Wish My Tax Rate Was -9% like GE.

Him serving under Obama would suggest otherwise.
Yes I do, but show me where they are on that list I posted.

OpenSecrets is one of the best websites for true information, I'll give you that..........and wo
Actually no it does not, but I am sure many of the far left posters here would agree with you.

Also Actblue would be in big trouble as well, since the are #1 on the list and Citizens United did not even make it on the list.

You stating you have no idea why Citizens United didn't make it on that list is Ironically epic. I doubt that list would be possible without Citizens United..............................RESEARCH IS HARD.........RIGHT? LMGTFY

Well I guess they can not be as open as CBS and make a TV series based on a certain female as Secretary of State, just did not use real names.

But then again you can not provide proof of claims about Citizens United and can not show where they are on the list with biggest donors.

I haven't been for a reason. Citizens United isn't a donor...ahem Let me google that for you

Citizens United is known for its support of conservatives and money in politics.

So where are they on that list?

Also citizens united gets barred for running something about Hilary and CBS makes a whole series about her. If you are truly ant-party then you should see the hypocrisy in this.

Hint: Which is why I brought it up...

Also to bring you up speed:

Justice Kennedy's majority opinion[29] found that the BCRA §203 prohibition of all independent expenditures by corporations and unions violated the First Amendment's protection of free speech. The majority wrote, "If the First Amendment has any force, it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens, or associations of citizens, for simply engaging in political speech."[30]
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Also might want to change the title of thread if you want to rant about Citizens United instead of GE.

The funny thing is to watch the far left go bananas over this as it would have affected their party more than anyone.

Don't try to get smart this late in the post kid. You thought Citizens United was a Corporation and wondered where it was on the top Corporate donors. You had no idea until your recent research what it was at all.

But this is what I do. I corner small brains into researching things for themselves. Some call it baiting, but baiting is sometimes necessary to force bias brains to learn.

Watching you learn that Citizens United is not a corporation but a law was a very long slow process.......It should not take this long to learn things.

Yes! Yes! We know that you wanted to rant endlessly about things you knew little about, other than the standard talking points out there.

I am glad that you finally learned that the top 25 donors are dominated by unions (a tax exempt corporation) and they mostly donate to the far left.

However I guess with some, subtle hints are not good enough they need be hit over the head.

Then again that could explain a lot of things....
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