Wish My Tax Rate Was -9% like GE.

ALL large corporations support ALL parties small brain. Welcome to politics and the direct OP.

A corporation can't pay -9 % Tax Rate by donating to just one Politician. They donate to every party, (every, not just the republicans and democrats)

Watching someone paint it as a Democrat issue is comedic when the major owner/CEO is Republican.

Him serving under Obama would suggest otherwise.
Clearly you don't know what Citizens United even is.

Yes I do, but show me where they are on that list I posted.

OpenSecrets is one of the best websites for true information, I'll give you that..........and wo
Corporations and Citizens United are a shadow dance today. 1 person can donate through a Corporation and no one knows who the political party is that donated. What is not a shadow dance is YOU CAN NOT FORCE SOMEONE TO DONATE TO A PARTY. No Corporation can force an employee to donate to a party. So let's end this dance of a rich dirt bag donating for profit under the cover of a Corporation. Citizens United DIRECTLY attacks our Constitution. We have the right to know when 1 rich idiot buys a pathway to profits.

Actually no it does not, but I am sure many of the far left posters here would agree with you.

Also Actblue would be in big trouble as well, since the are #1 on the list and Citizens United did not even make it on the list.

You stating you have no idea why Citizens United didn't make it on that list is Ironically epic. I doubt that list would be possible without Citizens United..............................RESEARCH IS HARD.........RIGHT? LMGTFY

Well I guess they can not be as open as CBS and make a TV series based on a certain female as Secretary of State, just did not use real names.

But then again you can not provide proof of claims about Citizens United and can not show where they are on the list with biggest donors.

I haven't been for a reason. Citizens United isn't a donor...ahem Let me google that for you

You stating, "Citizens United isn't one of the top donors" even after I asked you to look it up is depressing. Sad day for America, but at least you debated me. Most won't.
You are not in a debate, dummy.

Then why were Forums created? So people that are too timid in REAL life to vent their frustrations can come and call everyone "bad names"? We are here to debate politics. If you are just here to post about politics or just hate a parties politics, you will learn nothing and you are wasting your time...
ALL large corporations support ALL parties small brain. Welcome to politics and the direct OP.

A corporation can't pay -9 % Tax Rate by donating to just one Politician. They donate to every party, (every, not just the republicans and democrats)

Watching someone paint it as a Democrat issue is comedic when the major owner/CEO is Republican.

Him serving under Obama would suggest otherwise.
Clearly you don't know what Citizens United even is.

Yes I do, but show me where they are on that list I posted.

OpenSecrets is one of the best websites for true information, I'll give you that..........and wo
Corporations and Citizens United are a shadow dance today. 1 person can donate through a Corporation and no one knows who the political party is that donated. What is not a shadow dance is YOU CAN NOT FORCE SOMEONE TO DONATE TO A PARTY. No Corporation can force an employee to donate to a party. So let's end this dance of a rich dirt bag donating for profit under the cover of a Corporation. Citizens United DIRECTLY attacks our Constitution. We have the right to know when 1 rich idiot buys a pathway to profits.

Actually no it does not, but I am sure many of the far left posters here would agree with you.

Also Actblue would be in big trouble as well, since the are #1 on the list and Citizens United did not even make it on the list.

You stating you have no idea why Citizens United didn't make it on that list is Ironically epic. I doubt that list would be possible without Citizens United..............................RESEARCH IS HARD.........RIGHT? LMGTFY

Well I guess they can not be as open as CBS and make a TV series based on a certain female as Secretary of State, just did not use real names.

But then again you can not provide proof of claims about Citizens United and can not show where they are on the list with biggest donors.

I haven't been for a reason. Citizens United isn't a donor...ahem Let me google that for you

Citizens United is known for its support of conservatives and money in politics.

So where are they on that list?

Also citizens united gets barred for running something about Hilary and CBS makes a whole series about her. If you are truly ant-party then you should see the hypocrisy in this.

Hint: Which is why I brought it up...

Also to bring you up speed:

Justice Kennedy's majority opinion[29] found that the BCRA §203 prohibition of all independent expenditures by corporations and unions violated the First Amendment's protection of free speech. The majority wrote, "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."[30]
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Also might want to change the title of thread if you want to rant about Citizens United instead of GE.

The funny thing is to watch the far left go bananas over this as it would have affected their party more than anyone.

Don't try to get smart this late in the post kid. You thought Citizens United was a Corporation and wondered where it was on the top Corporate donors. You had no idea until your recent research what it was at all.

But this is what I do. I corner small brains into researching things for themselves. Some call it baiting, but baiting is sometimes necessary to force bias brains to learn.

