Wisconsin AFL-CIO Leader Busted in Prostitution Sting

Gee whiz. The poor guy tries to organize a few ladies and the roof falls in on him.
Leaders, right and center and left, take our money and then pull things like this. Remember when Vitter was doing his thing with the pony gals? Just ain't right.
if this was a republican the dems would be piranhas in the water. just right now its a dem so its okay dokey.
Nice to see the Sex Police are out in force.
Funny how libtards will defend these idiots on the left and blast ann for dating someones else while mitt is gone and they were not even married. The left's double standard is really old.
Maybe some knees need to be broken...

Joe, can't you be objective about anything? If someone in Walkers administration was arrested for the same thing, you wouldn't be taking this so calmly, now would you?

Actually, I've made my position on this subject pretty clear.

I think prostitution should be legalized and regulated.

I don't think there is anything morally wrong with it.

It's utterly ridiculous to make accepting money for something a crime when it's perfectly legal to do it for free.

I might comment on the hypocrisy of family values types who get caught with hookers, as soooo many of them do.

Incidently, I have even said a few kind words in defense of walker. I thought recalling him was an abuse of that provision of the law, and I have no problem with the fact he had to bring spending under control in that state. (I have property in Wisconsin, and the property taxes are outrageous! Five times what they are for my Condo in Chicago.)
So, you are one of the rich that the left hates? Or just another lefty hypocrite?
If paying hookers to have sex with him was not a bad thing, then why did the guy "express extreme sorrow"? Why did he say he has "extreme personal baggage"?

He clearly knows he did wrong, unlike those coming to his defense here.

If it turns out he is married, would that make a difference to his apologists? Did it even occur to them to wonder if he is married, or are they so debased in their morals it never crossed their minds?

Let us all pray that if he is married he did not infect his wife with AIDS from a hooker.
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Maybe some knees need to be broken...

Joe, can't you be objective about anything? If someone in Walkers administration was arrested for the same thing, you wouldn't be taking this so calmly, now would you?

Actually, I've made my position on this subject pretty clear.

I think prostitution should be legalized and regulated.

I don't think there is anything morally wrong with it.

It's utterly ridiculous to make accepting money for something a crime when it's perfectly legal to do it for free.

I might comment on the hypocrisy of family values types who get caught with hookers, as soooo many of them do.

Incidently, I have even said a few kind words in defense of walker. I thought recalling him was an abuse of that provision of the law, and I have no problem with the fact he had to bring spending under control in that state. (I have property in Wisconsin, and the property taxes are outrageous! Five times what they are for my Condo in Chicago.)
So people who don't speak out against a certain behavior are free to engage in it?
A Union leader actually putting people to work... Imagine that.

Is there evidence that he actually made them work? He could have just been paying the prostitutes to lie around all evening.
If paying hookers to have sex with him was not a bad thing, then why did the guy "express extreme sorrow"? Why did he say he has "extreme personal baggage"?

He clearly knows he did wrong, unlike those coming to his defense here.

If it turns out he is married, would that make a difference to his apologists? Did it even occur to them to wonder if he is married, or are they so debased in their morals it never crossed their minds?

Let us all pray that if he is married he did not infect his wife with AIDS from a hooker.

The question is why shouldnt he express extreme sorrow? What about paying a person for sex is not shameful?
If paying hookers to have sex with him was not a bad thing, then why did the guy "express extreme sorrow"? Why did he say he has "extreme personal baggage"?

He clearly knows he did wrong, unlike those coming to his defense here.

If it turns out he is married, would that make a difference to his apologists? Did it even occur to them to wonder if he is married, or are they so debased in their morals it never crossed their minds?

Let us all pray that if he is married he did not infect his wife with AIDS from a hooker.
Married with two sons, member of the Sons of the American Legion. Upper Iowa University 1994 - B.S. Marketing. Labor Market Analyst at the La Crosse Job Center. Workers Memorial Day event Facilitator.
What kind of screwed up person breaks his wife's heart that way? What kind of man sets such a poor example for his sons?

Is it really that difficult for men to treat women with respect and honor? I mean I seriously can't be the only one in this world who thinks that.
You cannot force spiritual things. Such words as compel, coerce, constrain, pressure, demand, do not describe our privileges with the Spirit. You can no more force the Spirit to respond than you can force a bean to sprout, or an egg to hatch before its time. You can create a climate to foster growth, nourish, and protect; but you cannot force or compel: you must await the growth. - Boyd K Packer

Packer has been one of the most corrosive personalities in American religion, but his days are short.

A Mormon Spring is coming for many of my LDS friends.
If paying hookers to have sex with him was not a bad thing, then why did the guy "express extreme sorrow"? Why did he say he has "extreme personal baggage"?

He clearly knows he did wrong, unlike those coming to his defense here.

If it turns out he is married, would that make a difference to his apologists? Did it even occur to them to wonder if he is married, or are they so debased in their morals it never crossed their minds?

Let us all pray that if he is married he did not infect his wife with AIDS from a hooker.

Probably because he felt he did something wrong. Maybe he's married. Who knows and I still don't care.

If he is married, it's between him and his wife.
I thought this was funny from the link: Bill Brockmiller sought to “express extreme sorrow” in admitting to being busted in a prostitution sting in western Wisconsin. Brockmiller, president of the Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO, said he’s been dealing with “extreme personal baggage.
Isn't it funny how people always express sorrow after they get caught.

Interesting, and the "extreme personal" fill in the blank and he "extreme sorrow". At least he is using the right buzz words.
If paying hookers to have sex with him was not a bad thing, then why did the guy "express extreme sorrow"? Why did he say he has "extreme personal baggage"?

He clearly knows he did wrong, unlike those coming to his defense here.

If it turns out he is married, would that make a difference to his apologists? Did it even occur to them to wonder if he is married, or are they so debased in their morals it never crossed their minds?

Let us all pray that if he is married he did not infect his wife with AIDS from a hooker.

The question is why shouldnt he express extreme sorrow? What about paying a person for sex is not shameful?

There appear to be people in this topic who think it is not a shameful thing. I am pointing out the union boss is saying it is.


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