With current economic situation today...

This is hy I've said in the past that white supremacy and capitalism go hand and hand, because your belief that the few people who hold much of thze country's wealth did so by their drive and motivation is utter BS. This country, just as most of the countries in the Western white World were built through ruthless exploitation, greedy, imperialism, colonialism, corruption, etc. Look at Paris Hilton for example, what work did she do? Why do you think all of these rich corporations want less government regulation? To be able to carry out their greed and foul business practices even more.

Prove it. Prove that the majority of the rich did not work for their money. Prove it is was somehow just handed to them. If one didn't have to do anything to become rich you'd think more people would be.

If you think Paris Hilton is an example of how the majority of the wealthy became that way, then you need to do some serious research to so how wrong you really are.

Such ignoble and defeatist woe is poor me I'm a helpless victim sentiments are nowhere found in anything he wrote.

He is generally describing the system as it stands.

Your Horatio Alger stories ring false in light of the reality that there is damned little upward mobility in the USA even when the economy is sound

And those pull yourself up by the bootstraps suggestions are simply beyond the pale when the entire middle and lower classes are in fact going backwards economically.

Basically Bass is pointing out the ship of state is sinking, and your suggestion to him is that to the swift go the lifeboats.

Some of us are interesting in keeping the ship afloat for all of us.

I can't speak for Bass, but I suspect that is his point, too

Those are exactly my points, if the US is earning trillions of dollars yet has only 300 million people no one should be poor, but since the majority of those trillions of dollars being grossed are in the hands of only a few people you have alot of poor and in order for these greedy exploiters to stay rich they need loads of people to stay poor. The more wealth being equally distributed the less money for the corrupt exploiters. Capitalism fosters that dog-eat-dog mentality where people don't give damn about the masses well being, but want their money.

Such ignoble and defeatist woe is poor me I'm a helpless victim sentiments are nowhere found in anything he wrote.

He is generally describing the system as it stands.

Your Horatio Alger stories ring false in light of the reality that there is damned little upward mobility in the USA even when the economy is sound

And those pull yourself up by the bootstraps suggestions are simply beyond the pale when the entire middle and lower classes are in fact going backwards economically.

Basically Bass is pointing out the ship of state is sinking, and your suggestion to him is that to the swift go the lifeboats.

Some of us are interesting in keeping the ship afloat for all of us.

I can't speak for Bass, but I suspect that is his point, too

Then perhaps you should do some actual polling and ask those middle class people why it is simply not possible for them to become rich. Ask them what they are doing to become wealthy, to actually increase the amount of money they make.

If 'pull yourself by your bootstraps' is 'beyond the pale' then I guess you're saying why even bother trying right, because even if you tried the evil 'man' would keep you down right? This of course despite countless stories of people that have done exactley that.

You and Charlie have this warped sense of reality that Paris Hilton constitutes an example of what the majority of the rich look like and how they got that way when nothing could be further from truth. The only thing you need to look at to explain why so few are rich and especially why so many are poor is behavior. Take a good long look at the people who aren't wealthy in this country and tell me with a straight face they aren't wealthy because try and try as they might some evil force is keeping them down, rather than they just haven't even tried. Again you two seem to think that wealth is something does and is suppossed to just happen to people. It doesn't and isn't suppossed to.

Who's responsibility is it to make you wealthy? Your employer? Government? Or maybe YOU?

P.S. it is nice to see some new faces since my hiatus and as new faces I will tell something many on this board have heard before. The FACT is your position is not what constitutes reality. Plenty has been written and researched about how people became rich. Start with a few finance books: "The Millionaire Next Door", "Rich Dad/Poor Dad", "The Money Book for the Young Fabulous and Broke"
Then perhaps you should do some actual polling and ask those middle class people why it is simply not possible for them to become rich. Ask them what they are doing to become wealthy, to actually increase the amount of money they make.

If 'pull yourself by your bootstraps' is 'beyond the pale' then I guess you're saying why even bother trying right, because even if you tried the evil 'man' would keep you down right? This of course despite countless stories of people that have done exactley that.

You and Charlie have this warped sense of reality that Paris Hilton constitutes an example of what the majority of the rich look like and how they got that way when nothing could be further from truth. The only thing you need to look at to explain why so few are rich and especially why so many are poor is behavior. Take a good long look at the people who aren't wealthy in this country and tell me with a straight face they aren't wealthy because try and try as they might some evil force is keeping them down, rather than they just haven't even tried. Again you two seem to think that wealth is something does and is suppossed to just happen to people. It doesn't and isn't suppossed to.

