Wisconsin Governor says 7.25$ is livable wage,strips workers wage protections away

No matter how you spin it, Walker never said $7.25 is a living wage.
Just read the link- nowhere did Walker say that $7.25 is a "living wage".
Oh but he did...here along with some other wonderful quotes

The workers heard back from the state earlier this week: "The Department has determined that there is no reasonable cause to believe that the wages paid to the complainants are not a living wage," the Department of Workforce Development said in a letter obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Branch was outraged. "That's a bunch of bull," she told The Huffington Post. "How can you live on $7.25 when I'm making $11 an hour and I can't?"

The Department of Workforce Development told The Huffington Post it had no comment beyond its initial statement.

That DEPARTMENT works for WALKER since WALKER is the HEAD of the Wisconsin Government. Oh and Walker likes to lie and say Raising the wage would kill jobs...guess I missed all them jobs in Seattle and San Francisco that were lost due to raising the wage. On top of that fact I missed ALL those depressions we have had when the wage WAS raised. aka scott walker is a heartless piece of dog shit lying bastard.

This Is Scott Walker s Idea Of A Living Wage
McCain, Romney, and Goldwater ran to the right?

Really Goldwater wasn't far right? Elimination of SS,substantial cuts in social programs,suggested the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam if necessary. So yep right wing extremely and its only gotten worse since then.
Heartless is leaving a dying baby to die on a table when the baby just survived an abortion attempt.
Republicans care then but they do not care if that baby survives,that's obvious with their intention of cutting social services,not raising wages for the child's parents,etc etc.

How much money does one need to supply the basics, such as shelter, food and clothing?
Considerably more than $7. an hour. Sorry for you if you think that's a lot of money.

No shit. But Walker never said it was a living wage.

Most people aren't extremely educated, so they will be working for a corporation that will pay pennies if they can. That is the problem.

Bullshit. The battle for quality people in business is fierce. Get good at your job and people will line up to steal you away. I employ a lot of men who have only High School educations or less. I start EVERYONE out at $10.00 an hour - If they are reliable and work hard, they move to $12.50 an hour after 30 days. . After 1 year they make over $25.00 an hour. After 2-3 years they are at $36.00 . My top guy makes over $50.00 an hour. He has a GED and a felony record......He earns every cent!

Stop buying into the idea that corporation are evil and people are all helpless victims.
When did acquiring the education and skills necessary to go into the workforce and get a job that pays the so called living become the responsibilty of someone other than the individual?
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker
I would like to make a deal with republicans. We will let the free market decide what minimum wage should be. But age 67 everyone who paid in to social security be given a social security check that is livable and Medicare that’s affordable

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