Watching you learn that Citizens United is not a corporation but a law was a very long slow process.......It should not take this long to learn things.
2. Boeing
From 2008 to 2013, while Boeing made over $26.4 billion in U.S. profits, it received a total tax refund of $401 million from the IRS. Boeing’s effective U.S. corporate income tax rate over this six-year period was -2 percent.
Boeing is one of the top recipients of corporate welfare in the United States and has outsourced tens of thousands of decent paying jobs to China and other low-wage countries.
Boeing even has its own taxpayer-funded bank known as the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Boeing has received so much corporate welfare from this bank that it has been dubbed “the Bank of Boeing.”
Boeing CEO W. James McNerney, Jr. made $23.3 million in total compensation last year. Mr. McNerney, as a member of the Business Roundtable, wants to raise the eligibility age for Medicare and Social Security to 70 and make significant cuts to Social Security.

Let me guess............this one is all Obama's fault also........

At some point the small brains here will realize these Corporations buy all parties, not just 1 or 2. Corporations are necessary. But so is American intelligence when they get greedy like the great depression and now. If you use the word "Crony Capitalism" please understand what it means. Stop being a tool for a party and think with your own brain.
Him serving under Obama would suggest otherwise.
Yes I do, but show me where they are on that list I posted.

OpenSecrets is one of the best websites for true information, I'll give you that..........and wo
Actually no it does not, but I am sure many of the far left posters here would agree with you.

Also Actblue would be in big trouble as well, since the are #1 on the list and Citizens United did not even make it on the list.

You stating you have no idea why Citizens United didn't make it on that list is Ironically epic. I doubt that list would be possible without Citizens United..............................RESEARCH IS HARD.........RIGHT? LMGTFY

Well I guess they can not be as open as CBS and make a TV series based on a certain female as Secretary of State, just did not use real names.

But then again you can not provide proof of claims about Citizens United and can not show where they are on the list with biggest donors.

I haven't been for a reason. Citizens United isn't a donor...ahem Let me google that for you

You stating, "Citizens United isn't one of the top donors" even after I asked you to look it up is depressing. Sad day for America, but at least you debated me. Most won't.
You are not in a debate, dummy.

Then why were Forums created? So people that are too timid in REAL life to vent their frustrations can come and call everyone "bad names"? We are here to debate politics. If you are just here to post about politics or just hate a parties politics, you will learn nothing and you are wasting your time...
No kidding, you want to debate if this a debate, now you have turned this into a Monte Python bit.
#1) G.E.’s effective U.S. corporate income tax rate over this six year period was -9 percent. WHAT IS YOUR TAX RATE?
From 2008 to 2013, while GE made over $33.9 billion in United States profits, it received a total tax refund of more than $2.9 billion from the Internal Revenue Service.

More READING here..........I fully recognize some on the forum can not read past a pretty or bias title. This one is for the readers and thinkers.

America s Top 10 Corporate Tax Avoiders - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

RE: General Electric the fact in your link are incorrect, and in fact GE's tax returns are not even made public, so no one would know.

Warren GE Pays No Taxes

The company says they paid taxes and got NO refunds.
Yep, if all corporations would support democrats they will get tax breaks.

It's a nice way to further divide the country.

GE makes billions supporting Democrat policies.

democrats are the crony capitalists

That took 2 seconds to disprove;
Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
CEO affiliation, Republican Party.

Note; I would guess that some of the CEO's of that top 10 list are ran by democrats. I'm not a party person, I'm a fact person and party is off topic here.

Watching the first person to bring party into this OP fail horribly is epic.
A fact person? I stated GE, not the CEO, to very different things, I did not say GE was a democratic company, I stated it supported and makes b lions off of Democrat policies.

AntiParty claims no party yet vehemently defends the democrats, so much so, AntiParty fails to comprehend and in "2 seconds", erroneously responds to something AntiParty imagined.

"That took 2 seconds to disprove", more like it took AntiParty two seconds to prove himself an idiot.

Then I'm sure you can show some links or facts on our original OP. The adults are talking kiddo. HUSH.
Yep, if all corporations would support democrats they will get tax breaks.

It's a nice way to further divide the country.

GE makes billions supporting Democrat policies.

democrats are the crony capitalists

That took 2 seconds to disprove;
Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
CEO affiliation, Republican Party.

Note; I would guess that some of the CEO's of that top 10 list are ran by democrats. I'm not a party person, I'm a fact person and party is off topic here.

Watching the first person to bring party into this OP fail horribly is epic.
A fact person? I stated GE, not the CEO, to very different things, I did not say GE was a democratic company, I stated it supported and makes b lions off of Democrat policies.