Who's responsibility is it to make you wealthy? Your employer? Government? Or maybe YOU?

P.S. it is nice to see some new faces since my hiatus and as new faces I will tell something many on this board have heard before. The FACT is your position is not what constitutes reality. Plenty has been written and researched about how people became rich. Start with a few finance books: "The Millionaire Next Door", "Rich Dad/Poor Dad", "The Money Book for the Young Fabulous and Broke"

So basically the 5% or so that control most of the country's wealth are smart driven people and the 95% or so that are working class and poor are lazy, whining, unmotivated people? The rich minority who control the vast majority of the wealth in this country cannot exist without milking the working class and poor, for in order for the minority to control most of the wealth a majority must be poor and or working class.
So basically the 5% or so that control most of the country's wealth are smart driven people and the 95% or so that are working class and poor are lazy, whining, unmotivated people? The rich minority who control the vast majority of the wealth in this country cannot exist without milking the working class and poor, for in order for the minority to control most of the wealth a majority must be poor and or working class.

This is silly.

You are confusing causality.

The fact that there are relatively rich people means there will always be people who are less wealthy. There are always rich people in every society, since Utopian Marxist fairy tales exist only in the minds of idealists.
Profits are privatized, and losses are socialized. It's been that way for a long time.

It benefits the ultra rich, because when they lose, we pay for it instead of them. Think Bear Stearns.

Adding in even more socialism to the market will only screw us more.

The problem is that instead of taking responsibility for yourself, you are relying on government to hold your hand and offer you the perfect solution. Since when is government ever right about anything?

OP, how about some hard data showing that "speculators" are causing oil prices to rise due to their "greed".
This is hy I've said in the past that white supremacy and capitalism go hand and hand, because your belief that the few people who hold much of thze country's wealth did so by their drive and motivation is utter BS. This country, just as most of the countries in the Western white World were built through ruthless exploitation, greedy, imperialism, colonialism, corruption, etc. Look at Paris Hilton for example, what work did she do? Why do you think all of these rich corporations want less government regulation? To be able to carry out their greed and foul business practices even more.

Paris Hilton is merely an example of a "trust fund baby". She didn't "do work". She was born into money. But her PARENTS did work. A LOT of it.

I mean, they only built up one of the largest hotel chains in the world.

I have no idea of the back story on Hilton hotels, but I'd imagine that somwhere in the past, they started out buying and renting out real estate, and worked their way up.

Real Estate has created more millionaires than anything else in existence.

Wanting government to provide you with what you don't THINK you can achieve, is a cop out. You limit yourself by thinking you can't achieve something.
So basically the 5% or so that control most of the country's wealth are smart driven people and the 95% or so that are working class and poor are lazy, whining, unmotivated people? The rich minority who control the vast majority of the wealth in this country cannot exist without milking the working class and poor, for in order for the minority to control most of the wealth a majority must be poor and or working class.

The top 5% you mention constitutes the ultra rich. What about the ones who made a really nice life for themselves and make a modest income around $100,000/yr? That's not RICH. But it's a very comfortable life financially, and to get there it most likely took HARD WORK.
Paul you must be blind to reality, if you think all these rich people got that way through so-called hardwork you're out of your mind. Some have used exploitation and corruption to get to their position, socialism was created to stop such people from controlling the wealth of a nation for this very reason.
Paul you must be blind to reality, if you think all these rich people got that way through so-called hardwork you're out of your mind. Some have used exploitation and corruption to get to their position, socialism was created to stop such people from controlling the wealth of a nation for this very reason.

All you're doing is talking out your ass. You haven't provided SHIT that proves your point. You mentioned Paris Hilton for christ sake, like she's a good example of ANYTHING.

Socialism has always existed to maintain control over a population through dependence. It steals your individuality away from you and turns you into a needy, demanding robot.

How about instead of blaming the rich, you take responsibility for yourself and take your OWN inventory. You might be interested at what you find.
All you're doing is talking out your ass. You haven't provided SHIT that proves your point. You mentioned Paris Hilton for christ sake, like she's a good example of ANYTHING.

Socialism has always existed to maintain control over a population through dependence. It steals your individuality away from you and turns you into a needy, demanding robot.

How about instead of blaming the rich, you take responsibility for yourself and take your OWN inventory. You might be interested at what you find.

