With A Name Like Reality Winner...

Oh, and SJW = Social Justice Warrior

OK but --- what does that mean?

Isn't 'social justice' a universal ideal? I mean unless one is a fascist...?

No, Social Justice is an Orwellian phrase used to promote Identity Politics Victim Contest ideology.

You're making my brain hurt.

"our MP saw the PM this AM and the PM wants more LSD from the PIB by tomorrow AM or PM at the latest. I told the PM's PPS that AM was NBG so tomorrow PM it is for the PMa"....
A veteran and a patriot would not have violated the trust that is part of holding a clearance. Additionally, reading her tweets, twitters, and other social media contributions, she should be shot as a traitor. She declares, among other things, that she would stand with Iran against the US; that it would be a shame if something happened to President Trump (using inappropriate, albeit colorful descriptions of her President); and many other observations and comments that are most pointedly NOT patriotic. It is not her place to decide what information she has access to should be "declassified" and disseminated to the public.
I can't help but wonder...when Reality Winner was given the inevitable array of Participation Trophies, did her parents object to such mass recognition because she was The Reality Winner?

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