Wisconsin Governor says 7.25$ is livable wage,strips workers wage protections away

The reason you are getting all of this whining and crying is............he and Cruz are the biggest threats to democratic power in the Whitehouse.

CONSIDER: The man has gotten elected, had a recall and won election, then won election again in a democratic state! Why? Because even democrats seen it was working, lol.

I can't list everything the man has done, but if he wins republicans, independents, and a boat load of working democrats at the voting booth, are you telling me this guy is awful, lolol?

Just a note: the more you watch the libs, you begin to understand they care not for the future of their children, their grandchildren, or America. All they care about is today, and what will the government give me by taking it away from someone else.

And so I ask the wonderful, insightful liberals this: consider Wisconsin or any rural state and explain...................are you telling all of the people on this board, that in a rural state a decent living might be 17 to 20 bucks an hr because the cost of living is lower, and yet these people have to pay the salarys of public unions to the tune of 70, 80, 90,000 bucks a year; allow them to retire after 20 or 25 years, and pay billions for their pensions and healthcare costs forever?

Go ahead democrats, explain all of that to us!!!!! Sticking the lower income people with the largesse of the unionized, public sector. That is EXACTLY why Scott Walker got re-elected, and guess what.....he used the largesse of Illinois to prove his point which is right next door. He would say, "do you want the problems of Illinois?" Look up Illinois and see how they are doing, hehehehehehehe. But if you don't look up that disaster because you are to lazy like most libs, consider reality..........Illinois elected a conservative, republican, businessman to see if he could save them like Scott Walker did Wisconsin.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

Well if you want to believe Putin, then go right ahead..
Wisconsin governor signs bill stripping income protections - - Yahoo Search Results pick your poison
Who are the 1%? Name them.

George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck.... Every one in the top 1% of wealth holders in America.
You forgot Koch brothers in there...real sneaky of you.Ya know the ones PAYING FOR Walkers Run.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

When Walker becomes President, you can hop a fucking inner tube to Fidel
LOL him becoming president.
Why should every wage be considered a viable wage?
Sign of a civilized society is why. Course that means Republicans would have to be civilized and sane as well....
There is nothing civil about it. It is pure greed on the part of those who do not want to advance themselves through any means other than confiscation.

Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

But he's white, so.....you're okay with it.
what are you talking to?
Scott is running Far Far Right, I hope it bites him in the ass.
There is no far far right...but to put your mind at ease....everyone who runs to the right usually wins.......sleep well...
Yep worked well for McCain,Romney,Goldwater,etc....
The reason you are getting all of this whining and crying is............he and Cruz are the biggest threats to democratic power in the Whitehouse.

CONSIDER: The man has gotten elected, had a recall and won election, then won election again in a democratic state! Why? Because even democrats seen it was working, lol.

I can't list everything the man has done, but if he wins republicans, independents, and a boat load of working democrats at the voting booth, are you telling me this guy is awful, lolol?

Just a note: the more you watch the libs, you begin to understand they care not for the future of their children, their grandchildren, or America. All they care about is today, and what will the government give me by taking it away from someone else.

And so I ask the wonderful, insightful liberals this: consider Wisconsin or any rural state and explain...................are you telling all of the people on this board, that in a rural state a decent living might be 17 to 20 bucks an hr because the cost of living is lower, and yet these people have to pay the salarys of public unions to the tune of 70, 80, 90,000 bucks a year; allow them to retire after 20 or 25 years, and pay billions for their pensions and healthcare costs forever?

Go ahead democrats, explain all of that to us!!!!! Sticking the lower income people with the largesse of the unionized, public sector. That is EXACTLY why Scott Walker got re-elected, and guess what.....he used the largesse of Illinois to prove his point which is right next door. He would say, "do you want the problems of Illinois?" Look up Illinois and see how they are doing, hehehehehehehe. But if you don't look up that disaster because you are to lazy like most libs, consider reality..........Illinois elected a conservative, republican, businessman to see if he could save them like Scott Walker did Wisconsin.
As the comedy duo routine yep!
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

Well if you want to believe Putin, then go right ahead..
Wisconsin governor signs bill stripping income protections - - Yahoo Search Results pick your poison
Who are the 1%? Name them.

