WINNING! Trump’s Energy Policies Result in Lower Prices at the Pump and Inflation Dropping to 1.6%

yes !! yes!!...yesterday I bought gas at 2.15. WooHoo !! now I can finally buy one of those 7 packs of Haines Mens Underwear !!!
The diesel tank on my truck is 48 gallons, thanks president Trump good job!
i can still remember the day when I saw gas drop to $3.17 a gallon!,,,,,,,that was the beginning of the end of high obama gas prices as it gradually went back to around $2.15ish a gallon later that year
The diesel tank on my truck is 48 gallons, thanks president Trump good job!
i can still remember the day when I saw gas drop to $3.17 a gallon!,,,,,,,that was the beginning of the end of high obama gas prices as it gradually went back to around $2.15ish a gallon later that year

Obama being a total douchebag wanted gas prices to hit $5 to $6 a gallon so that liberal energy policies would become financially viable, ignoring the impact that would have on the poor and middle class. Typical of elitist liberal assholes they don't give a shit about the masses.
Gas is below $2 a gal here in Central Florida.

Thank you President Trump!
once gas averages 2.00 a gallon,,some liberal leaders will give all the credit to Obama
Breaking: President Trump destroys the left's anti fossil fuel agenda, the liberal butthurt continues.
Gas in NJ is UP 21 cents over the same time last year.
Thank you Don THE Con.
Isn't this glorious news? America is reaping the benefits of electing a compassionate Nationalist businessman for president. What you are seeing is the results of an Pro-America first president in Trump compared to an Anti-America president we had in Obama. This news will boost American consumers confidence.

Trump’s Energy Policies Result in Lower Prices at the Pump and Inflation Dropping to 1.6%

The fact is that energy production in the US had been skyrocketing before Trump took office. Trump has done nothing. Even though Obama was not a fan of oil, he was unable to stop oil production. The fracking industry is responsible for much of this. They have figured out how to cut their costs so they can make money even with lower oil prices.
Isn't this glorious news? America is reaping the benefits of electing a compassionate Nationalist businessman for president. What you are seeing is the results of an Pro-America first president in Trump compared to an Anti-America president we had in Obama. This news will boost American consumers confidence.

Trump’s Energy Policies Result in Lower Prices at the Pump and Inflation Dropping to 1.6%

The fact is that energy production in the US had been skyrocketing before Trump took office. Trump has done nothing. Even though Obama was not a fan of oil, he was unable to stop oil production. The fracking industry is responsible for much of this. They have figured out how to cut their costs so they can make money even with lower oil prices.

President Trump's energy policies have had a significant impact on energy markets, the anti oil douchebag Obama on the other hand was like a wet blanket.
Righties are so naive. Thanks Pres Obama, your policies are still working. In a year or so we can see how Trump does but given that he seems to accomplish nothing it will be the system and not the useless man who determines the economy. And by the way gas in NJ has been cheaper than that until recently when twenty cents was added to a gallon, but it is still 2.15 here. PS if you'd like to understand policy see, Dark Money

"Big Business, in America, is almost whole devoid of anything even poetically describable as public spirit. It is frankly on the make, day in and day out, and hence for the sort of politician who gives it the best chance. In order to get that chance it is willing to make any conceivable sacrifice of common sense and the common decencies. Big Business was in favor of Prohibition, believing that a sober workman would make a better slave than the one with a few drinks in him. It was in favor of gross robberies and extortions that went on during the war, and profited by all of them. It was in favor of the crude throttling of free speech that was then undertaken in the name of patriotism, and is still in favor of it." H.L. Mencken

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