Paul is in denial if you think the rich haven't been exploiting the poor for their wealth. Obviously, not all rich people use exploitation and corruption but alot of them do. A good mix of socialism with some capitalism is ok, but straight capitalism is just plain idiotic. The Bass comes from a fairly wealthy upper middleclass family, so the Bass isn't some poor whiny person wanting anything. Sociialism keps the rich and powerful from further exploiting people and monopolizing the wealth and resources of a country as well as from corruptly boxing out and denying others from having wealth. The example pointed out with Walmart is exactly what I'm talking about, if you lost your family business to these capitalist robbers you wouldn't be singing the same tune.
Paul is in denial if you think the rich haven't been exploiting the poor for their wealth. Obviously, not all rich people use exploitation and corruption but alot of them do. A good mix of socialism with some capitalism is ok, but straight capitalism is just plain idiotic. The Bass comes from a fairly wealthy upper middleclass family, so the Bass isn't some poor whiny person wanting anything. Sociialism keps the rich and powerful from further exploiting people and monopolizing the wealth and resources of a country as well as from corruptly boxing out and denying others from having wealth. The example pointed out with Walmart is exactly what I'm talking about, if you lost your family business to these capitalist robbers you wouldn't be singing the same tune.

No, socialism just enables the government to assist in the redistribution.

If companies are taking your money and exploiting you in a capitalist society, perhaps you could just not be a customer? With socialism, you are being FORCED to give your money to someone else. With capitalism, you have the choice of giving money to, say, Walmart, or otherwise giving it to a company you find to be in better standing.

Those so-called "greedy companies" are only taking what you are GIVING them. You don't have to buy gas from Exxon if you think they're being greedy. You don't have to buy Nike shoes if you disagree with their business practices. With socialism though, you HAVE to hand your money over to the government so they can redistribute it to others.

One offers you a choice, and one doesn't.

Walmart didn't steal anyone's business away. They became a company large enough to run an efficient, cost effective business that enabled them to offer products at lower prices.

It wasn't Walmart's fault that consumers decided to shop with them, instead of Bob's Corner Store. Those customers could have just as easily said no thanks, I'll give my business to the locals.

Walmart is simply responding to the market's desires. That's what a company does. Companies exist to make a profit. If you are completely anti-business, than I'll never be able to get through to you anyway. But if you have even a LITTLE bit of pro-business in you, then you ought to be able to realize how the market works.
It would be a great time for America to incorporate some socialist principles to offset the effects of capitalist greed in our country. Having travelled to a few European countries which fuse socialist principles with capitalism, The Bass can say 100% for sure that this will work. The ultra-capitalist speculators on the oil market are making millions from the American people, why not just let the government take control of oil? That way no one stands to profit personally from this.

Said perfectly. The regulations the gop took away were put there for a reason IN TH FIRST PLACE!

A big middle class exists because of gov. regulations, labor laws and unions.. Now that most of that is going away, so is themiddle class.

free markets shmarkets. the gop are masters of the language and used free markets,racism, terrorism and patriotism to exploit us.
It steals your individuality away from you and turns you into a needy, demanding robot.

How about instead of blaming the rich, you take responsibility for yourself and take your OWN inventory. You might be interested at what you find.[/QUOTE]

what an arrogant jerk. sorry, but what you want is survival of the fittest.

what do you do that makes you want to let business owners pay less, pollute, get tax breaks for moving hq's overseas, gouge consumers, etc? how do you profit? all my business owner friends say they aren't rich enough to aprove of bushanomics.
they won't vote this november. I suggest you follow their lead.

can't wait to tell you I told you so.
No, socialism just enables the government to assist in the redistribution.

If companies are taking your money and exploiting you in a capitalist society, perhaps you could just not be a customer? With socialism, you are being FORCED to give your money to someone else. With capitalism, you have the choice of giving money to, say, Walmart, or otherwise giving it to a company you find to be in better standing.

Those so-called "greedy companies" are only taking what you are GIVING them. You don't have to buy gas from Exxon if you think they're being greedy. You don't have to buy Nike shoes if you disagree with their business practices. With socialism though, you HAVE to hand your money over to the government so they can redistribute it to others.

One offers you a choice, and one doesn't.

Walmart didn't steal anyone's business away. They became a company large enough to run an efficient, cost effective business that enabled them to offer products at lower prices.

