Winter is Trumping! Trump to send thousands of ICE agents into treasonous sanctuary cities.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Trump Administration to Send Thousands of ICE Agents to Target Sanctuary Cities

The Trump administration is planning on targeting so-called “sanctuary cities” for additional scrutiny by allocating more agents and resources to those cities.

Thomas Homan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, told the Washington Examiner Tuesday that border crossings have plummeted while arrests and demands for removal of undocumented criminals from localities have increased 80 percent since Trump entered office. Homan also criticized sanctuary cities, which he called “ludicrous.”

“In the America I grew up in, cities didn't shield people who violated the law," he told the Examiner. “The president recognizes that you've got to have a true interior enforcement strategy to make it uncomfortable for them.”

Sanctuary cities are localities that do not fully cooperate with federal efforts to enforce immigration laws. Often, these localities do not let ICE agents into local jails to detain undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes. Sanctuary cities include New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco and Austin, Texas...

...ICE plans on hiring 10,000 more agents, Homan told the Examiner. He said he believed sanctuary cities would create more fear in immigrant communities as ICE agents would have to track down criminal and fugitive undocumented immigrants at their homes or workplaces.

"What I want to get to is a clear understanding from everybody, from the congressmen to the politicians to law enforcement to those who enter the country illegally, that ICE is open for business. We're going to enforce the laws on the books without apology. We'll continue to prioritize what we do. But it's not OK to violate the laws of this country anymore. You're going to be held accountable," he added.

This crackdown on sanctuary cities lines up with Trump’s prioritization of immigration during his campaign....

Also, send in the National Guard to any assbackwards, liberal city/state that refuses to hand over illegal immigrants to ICE.
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Increasing ICE agents in "sanctuary" cities will help all around, because it is mostly a problem of the local LEO's having to hold an illegal immigrant for an extra 2 days while an ICE officer gets his ass over there to take him away. This may be helpful. It certainly can't hurt.
MAGA Baby!!!

These Democrats politicians in the big cities have to protect the illegals or else they would never win an election.
MAGA Baby!!!

These Democrats politicians in the big cities have to protect the illegals or else they would never win an election.
Yep... but that's going to change.

The democrat party is in REAL trouble, and they know it. That's why they're all so jacked up nowadays. They thought after 8 years of their little muslim boi king they had everything in the bag, and Hitlery was a shoe in. Well, America had other plans, and fully rejected Barry and his merry little band of radical America hating leftists and their agenda, and it's the vast majority of America and it's getting bigger every day, every day that we see the melt downs, the pussy hats, antifa, BLM rioting and burning down towns, suppression of freedom of speech, protecting illegal aliens and unvetted muslims, ruining cities, murdering our president in effigy, and the list of disgusting things the new democrat party does and supports goes on and on. Now they can't win an election, and they know that they counted on illegals and dreamers to give them the edge so, whoops, going to lose that too. Yeah the dems are in real trouble, and that's a good thing. They're a truly VILE bunch of human trash.
MAGA Baby!!!

These Democrats politicians in the big cities have to protect the illegals or else they would never win an election.
Yep... but that's going to change.

The democrat party is in REAL trouble, and they know it. That's why they're all so jacked up nowadays. They thought after 8 years of their little muslim boi king they had everything in the bag, and Hitlery was a shoe in. Well, America had other plans, and fully rejected Barry and his merry little band of radical America hating leftists and their agenda, and it's the vast majority of America and it's getting bigger every day, every day that we see the melt downs, the pussy hats, antifa, BLM rioting and burning down towns, suppression of freedom of speech, protecting illegal aliens and unvetted muslims, ruining cities, murdering out president in effigy, and the list of disgusting things the new democrat party does and supports goes on and on. Now they can't win an election, and they know that they counted on illegals and dreamers to give them the edge so, whoops, going to lose that too. Yeah the dems are in real trouble, and that's a good thing. They're a truly VILE bunch of human trash.

The core voting block of the Party of Moon Bats are the welfare queens joined by other scumbag greedy special interest groups including the Illegals. Estimates are that 3-5 million illegals voted for Crooked Hillary in 2016 in states where there are many Illegals and lax voter identification laws.

I agree with you. The Democrats are having a very hard time because they have become so extreme far Left and have alienated Heartland America. There is a reason they have lost over a 1,000 national seats in addition to losing the Congress and the Presidency in the last eight years.
Thousands of ICE agents to be deployed to so-called 'Sanctuary Cities' ?


Although I suggest the OP learn to distinguish between a 'misguided' stand on Illegal Aliens vs. 'treason', in the legal or practical or ethical sense of the word.

Gotta save the label 'treason' for the hardcore stuff - like collaborating with an adversarial foreign government.
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