Wisconsin Tea Party Candidate Compares Public Schools To Nazi Regime

All knew Obama was the most liberal Democrat in the Senate. Independents were more than willing to elect a lib to get away from the bushies. You delude yourself, pinylancer.


When the man on the stage said "please oh please DON'Tdo the purple double domes" you were in the bathroom weren't you? Now to what the American people knew. If one only gets ABC, CBS, NBC you do not get journalism you get talking heads reading off teleprompters much like Herr Barack. I found out anything and everything I needed to know about Obama on the net. They couldn't scrub every site quick enough. Once I found out about his connection to Bernie and Billy that flagged me big time. But I'm a political junkie. Most people were just content to have "Hope and Change" and have now just woken up to the fact that what they got was Milli Vanilli.

whinycancer, you are a political fool. The electorate knew Obama was a liberal, and the electorate knew that the bushies and all those associated with them had to go.

When did most of the American public ever find out that Frank Marshall Davis, his mentor, was a pedophile and a card carrying communist?

When did most of the American public ever find out that Bernadine (both Obama's and Michelles buddy) was thrilled that the Manson clan stuck a fork in Tates belly when she was 9 months pregnant?

When did most of the American public find out that Obama only voted present on a bill that would keep hospitals in Illinois from leaving the infants from botched abortions in laundry rooms?

When were there screaming headlines saying that Obama first ran as a socialist in Illinois politics?

Bullshit that it was out there that the O was a raving socialist and America wanted him.

Man, the posts you type require a front end loader for the BS you spill.
Churchill was the head of a coalition government from 1940 to 1945. He was voted out of office by the socialists in the general election in 1945. He was elected as PM in 1951, six years after the socialists had created the system. Churchill had to deal with it.

Check again, Monkey Boi, Churchill was indeed PM at the end of the war. (Which was 1945)
Jake, you have all the education and intellect of a stop sign. Churchill was the prime minister at the end of WWII.

You should be aware of Jakes response in advance. Allow this demonstration.[/url]

Sigh. Neither of you have a high school education, do you? Winston Churchill Biography (Prime Minister of Great Britain/World War II Figure) — Infoplease.com

Churchill was the head of a coalition government from 1940 to 1945. He was voted out of office by the socialists in the general election in 1945. He was elected as PM in 1951, six years after the socialists had created the system. Churchill had to deal with it.

Let me further illustrate your position.

She's a nutcase. She didnt pay her taxes until she was ordered to by a court. Sorry but is that the best they can do is run a nutcase like this? Then she knocked medicare, then she said she didnt support cutting it. If she can run, and have a chance, its time for a third major party. She couldnt run a sunday school picnic.
If a Tea Partier is comparing someone or something to the Nazis,

that wouldn't necessarily mean he's doing so disparagingly, would it?
If a Tea Partier is comparing someone or something to the Nazis,

that wouldn't necessarily mean he's doing so disparagingly, would it?

I've never met a Tea Partier who was an anti-Semite or disparaged Israel.

HOWEVER, most fascist democrats are anti-Semites. It's chic to hate the Jews and cry about injustice to the Palestinians in fascist circles.
Churchill was the head of a coalition government from 1940 to 1945. He was voted out of office by the socialists in the general election in 1945. He was elected as PM in 1951, six years after the socialists had created the system. Churchill had to deal with it.

Check again, Monkey Boi, Churchill was indeed PM at the end of the war. (Which was 1945)

Which means noting, empty head. What does mean something is that his coalition government was kicked out by the socialists. If you conflate him with the socialists, you are wrong, and you look stupid to those who will out your stupidity. Get it now?
If a Tea Partier is comparing someone or something to the Nazis,

that wouldn't necessarily mean he's doing so disparagingly, would it?

I would call it fair play, given the comments of dem leaders and others.

Smearing the Tea Party - Jeff Jacoby - Townhall Conservative

The tea partiers who are willing to destroy the country, via default, if they can't get their way, are terrorists,

by definition.

That became a very weak reason right after passage as the sec of treasury said well a hit in the credit rating wont be so bad. We take in 200 billion a month. So the treasury debt would be paid.
Truth is the truth. Can you deny my claim?

Your statement is moronic.

Those who spontaneously gathered to oppose the encroaching authoritarianism and tax burden by the left have nothing to do with "supporting the super wealthy."

You spew leftist idiocy.

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