mordern farming proactices. You're an ignoramus and a hooligan.

No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit.

That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.

Nope. I claimed that farmers now use less fertilizer per bushel of product than they have in the past, and nothing more. You claim that can't be true because we still have agricultural runoff. In other words, computerized applicaiton of fertilizer can't be happening because it should eliminate agricultural runoff.

You're so stupid you don't even understand what you have posted.

Sure, dope.
You didn't claim that at all in response to me stating they use too much?

Sure you did.

They can't be both using the right amount and such a large amount still be running off.

You understand that both cannot be true. Right?

Like I said, the logic skills of a turnip.
No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't.

You're just a fool who doesn't know the slightest thing about modern technology or farming.
Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to.

Except they obviously do, dope.
If they do like you say,( which is what they should do),then their crops must be doing very poorly if they're losing so much to run off.

You have the logic skills of a turnip.

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit. Apparently you believe farmers want to waste money by applying too much. You simply spout off without any actual knowledge of mordern farming proactices. You're an ignoramus and a hooligan.

No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit.

That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.

Nope. I claimed that farmers now use less fertilizer per bushel of product than they have in the past, and nothing more. You claim that can't be true because we still have agricultural runoff. In other words, computerized applicaiton of fertilizer can't be happening because it should eliminate agricultural runoff.

You're so stupid you don't even understand what you have posted.

Sure, dope.
You didn't claim that at all in response to me stating they use too much?

Sure you did.

They can't be both using the right amount and such a large amount still be running off.

You understand that both cannot be true. Right?

Like I said, the logic skills of a turnip.
Sorry, turd, but you have presented no proof that the right amount means there will be no runoff. The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff. One thing I do know is that farmers are much more judicious in their use of fertilizer than they were in the past.

What could be more ironic than you accusing me of having difficulties with logic?
Except they obviously do, dope.
If they do like you say,( which is what they should do),then their crops must be doing very poorly if they're losing so much to run off.

You have the logic skills of a turnip.

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit. Apparently you believe farmers want to waste money by applying too much. You simply spout off without any actual knowledge of mordern farming proactices. You're an ignoramus and a hooligan.

No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit.

That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.

Nope. I claimed that farmers now use less fertilizer per bushel of product than they have in the past, and nothing more. You claim that can't be true because we still have agricultural runoff. In other words, computerized applicaiton of fertilizer can't be happening because it should eliminate agricultural runoff.

You're so stupid you don't even understand what you have posted.

Sure, dope.
You didn't claim that at all in response to me stating they use too much?

Sure you did.

They can't be both using the right amount and such a large amount still be running off.

You understand that both cannot be true. Right?

Like I said, the logic skills of a turnip.
Sorry, turd, but you have presented no proof that the right amount means there will be no runoff. The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff. One thing I do know is that farmers are much more judicious in their use of fertilizer than they were in the past.

What could be more ironic than you accusing me of having difficulties with logic?

The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff.

That's the point, dope.
Poor practices allow for a run off percentage. This was nowhere near as large of a problem fifty years ago. The art of land management has been replaced by profit motive and poor practices. There is more agricultural contamination of waterways today than at any other time. So all your bullshit is meaningless.
Sure moron....that's "steam" that those sweethearts are pouting out to improve fuckheads like you complexion..) Please do NOT breed any more nitwits like you.
If you look closely at the photo, you'll notice that the "smoke" is all coming from cooling towers. That means it's water vapor, but you're too much of a dumbass to know things like that.
There are moany chemical processes that use cooling towers around vapors that are not water to extract that have a higher atomic weight molecules and atoms. I must say that I am looking forward to the Ohio river being on fire 24 hours a day three hundred and sixty five days a year again. There is no such thing as hazardous waste and we need no regulations for it! Oh, ya we do not use temperature and presure in chemestry either!

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Quiet you illiterate imbecile

You really have no clue how stupid you are. It's bizarre
More Energy & Lower Gasoline Prices! Ethanol / Gasoline is Below Diesel Price.
Not because we burn food. Ethanol requires more energy to produce than is obtained from it.

Wrong - Polluting Canadian Tar Sands that burns more energy than it creates in the car engine, Not USA Ethanol.

Food / DDG protein is not consumed making ethanol. Only Greenhouse Gas Methane producing Corn Starch that animals belched & farted out are now turned into Ethanol. Ethanol plants produce high protein DDG feed for livestock that produces no-longer produce Methane emissions, because it was removed from their feed & put into gas tanks.

Big Oil Pigs hate Ethanol creating competition forcing down gasoline prices. Ethanol removes Big Oils harmful MTBE from the gasoline & water supply.