It wasn't Walmart's fault that consumers decided to shop with them, instead of Bob's Corner Store. Those customers could have just as easily said no thanks, I'll give my business to the locals.

Walmart is simply responding to the market's desires. That's what a company does. Companies exist to make a profit. If you are completely anti-business, than I'll never be able to get through to you anyway. But if you have even a LITTLE bit of pro-business in you, then you ought to be able to realize how the market works.

So basically you don't like socialism because you feel its limits one's ability to get rich, correct? The other alternative is heavily regulating these big businesses to prevent corruption, exploitation and destruction of small businesses. Lowering down one's prices in such a way to put someone else out of business is illegal and thats what Walmart does to eliminate small home grown busnesses. You seem to approve of the dog-eatdog mentality.

Capitalismhas to be limited and stop, it was capitalism that led to Europe's imperialism and colonialism, which led to the destruction of cultures and peoples and slavery. Europeans of that time became industrialized and since they were producing more goods than they were selling they had to colonize and take over the countries and territories of Africans, Asians and Native Americans to have a place to sell their goods, often of inferior quality. Thats the dark side you refuse to see of capitalism.
So basically you don't like socialism because you feel its limits one's ability to get rich, correct? The other alternative is heavily regulating these big businesses to prevent corruption, exploitation and destruction of small businesses. Lowering down one's prices in such a way to put someone else out of business is illegal and thats what Walmart does to eliminate small home grown busnesses. You seem to approve of the dog-eatdog mentality.

It is? Really? Where? Can you point me to the law? Can you name the law? I didn't know there was such a law, so if there is, I would greatly appreciate it if you can point me in that direction. There are anti-dumping laws for foreigners selling below costs but I didn't know that there were such laws for domestic competition.
It is? Really? Where? Can you point me to the law? Can you name the law? I didn't know there was such a law, so if there is, I would greatly appreciate it if you can point me in that direction. There are anti-dumping laws for foreigners selling below costs but I didn't know that there were such laws for domestic competition.

Its called predatory pricing and it is illegal in the US but the Supreme Court has placed such high hurdles so as to make it near impossible to charge big businesses with the crime. It violates anti-trust laws. Your neo-capitalists clowns like Pual will argue that predatory pricing will hurt true competition, but its really just a dirty way at trying to monopolize.
I have no victim mentality, but the belief that everyone can be rich is total nonsense, especially when the handful who control the majority of nation's wealth are not willingly to give up any of what they have to benefit all of the people and use bribes, pay offs, lies, deceit and unfair marketing practices to keep the next man from gaining some wealth. .

Then please tell me why the number of first generation millionaires in the U.S. is rising and not staying stagnant or declining?

Record number of millionaires - May. 25, 2005

The plain and simple fact is that socialist wealth redistribution would not allow people to succeed as they do in this country. You seem to think that ambition and drive are bad things and call it greed. What would you prefer, a population of complacent nonacheivers who settle for mediocrity rather than pursuing their goals and dreams?
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I recognize that there are benefits to capitalism as an economic system.

Given that, I also reciognize that there will always be wealthy people who can accumulate capital to invvest.

I ALSO recognize that unbridled capitalism is counter productive to the health of a society at large, just as this nation recognizes which is eactly why we HAVE governments.

So what we are talking about, or at least what I am talking about, is the DEGREE to which we must bridle capital, and the DEGREE to which we must accept that government and taxation to pay for same.

In the last fourty years we have policy by policy, tax law by tax law, let loose the bridles on capital to the detriment of this nation and the people in it.

That is exactly why the middle class is SHRINKING, folks.

Rags to riches stories, while comforting to some, are irrelevant to this issue of the statistical reality of America.

FWIW there is LESS class mobility in AMERICA than any other industrialized nation on earth. Less than France, less than england, less than any nation in Europe which is MORE sociaized than we are.

If we were the free place, filled with opportunity for the ambitious and gifted, that most of you think we are, America would be the the nation with the MOST CLASS MOBILITY.

So, while I often find myself agreeing IN PRINCIPLE, with what many of you people (who probably imagine I am a commie), I know the de facto reality is not what you apparently think it is.

I ALSO know that once upoin a time the balance between capital and working class was far more benefical to this nation's long term survival, and that balance of power has tipped TOO FAR in favor of capital, thanks in most part tothe Republicans, but with PLENTY of help from Democraps like CLINTON, too.

We don't need a communist revolution.

WE need a return to the principles upon which this nation thrived during the first 70 years of the XXth century.
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