Wire Taps In Turmp Tower? Pelosi: 'We Don't Do That.' Clapper: 'I Can Deny it.'

about a campaign member. and as a campaign member he had no communication with any russian.

Get the quote straight. Franken asked about "anybody affiliated with the Trump campaign"

Anybody affiliated.
yep and whether the campaign members were in discussion with russians for the campaign. right?
They also said they didn't speak with the Russian ambassador, and you believed that proven lie. And as they say, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
who made those statements?

Both Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions. One made the statement to Pence, and presumed also to the FBI. The other made it in both written and oral testimony under oath to congress.
post the quotes bubba.
You have to have some kind of special stupid disease to think a tyrant like Big Ears, would not spy on Trump.
Please use the brain God gave you!

There was no political need to spy on Trump by Obama, EVERYONE THOUGHT Trump was going to lose...THAT IS what every single one of you said, ''no on on the left believed Hillary would lose....''

If there was a FISA WARRANT on the Russians for interfering in our election, requested by the FBI in their Russian investigation, and the DOJ was able to present the case to the FISA COURT Judge that the warrant was needed, legal and constitutional, and Conversations between the Trump campaign team were captured due to them being with Russian operatives we were wire tapping...

.then so be it....if non consequential to the case they are encrypted and kept for a few years then dumped, if part of the FBI'S Investigation and case of espionage against the Russians, then they would keep them.

all seems logical to me.

If this is all about a wire tap to a single computer that was communication with two Russian Banks, then that also seems logical to me after reading that Slate article on it oct 31st of last year.

NEITHER of those situations makes it Obama ordering a wiretap of phones in trump tower. the president does not order things like that nor involve himself in the day to day investigations and warrant requests of the DOJ.

Trump should be charged with slander by Obama for trump accusing Obama personally and calling Obama a felon.

Trump can put that where the sun don't shine.
Absolute clear cut overwhelming proof is required for a D pol wrong doing.

Conversely, no proof is required of an R's wrong doing. Mere DNC media allegations is all that is necessary.

The new law in America.
Both Obama and Clapper are despicable liars. They conducted massive surveillance of American Citizens for years. Clapper lied to Congress. Yet he somehow got away with it. So why should believe Obama and Clapper when they claim they didn't conduct surveillance on Trump's Campaign?

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