AntiParty claims no party yet vehemently defends the democrats, so much so, AntiParty fails to comprehend and in "2 seconds", erroneously responds to something AntiParty imagined.

"That took 2 seconds to disprove", more like it took AntiParty two seconds to prove himself an idiot.

Then I'm sure you can show some links or facts on our original OP. The adults are talking kiddo. HUSH.

GE is getting rich supporting the Democrats, I am not sorry that you do not want that discussed.

As far as the OP goes, it's a bit piss poor, no need to provide a link to prove that.

ALL large corporations support ALL parties small brain. Welcome to politics and the direct OP.

A corporation can't pay -9 % Tax Rate by donating to just one Politician. They donate to every party, (every, not just the republicans and democrats)

Watching someone paint it as a Democrat issue is comedic when the major owner/CEO is Republican.
Hey, SMALL BRAIN, yea you antiparty, when you began a reply to me, calling me, "small brain", you established your thread as not being a debate.

AntiParty you are an ignorant fool in your own OP, you can not flame people engaging your OP, then cry and whine that we are.not debating when we are critical of your posts.

AntiParty is here to debate, seriously, but begins flaming people he/she disagrees with.

Small Brain? You attempt to state I am not debating when you begin your "debate", begins by flaming me?

AntiParty, the fool is an ignorant hypocrite
OpenSecrets is one of the best websites for true information, I'll give you that..........and wo
You stating you have no idea why Citizens United didn't make it on that list is Ironically epic. I doubt that list would be possible without Citizens United..............................RESEARCH IS HARD.........RIGHT? LMGTFY

Well I guess they can not be as open as CBS and make a TV series based on a certain female as Secretary of State, just did not use real names.

But then again you can not provide proof of claims about Citizens United and can not show where they are on the list with biggest donors.

I haven't been for a reason. Citizens United isn't a donor...ahem Let me google that for you

You stating, "Citizens United isn't one of the top donors" even after I asked you to look it up is depressing. Sad day for America, but at least you debated me. Most won't.
You are not in a debate, dummy.

Then why were Forums created? So people that are too timid in REAL life to vent their frustrations can come and call everyone "bad names"? We are here to debate politics. If you are just here to post about politics or just hate a parties politics, you will learn nothing and you are wasting your time...
No kidding, you want to debate if this a debate, now you have turned this into a Monte Python bit.

That's not proper English at all.
That took 2 seconds to disprove;
Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
CEO affiliation, Republican Party.

Note; I would guess that some of the CEO's of that top 10 list are ran by democrats. I'm not a party person, I'm a fact person and party is off topic here.

Watching the first person to bring party into this OP fail horribly is epic.
A fact person? I stated GE, not the CEO, to very different things, I did not say GE was a democratic company, I stated it supported and makes b lions off of Democrat policies.

AntiParty claims no party yet vehemently defends the democrats, so much so, AntiParty fails to comprehend and in "2 seconds", erroneously responds to something AntiParty imagined.

"That took 2 seconds to disprove", more like it took AntiParty two seconds to prove himself an idiot.

Then I'm sure you can show some links or facts on our original OP. The adults are talking kiddo. HUSH.
That took 2 seconds to disprove;
Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
CEO affiliation, Republican Party.

Note; I would guess that some of the CEO's of that top 10 list are ran by democrats. I'm not a party person, I'm a fact person and party is off topic here.

Watching the first person to bring party into this OP fail horribly is epic.
A fact person? I stated GE, not the CEO, to very different things, I did not say GE was a democratic company, I stated it supported and makes b lions off of Democrat policies.

AntiParty claims no party yet vehemently defends the democrats, so much so, AntiParty fails to comprehend and in "2 seconds", erroneously responds to something AntiParty imagined.

"That took 2 seconds to disprove", more like it took AntiParty two seconds to prove himself an idiot.

Then I'm sure you can show some links or facts on our original OP. The adults are talking kiddo. HUSH.

GE is getting rich supporting the Democrats, I am not sorry that you do not want that discussed.

As far as the OP goes, it's a bit piss poor, no need to provide a link to prove that.

ALL large corporations support ALL parties small brain. Welcome to politics and the direct OP.

A corporation can't pay -9 % Tax Rate by donating to just one Politician. They donate to every party, (every, not just the republicans and democrats)

Watching someone paint it as a Democrat issue is comedic when the major owner/CEO is Republican.
Hey, SMALL BRAIN, yea you antiparty, when you began a reply to me, calling me, "small brain", you established your thread as not being a debate.