George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck.... Every one in the top 1% of wealth holders in America.
You forgot Koch brothers in there...real sneaky of you.Ya know the ones PAYING FOR Walkers Run.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

When Walker becomes President, you can hop a fucking inner tube to Fidel
LOL him becoming president.
Why should every wage be considered a viable wage?
Sign of a civilized society is why. Course that means Republicans would have to be civilized and sane as well....
There is nothing civil about it. It is pure greed on the part of those who do not want to advance themselves through any means other than confiscation.

Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

But he's white, so.....you're okay with it.
what are you talking to?
Scott is running Far Far Right, I hope it bites him in the ass.
There is no far far right...but to put your mind at ease....everyone who runs to the right usually wins.......sleep well...
Yep worked well for McCain,Romney,Goldwater,etc....
The reason you are getting all of this whining and crying is............he and Cruz are the biggest threats to democratic power in the Whitehouse.

CONSIDER: The man has gotten elected, had a recall and won election, then won election again in a democratic state! Why? Because even democrats seen it was working, lol.

I can't list everything the man has done, but if he wins republicans, independents, and a boat load of working democrats at the voting booth, are you telling me this guy is awful, lolol?

Just a note: the more you watch the libs, you begin to understand they care not for the future of their children, their grandchildren, or America. All they care about is today, and what will the government give me by taking it away from someone else.

And so I ask the wonderful, insightful liberals this: consider Wisconsin or any rural state and explain...................are you telling all of the people on this board, that in a rural state a decent living might be 17 to 20 bucks an hr because the cost of living is lower, and yet these people have to pay the salarys of public unions to the tune of 70, 80, 90,000 bucks a year; allow them to retire after 20 or 25 years, and pay billions for their pensions and healthcare costs forever?

Go ahead democrats, explain all of that to us!!!!! Sticking the lower income people with the largesse of the unionized, public sector. That is EXACTLY why Scott Walker got re-elected, and guess what.....he used the largesse of Illinois to prove his point which is right next door. He would say, "do you want the problems of Illinois?" Look up Illinois and see how they are doing, hehehehehehehe. But if you don't look up that disaster because you are to lazy like most libs, consider reality..........Illinois elected a conservative, republican, businessman to see if he could save them like Scott Walker did Wisconsin.
As the comedy duo routine yep!
McCain, Romney, and Goldwater ran to the right?

Let the libs laugh, really. If they knew how their fearless leaders were starting to sweat over the pol numbers and what they say, they would probably have to have a roll of toilet paper handy as they type their nonsense!
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker
Manage your life, Gertrude...you'll be fine.
Just read the link- nowhere did Walker say that $7.25 is a "living wage".
Oh but he did...here along with some other wonderful quotes

The workers heard back from the state earlier this week: "The Department has determined that there is no reasonable cause to believe that the wages paid to the complainants are not a living wage," the Department of Workforce Development said in a letter obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Branch was outraged. "That's a bunch of bull," she told The Huffington Post. "How can you live on $7.25 when I'm making $11 an hour and I can't?"

The Department of Workforce Development told The Huffington Post it had no comment beyond its initial statement.

That DEPARTMENT works for WALKER since WALKER is the HEAD of the Wisconsin Government. Oh and Walker likes to lie and say Raising the wage would kill jobs...guess I missed all them jobs in Seattle and San Francisco that were lost due to raising the wage. On top of that fact I missed ALL those depressions we have had when the wage WAS raised. aka scott walker is a heartless piece of dog shit lying bastard.

This Is Scott Walker s Idea Of A Living Wage
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

Well if you want to believe Putin, then go right ahead..
Wisconsin governor signs bill stripping income protections - - Yahoo Search Results pick your poison
Who are the 1%? Name them.

George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck.... Every one in the top 1% of wealth holders in America.
You forgot Koch brothers in there...real sneaky of you.Ya know the ones PAYING FOR Walkers Run.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

When Walker becomes President, you can hop a fucking inner tube to Fidel
LOL him becoming president.
Why should every wage be considered a viable wage?
Sign of a civilized society is why. Course that means Republicans would have to be civilized and sane as well....
There is nothing civil about it. It is pure greed on the part of those who do not want to advance themselves through any means other than confiscation.
Its greed and confiscation for taking someone's labor and not giving them a wage they can live off of.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

But he's white, so.....you're okay with it.
what are you talking to?
Scott is running Far Far Right, I hope it bites him in the ass.
There is no far far right...but to put your mind at ease....everyone who runs to the right usually wins.......sleep well...
Yep worked well for McCain,Romney,Goldwater,etc....
The reason you are getting all of this whining and crying is............he and Cruz are the biggest threats to democratic power in the Whitehouse.

