With all due respect, why the outrage against Russia but not China?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.
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So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what Canada does to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

you make some good points
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

Yo, I think the talk about Russia from the Obama Administration is, Putin played Obama the whole time he was in office, and Obama is trying to get back at him, sad but true! Also, Putin is a Real Man Leader, and Obama is a Twinkle-Toe Leader!

The Obama Favorite Flag Below, Besides A Muslim Flag:

So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'
Last edited:
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.
It sounds crazy but then what part of Obama's foreign policy doesn't sound crazy? Of course there's no reason for the US to go on the warpath against Russia, and China represents a significant threat to the US and our allies in the Pacific. Fortunately, Trump understands these things and has indicated he is optimistic about negotiating friendly relations with Russia but is going to hold a firm line against Chinese expansion into the Pacific.
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Sleight of hand. Russia is the shiny object that has everyone distracted from what's going on in the South China Sea.
Sleight of hand. Russia is the shiny object that has everyone distracted from what's going on in the South China Sea.

Cuba could have provided a lot of AMERICAN JOBS via exports. They're still driving around 1950's American made cars. We were on a pathway to normal relationships with Cuba until Trump threw rocks at them. Why did Comrade Trump do that?

Because the worse thing that could happen to Putin, is for Cuba & the United States to strengthen their ties--expanding economic growth in this country & in Cuba.

And that's the "shiny object" you never see! The next shiny objects you'll see are Trump hotels, golf courses & casino's in downtown Moscow.
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  • Russian hack --> Effort to undermine a Constitutionally defined process via propaganda campaign.
    • Scale: Whole nation
    • Potential duration of impact: For as long as there is a U.S.
  • China hack --> Obtained information about a lot of specific individuals and didn't release the info.
    • Scale: X-many government employees/contractors
    • Potential duration of impact: Not more than 50 years, and likely far less.
But for the fact that Russia is a foreign actor, their deed would, if they were a U.S. citizen, be treasonous/seditious, but as it's a foreign actor, it's called subversion or insurgency. (http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/occasional_papers/2007/RAND_OP172.pdf) In contrast, China's deed is a theft of personal information, and no matter how "special" that information is, it simply cannot be construed as affront to the Constitution and the American democratic process.

The fact, OP, that you didn't receive a classified briefing on the matter and you can blithely cavalier minimize what Russia attempted to do calls into serious question whether you deserve to be a U.S. citizen. That is the kind of thing that, prior to nukes, would have started a full scale war....I'm talking Congress issuing a formal declaration of war. That's how serious it is. What Russia did wasn't editorializing; they took deliberate action to steal information that did not belong to them, and then disclose it to, as best they could, influence the hearts and minds of American voters.
  • Russian hack --> Effort to undermine a Constitutionally defined process via propaganda campaign.
    • Scale: Whole nation
    • Potential duration of impact: For as long as there is a U.S.
  • China hack --> Obtained information about a lot of specific individuals and didn't release the info.
    • Scale: X-many government employees/contractors
    • Potential duration of impact: Not more than 50 years, and likely far less.
But for the fact that Russia is a foreign actor, their deed would, if they were a U.S. citizen, be treasonous/seditious, but as it's a foreign actor, it's called subversion or insurgency. (http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/occasional_papers/2007/RAND_OP172.pdf) In contrast, China's deed is a theft of personal information, and no matter how "special" that information is, it simply cannot be construed as affront to the Constitution and the American democratic process.

The fact, OP, that you didn't receive a classified briefing on the matter and you can blithely cavalier minimize what Russia attempted to do calls into serious question whether you deserve to be a U.S. citizen. That is the kind of thing that, prior to nukes, would have started a full scale war....I'm talking Congress issuing a formal declaration of war. That's how serious it is. What Russia did wasn't editorializing; they took deliberate action to steal information that did not belong to them, and then disclose it to, as best they could, influence the hearts and minds of American voters.
Even if we were to assume the allegations of Russians hacking the DNC and giving the emails to Wikileaks were true, no honest, intelligent person would believe there was ever any possibility these emails could have influenced the election, it is a non issue, and the notion that this nonsense should influence American foreign policy is both bizarre and irresponsibly dangerous.
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

Yep. Only corrupt politicians hell bent on world domination and subservient media stuck in the mire of duplicity are willing to place blind trust in an intelligence community, 16 agencies in unanimity to be exact, which lied its way into the war on Iraq. Fast forward a decade, and now we're supposed to believe that these same agencies, now 17 in unanimity, have all become beacons of truth and honor as they try to lie us into a world war with a superpower. Yeah, sure thing.
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

Yep. Only corrupt politicians hell bent on world domination and subservient media stuck in the mire of duplicity are willing to place blind trust in an intelligence community, 16 agencies in unanimity to be exact, which lied its way into the war on Iraq. Fast forward a decade, and now we're supposed to believe that these same agencies, now 17 in unanimity, have all become beacons of truth and honor as they try to lie us into a world war with a superpower. Yeah, sure thing.

I was never a conspiracy theory kinda person but over the years watching so called intelligent agency fairy tales unfold this community doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

They just flat out lie. Media plays along. This whole deal with Aleppo was total bullshit that it was "rebel held". I don't consider al Nusra aka al Qaeda aka terrorists from hell holding the Syrian civilians hostage as human shields "moderate rebels".

