Wisconsin Governor says 7.25$ is livable wage,strips workers wage protections away


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

Odious post from an odious poster.
The 1% take it all and the little people get fucked. Scott is a heartless piece of shit.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

No one owes you a "living wage". If you have skill or talent worth paying for, great. If not, pound sand.

You can better yourself, or you can make $7.25 per hour. Your choice.
If you don't want to be stuck at 7.25 then get an education, apply yourself and you will be rewarded. The world don't owe you a damn thing
Oh and the law before this jackass in a suit destroyed it protected wages this piece of shit wants to "help" the people of Wisconsin by taking away ANY protection they had to a decent wage. Guy is a walking cluster fuck if he becomes president.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

Well if you want to believe Putin, then go right ahead..
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

The Union thugs have the demagoguery machine in overdrive....
The unions need the minimum wage increase so they can get their wage increases automatically.

That is why there is a big push for this. Because of the unions start striking during an economic down turn, it hurts them more than helps them..
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

When Walker becomes President, you can hop a fucking inner tube to Fidel
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Why should every wage be considered a viable wage?
Sign of a civilized society is why. Course that means Republicans would have to be civilized and sane as well....
There is nothing civil about it. It is pure greed on the part of those who do not want to advance themselves through any means other than confiscation.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

But he's white, so.....you're okay with it.

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