CONSIDER: The man has gotten elected, had a recall and won election, then won election again in a democratic state! Why? Because even democrats seen it was working, lol.

I can't list everything the man has done, but if he wins republicans, independents, and a boat load of working democrats at the voting booth, are you telling me this guy is awful, lolol?

Just a note: the more you watch the libs, you begin to understand they care not for the future of their children, their grandchildren, or America. All they care about is today, and what will the government give me by taking it away from someone else.

And so I ask the wonderful, insightful liberals this: consider Wisconsin or any rural state and explain...................are you telling all of the people on this board, that in a rural state a decent living might be 17 to 20 bucks an hr because the cost of living is lower, and yet these people have to pay the salarys of public unions to the tune of 70, 80, 90,000 bucks a year; allow them to retire after 20 or 25 years, and pay billions for their pensions and healthcare costs forever?

Go ahead democrats, explain all of that to us!!!!! Sticking the lower income people with the largesse of the unionized, public sector. That is EXACTLY why Scott Walker got re-elected, and guess what.....he used the largesse of Illinois to prove his point which is right next door. He would say, "do you want the problems of Illinois?" Look up Illinois and see how they are doing, hehehehehehehe. But if you don't look up that disaster because you are to lazy like most libs, consider reality..........Illinois elected a conservative, republican, businessman to see if he could save them like Scott Walker did Wisconsin.
As the comedy duo routine yep!
McCain, Romney, and Goldwater ran to the right?

Really Goldwater wasn't far right? Elimination of SS,substantial cuts in social programs,suggested the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam if necessary. So yep right wing extremely and its only gotten worse since then.
The 1% take it all and the little people get fucked. Scott is a heartless piece of shit.

Heartless is leaving a dying baby to die on a table when the baby just survived an abortion attempt.
Republicans care then but they do not care if that baby survives,that's obvious with their intention of cutting social services,not raising wages for the child's parents,etc etc.
Just read the link- nowhere did Walker say that $7.25 is a "living wage".
Oh but he did...here along with some other wonderful quotes

The workers heard back from the state earlier this week: "The Department has determined that there is no reasonable cause to believe that the wages paid to the complainants are not a living wage," the Department of Workforce Development said in a letter obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Branch was outraged. "That's a bunch of bull," she told The Huffington Post. "How can you live on $7.25 when I'm making $11 an hour and I can't?"

The Department of Workforce Development told The Huffington Post it had no comment beyond its initial statement.

That DEPARTMENT works for WALKER since WALKER is the HEAD of the Wisconsin Government. Oh and Walker likes to lie and say Raising the wage would kill jobs...guess I missed all them jobs in Seattle and San Francisco that were lost due to raising the wage. On top of that fact I missed ALL those depressions we have had when the wage WAS raised. aka scott walker is a heartless piece of dog shit lying bastard.

This Is Scott Walker s Idea Of A Living Wage
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

Well if you want to believe Putin, then go right ahead..
Wisconsin governor signs bill stripping income protections - - Yahoo Search Results pick your poison
Who are the 1%? Name them.

George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck.... Every one in the top 1% of wealth holders in America.
You forgot Koch brothers in there...real sneaky of you.Ya know the ones PAYING FOR Walkers Run.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

When Walker becomes President, you can hop a fucking inner tube to Fidel
LOL him becoming president.
Why should every wage be considered a viable wage?
Sign of a civilized society is why. Course that means Republicans would have to be civilized and sane as well....
There is nothing civil about it. It is pure greed on the part of those who do not want to advance themselves through any means other than confiscation.
Its greed and confiscation for taking someone's labor and not giving them a wage they can live off of.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

But he's white, so.....you're okay with it.
what are you talking to?
Scott is running Far Far Right, I hope it bites him in the ass.
There is no far far right...but to put your mind at ease....everyone who runs to the right usually wins.......sleep well...
Yep worked well for McCain,Romney,Goldwater,etc....
The reason you are getting all of this whining and crying is............he and Cruz are the biggest threats to democratic power in the Whitehouse.

CONSIDER: The man has gotten elected, had a recall and won election, then won election again in a democratic state! Why? Because even democrats seen it was working, lol.

I can't list everything the man has done, but if he wins republicans, independents, and a boat load of working democrats at the voting booth, are you telling me this guy is awful, lolol?