AntiParty you are an ignorant fool in your own OP, you can not flame people engaging your OP, then cry and whine that we are.not debating when we are critical of your posts.

AntiParty is here to debate, seriously, but begins flaming people he/she disagrees with.

Small Brain? You attempt to state I am not debating when you begin your "debate", begins by flaming me?

AntiParty, the fool is an ignorant hypocrite
#1) G.E.’s effective U.S. corporate income tax rate over this six year period was -9 percent. WHAT IS YOUR TAX RATE?
From 2008 to 2013, while GE made over $33.9 billion in United States profits, it received a total tax refund of more than $2.9 billion from the Internal Revenue Service.

More READING here..........I fully recognize some on the forum can not read past a pretty or bias title. This one is for the readers and thinkers.

America s Top 10 Corporate Tax Avoiders - Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

RE: General Electric the fact in your link are incorrect, and in fact GE's tax returns are not even made public, so no one would know.

Warren GE Pays No Taxes

The company says they paid taxes and got NO refunds.
^Finally a "partial" debate.

Do more research.

"GE said Nuh-Uh" sounds very USM'ish. The facts were exposed. It's not just GE.

I can't believe GE would say they got no refund.........LOL........
Well I guess they can not be as open as CBS and make a TV series based on a certain female as Secretary of State, just did not use real names.

But then again you can not provide proof of claims about Citizens United and can not show where they are on the list with biggest donors.

I haven't been for a reason. Citizens United isn't a donor...ahem Let me google that for you

You stating, "Citizens United isn't one of the top donors" even after I asked you to look it up is depressing. Sad day for America, but at least you debated me. Most won't.
You are not in a debate, dummy.

Then why were Forums created? So people that are too timid in REAL life to vent their frustrations can come and call everyone "bad names"? We are here to debate politics. If you are just here to post about politics or just hate a parties politics, you will learn nothing and you are wasting your time...
No kidding, you want to debate if this a debate, now you have turned this into a Monte Python bit.

That's not proper English at all.
You are still an ass for acting as if you were abiding by some sort of rules of debate when you replied to me personally with an insult.

You are here to debate, after you flame, sorry but that is the action of a idiot.

If I get bored I will point out the rest of your stupidity, but you are not here to debate, as you proved, you simply here as a thug, who will dictate and demean, as you continue to do.

next time you accuse someone of not debating you should at least read your own posts, fool.
3. Verizon
From 2008 to 2013, while Verizon made over $42.4 billion in U.S. profits, it received a total tax refund of $732 million from the IRS.
Verizon’s effective U.S. corporate income tax rate over this six-year period was -2 percent.
In 2012, Verizon stashed $1.8 billion in offshore tax havens to avoid paying U.S. income taxes. Verizon would owe an estimated $630 million in federal income taxes if its use of offshore tax avoidance was eliminated.
In 2013, Lowell McAdam, the CEO of Verizon made $15.8 million in total compensation. He wants to raise the eligibility age for Medicare and Social Security to 70, and make significant cuts to Social Security as a member of the Business Roundtable.

PS.............I have no doubt Verizon said, "Nuh uh"
I haven't been for a reason. Citizens United isn't a donor...ahem Let me google that for you

You stating, "Citizens United isn't one of the top donors" even after I asked you to look it up is depressing. Sad day for America, but at least you debated me. Most won't.
You are not in a debate, dummy.

Then why were Forums created? So people that are too timid in REAL life to vent their frustrations can come and call everyone "bad names"? We are here to debate politics. If you are just here to post about politics or just hate a parties politics, you will learn nothing and you are wasting your time...
No kidding, you want to debate if this a debate, now you have turned this into a Monte Python bit.

That's not proper English at all.
You are still an ass for acting as if you were abiding by some sort of rules of debate when you replied to me personally with an insult.

You are here to debate, after you flame, sorry but that is the action of a idiot.

If I get bored I will point out the rest of your stupidity, but you are not here to debate, as you proved, you simply here as a thug, who will dictate and demean, as you continue to do.

next time you accuse someone of not debating you should at least read your own posts, fool.

Then feel free to debate me kiddo.
You are not in a debate, dummy.

Then why were Forums created? So people that are too timid in REAL life to vent their frustrations can come and call everyone "bad names"? We are here to debate politics. If you are just here to post about politics or just hate a parties politics, you will learn nothing and you are wasting your time...
No kidding, you want to debate if this a debate, now you have turned this into a Monte Python bit.

That's not proper English at all.
You are still an ass for acting as if you were abiding by some sort of rules of debate when you replied to me personally with an insult.

You are here to debate, after you flame, sorry but that is the action of a idiot.