Trump pledged to protect ethanol and the biofuel mandate. President Donald Trump intervened personally with the Environmental Protection Agency amid pressure from Republicans who worried the agency was poised to weaken biofuel quotas, three people familiar with the discussions said.

Trump directed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to back off any changes that would dilute a federal mandate for biofuel use, the people said. A top EPA official said Trump’s urging was unnecessary because Pruitt wasn’t planning on weakening the mandate.

Nevertheless, the agency was told by the White House to drop two changes that were under consideration: a possible reduction in biodiesel requirements and a proposal to allow exported renewable fuel to count toward domestic quotas.
Obviously you have no clue to farming and growing corn. You just read Leftist BS and parrot it.

You've proven you don't know anything. Rightwingnut swampdwellet

Exactly! - He is a paid shill for Big Oil. They want to go back to polluting this country with MTBE & Lead Poisoning! He is clueless about environment, farming, food & ethanol.

He isn't smart enough or informed enough to understand the issues
Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit. Apparently you believe farmers want to waste money by applying too much. You simply spout off without any actual knowledge of mordern farming proactices. You're an ignoramus and a hooligan.

No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit.

That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.

Nope. I claimed that farmers now use less fertilizer per bushel of product than they have in the past, and nothing more. You claim that can't be true because we still have agricultural runoff. In other words, computerized applicaiton of fertilizer can't be happening because it should eliminate agricultural runoff.

You're so stupid you don't even understand what you have posted.

Sure, dope.
You didn't claim that at all in response to me stating they use too much?

Sure you did.

They can't be both using the right amount and such a large amount still be running off.

You understand that both cannot be true. Right?

Like I said, the logic skills of a turnip.
Sorry, turd, but you have presented no proof that the right amount means there will be no runoff. The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff. One thing I do know is that farmers are much more judicious in their use of fertilizer than they were in the past.

What could be more ironic than you accusing me of having difficulties with logic?

The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff.

That's the point, dope.
Poor practices allow for a run off percentage. This was nowhere near as large of a problem fifty years ago. The art of land management has been replaced by profit motive and poor practices. There is more agricultural contamination of waterways today than at any other time. So all your bullshit is meaningless.

No, that isn't the point, moron. I'm saying even the best practices may be unable to prevent runoff. Your theory that every problem has an easy solution is one of the main reasons liberalism always fails.

You have yet to demonstrate that farmers are using more fertilizer per bushel of product today than they did 50 years ago. You simply assume it. Everything you have claimed in this thread is assumed, not proven. Your belief that farmers weren't interested in making a profit 50 years has to be the whopper of the day . Another is your belief that the profit motive leads to bad agricultural practices. That's pure communist ideology.

Try reading some actual economics rather then communist propaganda.
If you look closely at the photo, you'll notice that the "smoke" is all coming from cooling towers. That means it's water vapor, but you're too much of a dumbass to know things like that.
There are moany chemical processes that use cooling towers around vapors that are not water to extract that have a higher atomic weight molecules and atoms. I must say that I am looking forward to the Ohio river being on fire 24 hours a day three hundred and sixty five days a year again. There is no such thing as hazardous waste and we need no regulations for it! Oh, ya we do not use temperature and presure in chemestry either!

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Quiet you illiterate imbecile

You really have no clue how stupid you are. It's bizarre
Not because we burn food. Ethanol requires more energy to produce than is obtained from it.

Wrong - Polluting Canadian Tar Sands that burns more energy than it creates in the car engine, Not USA Ethanol.

Food / DDG protein is not consumed making ethanol. Only Greenhouse Gas Methane producing Corn Starch that animals belched & farted out are now turned into Ethanol. Ethanol plants produce high protein DDG feed for livestock that produces no-longer produce Methane emissions, because it was removed from their feed & put into gas tanks.

Big Oil Pigs hate Ethanol creating competition forcing down gasoline prices. Ethanol removes Big Oils harmful MTBE from the gasoline & water supply.

Trump pledged to protect ethanol and the biofuel mandate. President Donald Trump intervened personally with the Environmental Protection Agency amid pressure from Republicans who worried the agency was poised to weaken biofuel quotas, three people familiar with the discussions said.

Trump directed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to back off any changes that would dilute a federal mandate for biofuel use, the people said. A top EPA official said Trump’s urging was unnecessary because Pruitt wasn’t planning on weakening the mandate.

Nevertheless, the agency was told by the White House to drop two changes that were under consideration: a possible reduction in biodiesel requirements and a proposal to allow exported renewable fuel to count toward domestic quotas.
Obviously you have no clue to farming and growing corn. You just read Leftist BS and parrot it.