Just a note: the more you watch the libs, you begin to understand they care not for the future of their children, their grandchildren, or America. All they care about is today, and what will the government give me by taking it away from someone else.

And so I ask the wonderful, insightful liberals this: consider Wisconsin or any rural state and explain...................are you telling all of the people on this board, that in a rural state a decent living might be 17 to 20 bucks an hr because the cost of living is lower, and yet these people have to pay the salarys of public unions to the tune of 70, 80, 90,000 bucks a year; allow them to retire after 20 or 25 years, and pay billions for their pensions and healthcare costs forever?

Go ahead democrats, explain all of that to us!!!!! Sticking the lower income people with the largesse of the unionized, public sector. That is EXACTLY why Scott Walker got re-elected, and guess what.....he used the largesse of Illinois to prove his point which is right next door. He would say, "do you want the problems of Illinois?" Look up Illinois and see how they are doing, hehehehehehehe. But if you don't look up that disaster because you are to lazy like most libs, consider reality..........Illinois elected a conservative, republican, businessman to see if he could save them like Scott Walker did Wisconsin.
As the comedy duo routine yep!
McCain, Romney, and Goldwater ran to the right?

Really Goldwater wasn't far right? Elimination of SS,substantial cuts in social programs,suggested the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam if necessary. So yep right wing extremely and its only gotten worse since then.
The 1% take it all and the little people get fucked. Scott is a heartless piece of shit.

Heartless is leaving a dying baby to die on a table when the baby just survived an abortion attempt.
Republicans care then but they do not care if that baby survives,that's obvious with their intention of cutting social services,not raising wages for the child's parents,etc etc.

How much money does one need to supply the basics, such as shelter, food and clothing?
Just read the link- nowhere did Walker say that $7.25 is a "living wage".
Oh but he did...here along with some other wonderful quotes

The workers heard back from the state earlier this week: "The Department has determined that there is no reasonable cause to believe that the wages paid to the complainants are not a living wage," the Department of Workforce Development said in a letter obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Branch was outraged. "That's a bunch of bull," she told The Huffington Post. "How can you live on $7.25 when I'm making $11 an hour and I can't?"

The Department of Workforce Development told The Huffington Post it had no comment beyond its initial statement.

That DEPARTMENT works for WALKER since WALKER is the HEAD of the Wisconsin Government. Oh and Walker likes to lie and say Raising the wage would kill jobs...guess I missed all them jobs in Seattle and San Francisco that were lost due to raising the wage. On top of that fact I missed ALL those depressions we have had when the wage WAS raised. aka scott walker is a heartless piece of dog shit lying bastard.

This Is Scott Walker s Idea Of A Living Wage
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

Well if you want to believe Putin, then go right ahead..
Wisconsin governor signs bill stripping income protections - - Yahoo Search Results pick your poison
Who are the 1%? Name them.

George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck.... Every one in the top 1% of wealth holders in America.
You forgot Koch brothers in there...real sneaky of you.Ya know the ones PAYING FOR Walkers Run.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

When Walker becomes President, you can hop a fucking inner tube to Fidel
LOL him becoming president.
Sign of a civilized society is why. Course that means Republicans would have to be civilized and sane as well....
There is nothing civil about it. It is pure greed on the part of those who do not want to advance themselves through any means other than confiscation.
Its greed and confiscation for taking someone's labor and not giving them a wage they can live off of.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker

But he's white, so.....you're okay with it.
what are you talking to?
Scott is running Far Far Right, I hope it bites him in the ass.
There is no far far right...but to put your mind at ease....everyone who runs to the right usually wins.......sleep well...
Yep worked well for McCain,Romney,Goldwater,etc....
The reason you are getting all of this whining and crying is............he and Cruz are the biggest threats to democratic power in the Whitehouse.

CONSIDER: The man has gotten elected, had a recall and won election, then won election again in a democratic state! Why? Because even democrats seen it was working, lol.

I can't list everything the man has done, but if he wins republicans, independents, and a boat load of working democrats at the voting booth, are you telling me this guy is awful, lolol?

Just a note: the more you watch the libs, you begin to understand they care not for the future of their children, their grandchildren, or America. All they care about is today, and what will the government give me by taking it away from someone else.