If I get bored I will point out the rest of your stupidity, but you are not here to debate, as you proved, you simply here as a thug, who will dictate and demean, as you continue to do.

next time you accuse someone of not debating you should at least read your own posts, fool.

Then feel free to debate me kiddo.
More insults that is how you debate?

How come you need an article to fabricate your lie, why not just show the tax return?

Let's see if "small brain" can answer, go ahead kiddie.
Then why were Forums created? So people that are too timid in REAL life to vent their frustrations can come and call everyone "bad names"? We are here to debate politics. If you are just here to post about politics or just hate a parties politics, you will learn nothing and you are wasting your time...
No kidding, you want to debate if this a debate, now you have turned this into a Monte Python bit.

That's not proper English at all.
You are still an ass for acting as if you were abiding by some sort of rules of debate when you replied to me personally with an insult.

You are here to debate, after you flame, sorry but that is the action of a idiot.

If I get bored I will point out the rest of your stupidity, but you are not here to debate, as you proved, you simply here as a thug, who will dictate and demean, as you continue to do.

next time you accuse someone of not debating you should at least read your own posts, fool.

Then feel free to debate me kiddo.
More insults that is how you debate?

How come you need an article to fabricate your lie, why not just show the tax return?

Let's see if "small brain" can answer, go ahead kiddie.

Warren GE Pays No Taxes

Small brains can research big matters. But not the smallest.

The entire Citizens United argument is that the obvious nature is IN YOUR FACE. But the bias can't see it.
No kidding, you want to debate if this a debate, now you have turned this into a Monte Python bit.

That's not proper English at all.
You are still an ass for acting as if you were abiding by some sort of rules of debate when you replied to me personally with an insult.

You are here to debate, after you flame, sorry but that is the action of a idiot.

If I get bored I will point out the rest of your stupidity, but you are not here to debate, as you proved, you simply here as a thug, who will dictate and demean, as you continue to do.

next time you accuse someone of not debating you should at least read your own posts, fool.

Then feel free to debate me kiddo.
More insults that is how you debate?

How come you need an article to fabricate your lie, why not just show the tax return?

Let's see if "small brain" can answer, go ahead kiddie.

Warren GE Pays No Taxes

Small brains can research big matters. But not the smallest.

The entire Citizens United argument is that the obvious nature is IN YOUR FACE. But the bias can't see it.

Are we in a debate now? What is your debate?..............Be specific. I'll spank your little bottom blue and if I lose I'll shake your hand.
(Note; the last time I told someone they were correct, I found I was correct a couple months later. I'm not wrong much because I'm not bias)
How come we can not see the tax return, how come you use the opinion of a report?

I already answered this lol. Do you really think Corporations are going to hand over a copy of their tax return today? Do you know the corruption that is going on at all? Or do you just think It's just an Obama thing? Oh wait, Obama didn't hand over information either.....

Watching America CONSTANTLY cut everything except Corporate taxes and War is what you are doing and what America is dying of.

You asking me to prove the tax rate of Corporations is like me asking you to prove the amount of Welfare Fraud. I could be ignorant and tell you that Welfare Fraud doesn't exist. It obviously does, I can state that because I'm an INFORMED American.

Do you know anything about the Federal Reserve? Do you know who runs it? Do you know who fights for it's movements and purposes?

Maybe you can find proof that Cheney has a link to Rebuilding Iraq.

Sometimes there is paint all over the wall and you just have to use common sense. Understand.........kiddo..
How do you check the story to see if it is accurate, it does not seem like the article is sourced very well.

...............There are dozens upon dozens of links to the very same information.

The only thing Americans can do today is be " A collectivist of information". Jacque Fresco came up with that. Along with dozens of American inventions today and yet to come.
I do not understand why the OP linked to an article at a .com instead of where the article originated.

That to me shows there is something being hid.

why did you do this instead of linking directly to the source, the .org.
I do not understand why the OP linked to an article at a .com instead of where the article originated.

That to me shows there is something being hid.

why did you do this instead of linking directly to the source, the .org.

I use to not post any links at all in other forums. But this forum specifically states "post a link". I generally just post the first one I see.

I research topics that I stand for instead of letting parties do it for me. In fact my own research has proven that Red States and Education go hand in hand by % because I investigated them myself, no media did this for me. It turns out the more red the state is, the less educated, by %. It's pretty accurate.

I suggest everyone stop looking at party bias and start researching what they believe in. People attack Obama for all of our debt when he has the least spending growth out of any president since 1954. Note, it wasn't his decision but the fact is a fact. Obama did not create this debt even though Fox News blames him and the small brains follow.

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