You've proven you don't know anything. Rightwingnut swampdwellet

Exactly! - He is a paid shill for Big Oil. They want to go back to polluting this country with MTBE & Lead Poisoning! He is clueless about environment, farming, food & ethanol.

He isn't smart enough or informed enough to understand the issues
Not because we burn food. Ethanol requires more energy to produce than is obtained from it.

Wrong - Polluting Canadian Tar Sands that burns more energy than it creates in the car engine, Not USA Ethanol.

Food / DDG protein is not consumed making ethanol. Only Greenhouse Gas Methane producing Corn Starch that animals belched & farted out are now turned into Ethanol. Ethanol plants produce high protein DDG feed for livestock that produces no-longer produce Methane emissions, because it was removed from their feed & put into gas tanks.

Big Oil Pigs hate Ethanol creating competition forcing down gasoline prices. Ethanol removes Big Oils harmful MTBE from the gasoline & water supply.

Trump pledged to protect ethanol and the biofuel mandate. President Donald Trump intervened personally with the Environmental Protection Agency amid pressure from Republicans who worried the agency was poised to weaken biofuel quotas, three people familiar with the discussions said.

Trump directed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to back off any changes that would dilute a federal mandate for biofuel use, the people said. A top EPA official said Trump’s urging was unnecessary because Pruitt wasn’t planning on weakening the mandate.

Nevertheless, the agency was told by the White House to drop two changes that were under consideration: a possible reduction in biodiesel requirements and a proposal to allow exported renewable fuel to count toward domestic quotas.
Obviously you have no clue to farming and growing corn. You just read Leftist BS and parrot it.

You've proven you don't know anything. Rightwingnut swampdwellet

Exactly! - He is a paid shill for Big Oil. They want to go back to polluting this country with MTBE & Lead Poisoning! He is clueless about environment, farming, food & ethanol.

He isn't smart enough or informed enough to understand the issues
Indeed. There’s been a dozen times at least I’ve made factual posts of current events and the dope always asks for a link because he has no idea what the hell is going on. Then tries to wash away his ignorance with his simpleminded “ fake news” retorts.
Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit. Apparently you believe farmers want to waste money by applying too much. You simply spout off without any actual knowledge of mordern farming proactices. You're an ignoramus and a hooligan.

No, it's not. Farmers don't want to use more fertiziler than they absolutely need to. Now they can use satallite imagery and computer controlled application to apply more fertizer in areas that need it and less in areas that don't

Your theory that efficient use of fertilizer would eliminate agricultural runoff is obvious bullshit.

That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.

Nope. I claimed that farmers now use less fertilizer per bushel of product than they have in the past, and nothing more. You claim that can't be true because we still have agricultural runoff. In other words, computerized applicaiton of fertilizer can't be happening because it should eliminate agricultural runoff.

You're so stupid you don't even understand what you have posted.

Sure, dope.
You didn't claim that at all in response to me stating they use too much?

Sure you did.

They can't be both using the right amount and such a large amount still be running off.

You understand that both cannot be true. Right?

Like I said, the logic skills of a turnip.
Sorry, turd, but you have presented no proof that the right amount means there will be no runoff. The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff. One thing I do know is that farmers are much more judicious in their use of fertilizer than they were in the past.

What could be more ironic than you accusing me of having difficulties with logic?

The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff.

That's the point, dope.
Poor practices allow for a run off percentage. This was nowhere near as large of a problem fifty years ago. The art of land management has been replaced by profit motive and poor practices. There is more agricultural contamination of waterways today than at any other time. So all your bullshit is meaningless.
I’m sure Trump will stop the contamination of our waterways.
He’s the environmental president. He said so himself.
Wrong - Polluting Canadian Tar Sands that burns more energy than it creates in the car engine, Not USA Ethanol.

Food / DDG protein is not consumed making ethanol. Only Greenhouse Gas Methane producing Corn Starch that animals belched & farted out are now turned into Ethanol. Ethanol plants produce high protein DDG feed for livestock that produces no-longer produce Methane emissions, because it was removed from their feed & put into gas tanks.

Big Oil Pigs hate Ethanol creating competition forcing down gasoline prices. Ethanol removes Big Oils harmful MTBE from the gasoline & water supply.

Trump pledged to protect ethanol and the biofuel mandate. President Donald Trump intervened personally with the Environmental Protection Agency amid pressure from Republicans who worried the agency was poised to weaken biofuel quotas, three people familiar with the discussions said.

