Wisconsin State Senate Republicans Took Hundreds Of Thousands In Government Farm Subs


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Wisconsin State Senate Republicans Took Hundreds Of Thousands In Government Farm Subsidies

“Members of both parties ... preach fiscal austerity all the time, but then when it comes to farm subsides going to farmers in their districts, they think the spigot should remain wide open,” said Don Carr, a spokesman and policy adviser for the Environmental Working Group, which tracks and critiques federal farm subsidies.

As Carr acknowledged, there is more than a little irony in the use of government largess by the same senators now demanding that public workers tighten their belts.

Farm subsidies have long been criticized by conservatives and progressives alike as a clear waste of taxpayer money, but supporters of federal farm policy and less partial observers caution that for small farms, taxpayer help is key to survival. In the case of the Wisconsin state legislators, the farms in question seem to be primarily family operations.

These Repug state senators get great pensions and benefits but want to take away from teachers less generous pensions and that wasn't enough, they're also getting farm subsidies, who's really overpaid with too much benefits now, the teachers or Repug state senators.
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