Every press release should start off with "once upon a time". Sheesh.
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

Yep. Only corrupt politicians hell bent on world domination and subservient media stuck in the mire of duplicity are willing to place blind trust in an intelligence community, 16 agencies in unanimity to be exact, which lied its way into the war on Iraq. Fast forward a decade, and now we're supposed to believe that these same agencies, now 17 in unanimity, have all become beacons of truth and honor as they try to lie us into a world war with a superpower. Yeah, sure thing.

I was never a conspiracy theory kinda person but over the years watching so called intelligent agency fairy tales unfold this community doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

They just flat out lie. Media plays along. This whole deal with Aleppo was total bullshit that it was "rebel held". I don't consider al Nusra aka al Qaeda aka terrorists from hell holding the Syrian civilians hostage as human shields "moderate rebels".

Every press release should start off with "once upon a time". Sheesh.

Hell, its not even conspiracy. The CIA has been overthrowing and assassinating figureheads for over half a century now. Thats not even counting the continuous interference they run with their own government in the form of espionage, coups, blackmail, and every other tawdry affair imaginable.
I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

I really don't think you realize how seriously EVERYONE is taking a foreign adversary doing a cyber attack on the United States to intervene into our National election, in an effort to pick our President for us. That's exactly what happened. They are also responsible for putting out all the FAKE news on social media outlets about Hillary Clinton. No foreign adversary has ever done that!


If they can prove collusion--within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with, it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it. This New York Times article was written BEFORE Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats.

Russia is no friend to us, they almost brought down the Pentagon last year.
Russian hack on the Pentagon: Hackers struck last year at the heart of the U.S. military in 2015

Two of Trump's cabinet picks. His Top military Adviser, General Flynn has had frequent contact with Putin, and Trump's pick as Secretary of State is a personal friend of Putin.
Trump aide Flynn in frequent contact with Russia envoy
Trump's pick for secretary of state has a personal relationship with Putin that's been called a 'matter of concern'

The US picked trump. Russian didn't affect our election. Where was all this rage when O was trying to influence ukraine, middle east, israeli elections?

Oh and let us not forget Obama's man Messina conducting not only Cameron's re-election campaign and his failed attempt to block Brexit.

And classic Obama actually going to the British Parliament and warning them if they voted Brexit they would be at the "back of the queue".

Yep. Only corrupt politicians hell bent on world domination and subservient media stuck in the mire of duplicity are willing to place blind trust in an intelligence community, 16 agencies in unanimity to be exact, which lied its way into the war on Iraq. Fast forward a decade, and now we're supposed to believe that these same agencies, now 17 in unanimity, have all become beacons of truth and honor as they try to lie us into a world war with a superpower. Yeah, sure thing.

I was never a conspiracy theory kinda person but over the years watching so called intelligent agency fairy tales unfold this community doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

They just flat out lie. Media plays along. This whole deal with Aleppo was total bullshit that it was "rebel held". I don't consider al Nusra aka al Qaeda aka terrorists from hell holding the Syrian civilians hostage as human shields "moderate rebels".

Every press release should start off with "once upon a time". Sheesh.

Hell, its not even conspiracy. The CIA has been overthrowing and assassinating figureheads for over half a century now. Thats not even counting the continuous interference they run with their own government in the form of espionage, coups, blackmail, and every other tawdry affair imaginable.

Once I got past the "is this for real" moment it was jawdropping in the sense that they are just so bloody blatant about it. And yet you have disbelievers. I was in one thread with a poster validating US involvement in the Ukraine and giving him Victoria Nuland's Senate testimony and the poster still did not think that her testimony was evidence enough.

Aye carumba!!!!
So Canada is going to be entering into free trade negotiations with China. An awful decision in my opinion, against a massive human right abusers, currency manipulator and full out Communist regime. Considering what the Canadian police do to American businesses on Canadian soil, I suppose negotiating with a Communist country shouldn't come as a surprise, but it still does.

Considering China's theft of U.S jobs, using N Korea as a proxy to provoke America, expansion into the South sea, why is all the anger focused against Russia and not China? I'm not suggesting one should get a pass over the other, but if this is all about the hacking issue in the election, while overlooking the massive corporate and U.S citizen data theft that China has engaged in, there is something really wrong here.

$800B trade deficit with China who is rapidly growing and has over a billion people, and all of the rage is against Russia? Seems to me too many are asleep at the wheel if this is the case.

Well you can compare China to the US. Yes, the manipulate things, so does the US. It doesn't need to manipulate its currency, but certainly has manipulated OPEC by INVADING Iraq, BOMBING Libya. Are these worse than the things China is doing? The US has a long history of abusing human rights too.
I trust the CIA, this isn't about intelligence because they deal with all threats, they don't choose the source. This is fully about media and public outrage.

China has been getting a pass essentially because they offer cheap labor. There should be interviews with experts covering China's ambitions and even a push to kick them out of the WTO. Canada is exploring free trade with these Communists. How? Why?

It seems far too many have their heads in the sand and lack a moral compass. This growth and expansion of China does not bode well for liberty around the globe.
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