And so I ask the wonderful, insightful liberals this: consider Wisconsin or any rural state and explain...................are you telling all of the people on this board, that in a rural state a decent living might be 17 to 20 bucks an hr because the cost of living is lower, and yet these people have to pay the salarys of public unions to the tune of 70, 80, 90,000 bucks a year; allow them to retire after 20 or 25 years, and pay billions for their pensions and healthcare costs forever?

Go ahead democrats, explain all of that to us!!!!! Sticking the lower income people with the largesse of the unionized, public sector. That is EXACTLY why Scott Walker got re-elected, and guess what.....he used the largesse of Illinois to prove his point which is right next door. He would say, "do you want the problems of Illinois?" Look up Illinois and see how they are doing, hehehehehehehe. But if you don't look up that disaster because you are to lazy like most libs, consider reality..........Illinois elected a conservative, republican, businessman to see if he could save them like Scott Walker did Wisconsin.
As the comedy duo routine yep!
McCain, Romney, and Goldwater ran to the right?

Really Goldwater wasn't far right? Elimination of SS,substantial cuts in social programs,suggested the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam if necessary. So yep right wing extremely and its only gotten worse since then.
The 1% take it all and the little people get fucked. Scott is a heartless piece of shit.

Heartless is leaving a dying baby to die on a table when the baby just survived an abortion attempt.
Republicans care then but they do not care if that baby survives,that's obvious with their intention of cutting social services,not raising wages for the child's parents,etc etc.

How much money does one need to supply the basics, such as shelter, food and clothing?
Considerably more than $7. an hour. Sorry for you if you think that's a lot of money.
The 1% take it all and the little people get fucked. Scott is a heartless piece of shit.

Heartless is leaving a dying baby to die on a table when the baby just survived an abortion attempt.

I don't think that is right either, but that baby needs food, diapers and clothes to wear...The parents both working won't be able to afford it in your world.
Wisconsin governor strips workers wage protections RT USA

PLEASE make this asshole your candidate for 2016 GOP....PLEASE! I never thought I would see another landslide like we saw with Reagan/Mondale or Goldwater/Johnson but this would be it! He would still get the millions of Americans most affected by this voting for him because for some reason they either don't understand or enjoy being the ones punished by the GOP but still thing a democrat is going to steal their guns....just sad....Sanders beats Walker and Trump. 53% Sanders,30% Trump,17% Walker
Manage your life, Gertrude...you'll be fine.

Most people aren't as lucky as you...The super rich 1% takes all profit off the backs of the little guy and gives him very little. Not like you give a damn.

Our middle class is being destroyed by the bastards.
No matter how you spin it, Walker never said $7.25 is a living wage.
Just read the link- nowhere did Walker say that $7.25 is a "living wage".
Oh but he did...here along with some other wonderful quotes

The workers heard back from the state earlier this week: "The Department has determined that there is no reasonable cause to believe that the wages paid to the complainants are not a living wage," the Department of Workforce Development said in a letter obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Branch was outraged. "That's a bunch of bull," she told The Huffington Post. "How can you live on $7.25 when I'm making $11 an hour and I can't?"

The Department of Workforce Development told The Huffington Post it had no comment beyond its initial statement.

That DEPARTMENT works for WALKER since WALKER is the HEAD of the Wisconsin Government. Oh and Walker likes to lie and say Raising the wage would kill jobs...guess I missed all them jobs in Seattle and San Francisco that were lost due to raising the wage. On top of that fact I missed ALL those depressions we have had when the wage WAS raised. aka scott walker is a heartless piece of dog shit lying bastard.

This Is Scott Walker s Idea Of A Living Wage
Well if you want to believe Putin, then go right ahead..
Wisconsin governor signs bill stripping income protections - - Yahoo Search Results pick your poison
George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck.... Every one in the top 1% of wealth holders in America.
You forgot Koch brothers in there...real sneaky of you.Ya know the ones PAYING FOR Walkers Run.
When Walker becomes President, you can hop a fucking inner tube to Fidel
LOL him becoming president.
There is nothing civil about it. It is pure greed on the part of those who do not want to advance themselves through any means other than confiscation.
Its greed and confiscation for taking someone's labor and not giving them a wage they can live off of.
But he's white, so.....you're okay with it.
what are you talking to?
There is no far far right...but to put your mind at ease....everyone who runs to the right usually wins.......sleep well...
Yep worked well for McCain,Romney,Goldwater,etc....
The reason you are getting all of this whining and crying is............he and Cruz are the biggest threats to democratic power in the Whitehouse.