Trump directed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to back off any changes that would dilute a federal mandate for biofuel use, the people said. A top EPA official said Trump’s urging was unnecessary because Pruitt wasn’t planning on weakening the mandate.

Nevertheless, the agency was told by the White House to drop two changes that were under consideration: a possible reduction in biodiesel requirements and a proposal to allow exported renewable fuel to count toward domestic quotas.
Obviously you have no clue to farming and growing corn. You just read Leftist BS and parrot it.

You've proven you don't know anything. Rightwingnut swampdwellet

Exactly! - He is a paid shill for Big Oil. They want to go back to polluting this country with MTBE & Lead Poisoning! He is clueless about environment, farming, food & ethanol.

He isn't smart enough or informed enough to understand the issues
Indeed. There’s been a dozen times at least I’ve made factual posts of current events and the dope always asks for a link because he has no idea what the hell is going on. Then tries to wash away his ignorance with his simpleminded “ fake news” retorts.

Typical trump loon
Wrong - Polluting Canadian Tar Sands that burns more energy than it creates in the car engine, Not USA Ethanol.

Food / DDG protein is not consumed making ethanol. Only Greenhouse Gas Methane producing Corn Starch that animals belched & farted out are now turned into Ethanol. Ethanol plants produce high protein DDG feed for livestock that produces no-longer produce Methane emissions, because it was removed from their feed & put into gas tanks.

Big Oil Pigs hate Ethanol creating competition forcing down gasoline prices. Ethanol removes Big Oils harmful MTBE from the gasoline & water supply.

Trump pledged to protect ethanol and the biofuel mandate. President Donald Trump intervened personally with the Environmental Protection Agency amid pressure from Republicans who worried the agency was poised to weaken biofuel quotas, three people familiar with the discussions said.

Trump directed EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to back off any changes that would dilute a federal mandate for biofuel use, the people said. A top EPA official said Trump’s urging was unnecessary because Pruitt wasn’t planning on weakening the mandate.

Nevertheless, the agency was told by the White House to drop two changes that were under consideration: a possible reduction in biodiesel requirements and a proposal to allow exported renewable fuel to count toward domestic quotas.
Obviously you have no clue to farming and growing corn. You just read Leftist BS and parrot it.

You've proven you don't know anything. Rightwingnut swampdwellet

Exactly! - He is a paid shill for Big Oil. They want to go back to polluting this country with MTBE & Lead Poisoning! He is clueless about environment, farming, food & ethanol.

He isn't smart enough or informed enough to understand the issues
Indeed. There’s been a dozen times at least I’ve made factual posts of current events and the dope always asks for a link because he has no idea what the hell is going on. Then tries to wash away his ignorance with his simpleminded “ fake news” retorts.
Like you insisting steam is a pollutant. :lmao:
That's your theory, dope.
It's what you claimed.

See above, retard.

Nope. I claimed that farmers now use less fertilizer per bushel of product than they have in the past, and nothing more. You claim that can't be true because we still have agricultural runoff. In other words, computerized applicaiton of fertilizer can't be happening because it should eliminate agricultural runoff.

You're so stupid you don't even understand what you have posted.

Sure, dope.
You didn't claim that at all in response to me stating they use too much?

Sure you did.

They can't be both using the right amount and such a large amount still be running off.

You understand that both cannot be true. Right?

Like I said, the logic skills of a turnip.
Sorry, turd, but you have presented no proof that the right amount means there will be no runoff. The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff. One thing I do know is that farmers are much more judicious in their use of fertilizer than they were in the past.

What could be more ironic than you accusing me of having difficulties with logic?

The optimum amount for profitability may require a certain amount of runoff.

That's the point, dope.
Poor practices allow for a run off percentage. This was nowhere near as large of a problem fifty years ago. The art of land management has been replaced by profit motive and poor practices. There is more agricultural contamination of waterways today than at any other time. So all your bullshit is meaningless.

No, that isn't the point, moron. I'm saying even the best practices may be unable to prevent runoff. Your theory that every problem has an easy solution is one of the main reasons liberalism always fails.

You have yet to demonstrate that farmers are using more fertilizer per bushel of product today than they did 50 years ago. You simply assume it. Everything you have claimed in this thread is assumed, not proven. Your belief that farmers weren't interested in making a profit 50 years has to be the whopper of the day . Another is your belief that the profit motive leads to bad agricultural practices. That's pure communist ideology.

Try reading some actual economics rather then communist propaganda.

I'm saying even the best practices may be unable to prevent runoff.

Again, turnip. This problem has largely come within the last fifty years and it's a worldwide problem. Obviously best practices are no longer practiced. There is no refuting where the source of the problem lies.

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