Winter The Dolphin Has Passed Away :(

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I know she wasn't really a "pet" but I didn't know where else to put this. RIP Winter. I hope you're having fun swimming in the ocean in the sky where you won't have any disabilities.

Yeah I know, I love and own both Dolphin Tales and I just found this video. I nearly started crying myself.

I love the part the dolphin was rescued, given a prosthetic tail via necessary surgery after being caught by that trap, and lived safely for about 15 years.

From OP’s link: “On a cold Saturday in December 2005, a fisherman found Winter, then two months old, badly injured and struggling to breathe. Only Clearwater Marine Aquarium was willing to take her. Necrosis ate away at her tail; her survival was uncertain. But she gained weight by sucking fish smoothies out of Dasani bottles, relearned to swim and eventually moved in with an older dolphin, Panama, who became an adoptive mother to Winter before dying in 2013, at around age 40.”

Mammals should never be used for shows etc. unless it is turns out to be an instance where they absolutely need the protection to survive. I’ve read how dolphins are smart enough to hold their breath and commit suicide knowingly, now how they know this for sure is another story but I have read as such. It’s always made me sad for most sea life living in captive quarters. This story, however, shows how good can come about from saving dolphins in need as they deserve. ❤️
Mammals should never be used for shows etc. unless it is turns out to be an instance where they absolutely need the protection to survive.

I'm okay with shows as long as their tanks are big enough, they receive love and care from their trainers, and they were born in captivity and not taken out of the wild. Winter's story was turned into two movies though. I just sure hope that Hope is doing alright though as so far I haven't heard anything about her condition.

I only made it about 6 seconds watching the tribute without tears. That song was too perfect and manipulated me! So sweet so many loved her and grew up with her.

I've been trying SO hard not to cry all day. I didn't know her, but it feels like I did after hearing her amazing story. She may have lost her tail, but she certainly won my heart. Imagine what those poor people at the aquarium must be going through if we're fighting tears. They're probably emotional wrecks. I can tell that they loved her a LOT!! (And still do.)
Apparently she died in a caregiver's arms. Okay,.. I'm about to start bawling now. :icon_cry:

I've been trying SO hard not to cry all day. I didn't know her, but it feels like I did after hearing her amazing story. She may have lost her tail, but she certainly won my heart. Imagine what those poor people at the aquarium must be going through if we're fighting tears. They're probably emotional wrecks. I can tell that they loved her a LOT!! (And still do.)
Yes, I read that part about the staff were in corners crying. I can imagine I’d be a wreck for weeks same as if I’d lost my own pet. The unconditional love from animals, particularly mammals, have a positive impact on many people. I can’t imagine a life without animals as they are so endearing. Even small things like petting a dog routinely gives a person a lower resting heartbeat and reduces blood pressure. So not only do social animals give humans love but help to improve our physical health. Pretty awesome givers! I “give back” locally with rescue place always needing help due to numbers of strays and abandoned pets. I need to do more.
Oh yeah and I bet that in her own way, Winter loved her caregivers back. I believe that they will be reunited again someday though. After all, there's a special place in Heaven for people who love and care for animals the way that they loved and cared for her. :)
Also, I'm going to say this as well. People that say that pets are just animals and not family,.. never felt the love or loss of one before. Prayers, virtual hugs, and condolences to all of the people down at this aquarium who are mourning and grieving. :icon_cry:
As a teen, I had the opportunity to work part-time at the Miami Seaquarium as a diver and goffer. (Who, not what you know)

As part of my "goffer" jobs was cleaning the inside glass of the portholes around the base of the main tank where they staged the dolphin show. We got to know each other, they were amused by what I was doing, you could tell them apart and they had different personalities.

They had great fun "stealing" one of my sponges and swimming off around the tank. Being so young, 17, you just take such experiences as "normal". Carolina Snowball was a white dolphin we had captured and a special tank was built for her. Sometimes after work, the park was pretty empty and I'd go over to her tank. I would slap the side of the tank and she'd come flying over. There were always some toys, beachballs, in her tank and we'd play catch and play. Life as grand!
As a teen, I had the opportunity to work part-time at the Miami Seaquarium as a diver and goffer. (Who, not what you know)

As part of my "goffer" jobs was cleaning the inside glass of the portholes around the base of the main tank where they staged the dolphin show. We got to know each other, they were amused by what I was doing, you could tell them apart and they had different personalities.

They had great fun "stealing" one of my sponges and swimming off around the tank. Being so young, 17, you just take such experiences as "normal". Carolina Snowball was a white dolphin we had captured and a special tank was built for her. Sometimes after work, the park was pretty empty and I'd go over to her tank. I would slap the side of the tank and she'd come flying over. There were always some toys, beachballs, in her tank and we'd play catch and play. Life as grand!
Did the park capture her following an injury or while she was fully active playing in an ocean? Sorry, I’m not a member of PETA but sympathize with mammals living in captivity so had to ask. I have a feeling your answer is going to be they just captured her because it was easy.