CONSIDER: The man has gotten elected, had a recall and won election, then won election again in a democratic state! Why? Because even democrats seen it was working, lol.

I can't list everything the man has done, but if he wins republicans, independents, and a boat load of working democrats at the voting booth, are you telling me this guy is awful, lolol?

Just a note: the more you watch the libs, you begin to understand they care not for the future of their children, their grandchildren, or America. All they care about is today, and what will the government give me by taking it away from someone else.

And so I ask the wonderful, insightful liberals this: consider Wisconsin or any rural state and explain...................are you telling all of the people on this board, that in a rural state a decent living might be 17 to 20 bucks an hr because the cost of living is lower, and yet these people have to pay the salarys of public unions to the tune of 70, 80, 90,000 bucks a year; allow them to retire after 20 or 25 years, and pay billions for their pensions and healthcare costs forever?

Go ahead democrats, explain all of that to us!!!!! Sticking the lower income people with the largesse of the unionized, public sector. That is EXACTLY why Scott Walker got re-elected, and guess what.....he used the largesse of Illinois to prove his point which is right next door. He would say, "do you want the problems of Illinois?" Look up Illinois and see how they are doing, hehehehehehehe. But if you don't look up that disaster because you are to lazy like most libs, consider reality..........Illinois elected a conservative, republican, businessman to see if he could save them like Scott Walker did Wisconsin.
As the comedy duo routine yep!
McCain, Romney, and Goldwater ran to the right?

Really Goldwater wasn't far right? Elimination of SS,substantial cuts in social programs,suggested the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam if necessary. So yep right wing extremely and its only gotten worse since then.
The 1% take it all and the little people get fucked. Scott is a heartless piece of shit.

Heartless is leaving a dying baby to die on a table when the baby just survived an abortion attempt.
Republicans care then but they do not care if that baby survives,that's obvious with their intention of cutting social services,not raising wages for the child's parents,etc etc.

How much money does one need to supply the basics, such as shelter, food and clothing?
Considerably more than $7. an hour. Sorry for you if you think that's a lot of money.

No shit. But Walker never said it was a living wage.
No matter how you spin it, Walker never said $7.25 is a living wage.
Just read the link- nowhere did Walker say that $7.25 is a "living wage".
Oh but he did...here along with some other wonderful quotes

The workers heard back from the state earlier this week: "The Department has determined that there is no reasonable cause to believe that the wages paid to the complainants are not a living wage," the Department of Workforce Development said in a letter obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Branch was outraged. "That's a bunch of bull," she told The Huffington Post. "How can you live on $7.25 when I'm making $11 an hour and I can't?"

The Department of Workforce Development told The Huffington Post it had no comment beyond its initial statement.

That DEPARTMENT works for WALKER since WALKER is the HEAD of the Wisconsin Government. Oh and Walker likes to lie and say Raising the wage would kill jobs...guess I missed all them jobs in Seattle and San Francisco that were lost due to raising the wage. On top of that fact I missed ALL those depressions we have had when the wage WAS raised. aka scott walker is a heartless piece of dog shit lying bastard.

This Is Scott Walker s Idea Of A Living Wage
Wisconsin governor signs bill stripping income protections - - Yahoo Search Results pick your poison
You forgot Koch brothers in there...real sneaky of you.Ya know the ones PAYING FOR Walkers Run.
LOL him becoming president.
Its greed and confiscation for taking someone's labor and not giving them a wage they can live off of.
what are you talking to?
Yep worked well for McCain,Romney,Goldwater,etc....
As the comedy duo routine yep!
McCain, Romney, and Goldwater ran to the right?

Really Goldwater wasn't far right? Elimination of SS,substantial cuts in social programs,suggested the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam if necessary. So yep right wing extremely and its only gotten worse since then.
The 1% take it all and the little people get fucked. Scott is a heartless piece of shit.

Heartless is leaving a dying baby to die on a table when the baby just survived an abortion attempt.
Republicans care then but they do not care if that baby survives,that's obvious with their intention of cutting social services,not raising wages for the child's parents,etc etc.

How much money does one need to supply the basics, such as shelter, food and clothing?
Considerably more than $7. an hour. Sorry for you if you think that's a lot of money.

No shit. But Walker never said it was a living wage.

Most people aren't extremely educated, so they will be working for a corporation that will pay pennies if they can. That is the problem.

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