I am not trying to make this a Debbie downer instance or taking away the wonderful memories you had growing up working at that job. It’s strictly about my love for animals in the wild. It sounds like you had a great experience and the animals were very engaged as they need to be constantly when enclosed. Large enclosures are still limiting. A pod of wild dolphins can travel up to 100 kilometers a day in the open ocean.
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Did the park capture her following an injury or while she was fully active playing in an ocean? Sorry, I’m not a member of PETA

Thank God and yeah,.. I hope they didn't capture her free and healthy in the wild either. That's the same thing to me as saying you're never allowed to leave your house again.
Thank God and yeah,.. I hope they didn't capture her free and healthy in the wild either. That's the same thing to me as saying you're never allowed to leave your house again.
Yes! I think that’s a good analogy! I believe you mentioned it already as well about if they’re born in captivity that’s another story, but being taken from the wild in my mind is just hard to support unless the animal is injured and capturing it saves their life- like it did with that wonderful story about Winter:)
Yes! I think that’s a good analogy! I believe you mentioned it already as well about if they’re born in captivity that’s another story, but being taken from the wild in my mind is just hard to support unless the animal is injured and capturing it saves their life- like it did with that wonderful story about Winter:)

Yeah, and I totally recommend seeing both of those two movies that I posted the trailers for. Not only did they save Winter from losing her life earlier, but they saved a young dolphin orphaned from her mother as well named Hope that they discuss in the sequel. I sure hope she's doing alright because dolphins are sociable creatures and she was Winter's tankmate. I hope they can find her another one. Poor thing. :(
Did the park capture her following an injury or while she was fully active playing in an ocean? Sorry, I’m not a member of PETA but sympathize with mammals living in captivity so had to ask. I have a feeling your answer is going to be they just captured her because it was easy.

I am not trying to make this a Debbie downer instance or taking away the wonderful memories you had growing up working at that job. It’s strictly about my love for animals in the wild. It sounds like you had a great experience and the animals were very engaged as they need to be constantly when enclosed. Large enclosures are still limiting. A pod of wild dolphins can travel up to 100 kilometers a day in the open ocean.
Of course, I could be wrong but my guess is that I know a lot more about dolphins and their behavior than you.

Carolina Snowball was an extremely rare albino dolphin. There was a public outcry about Capt. Gray working to capture the rare dolphin. South Carolina passed a law against capturing the animal in their territorial waters.

She was captured in international waters along with her infant son.

Snowball was suffering from severe sunburn and, as it turned out, numerous other internal aliements. Undoubtedly due to her being a freak of nature, a "sport". ("Sport" An organism, cell, virus, or gene resulting from genetic mutation.)

She only lived three years, far less than dolphins usually held in captivity. Much was learned from her and many folks, including myself, felt like they had lost a member of the family. Her son lived at the Seaquarium for eleven years. Both had received superior health care. The University of Miami's marine biology department shared the campus with the Seaquarium. The son too suffered maladies unusual or unheard of in a dolphin.

All that I know of today are raised in captivity.

You might want to take out your frustration on Asian countries catch sharks, slice off the prized dorsal fin, for soup, and throw the live fish overboard to starve to death.

I mean none of this personally, but to anyone who might listen. A blank sheet of paper still has two sides. I hope you enjoyed this Fall weekend!
I have no doubt you know a lot more about dolphins than I do. I never implied otherwise, but because this is a message board I understand defensive posturing. Just an observation;) or… maybe you just wanted to set the record straight to avoid any confusion of who knows what? Lol No worries either way.

So, there is a lot more to a dolphin living his or her best life beyond access to good medical care. I am of course referencing healthy dolphins, not the rare breed you referenced and not injured dolphins caught in traps who have little chance to survive without human intervention.

Saving an albino dolphin is a very good thing. Capturing dolphins out in the wild to keep contained the rest of their days is quite another. Maybe it all boils down to this and I have a good hunch we see things a little differently. Whatever supports life is good. I support life in all measures.

I’m going to add that the years added to the life of a dolphin during captivity doesn’t mean that if given a choice to swim free the dolphins would choose to remain captive. There are amazing rescues set up to teach kids about various sea life, and if they released these mammals they would as you know not survive. There are so many ways to enjoy dolphins that have nothing to do with viewing or interacting with one in captivity. That’s why I anticipate that the dolphin shows will lose out to these better options on the ocean. You take a fun boat ride and see various pods of dolphins soon playing in the wake. The boats I’ve been on do not allow customers to feed the dolphins and that’s a good thing. Swimming with dolphins- nothing better than out in their own environment.

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