With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama


Nov 13, 2012
Politics 2012:
It hasn´t been two months since Barack Obama won re-election, but already we´re finding out things that were kept from us during the campaign. Expect to hear more in the coming months. lElections are clarifying events, we´re told. But sometimes what they clarify is merely the gap between what we were told during the campaign and the reality on the ground. Often, the two don´t match. That´s certainly true with Obama. How often in recent weeks have we learned that what we heard on the campaign trail from the Obama camp, and which were echoed by by a cowed and subservient press, were either distortions or outright lies — enough to keep a majority of us fooled, and help win a second term for the incumbent?

Now, we're finding the reality to be something different. And to jog your recollection, here are just a few:


With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama - Investors.com
** Employment: Yes, unemployment has dropped to 7.7%. But only because hundreds of thousands of Americans have left the workforce. In September and October, nonpayroll farm jobs were reported as rising 148,000 and 171,000, respectively, solid gains. The mainstream media played it up as a major turnaround for the economy, giving Obama a boost.

** Budget: Obama promised a "balanced" approach to taxes and spending. But data from the CBO and OMB show spending will surge 55% over the next 10 years under Obama — nearly $2 trillion in added spending — swamping Obama's promised "cuts" of $880 billion.

** Taxes: Remember how Obama and his Democratic surrogates taunted Republicans repeatedly, saying they wanted to raise taxes only on "millionaires and billionaires" while cutting taxes for the middle class?

** Benghazi: The White House described the early- September attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, as a reaction to an anti-Muslim film clip that appeared on the Internet.

** War On Terror: Obama claimed the war against al-Qaida was basically over. Now we find out that isn't true. Governments friendly to al-Qaida, if not its aims, have taken over in Libya and Egypt. Syria may be next.

Read More At IBD: With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama - Investors.com
Four more years!!!!!

Financial Cliff, Never mentioned by the press or Obama until after the election, or at least that term wasn't used. Of course the term is used to scare Americans and form their opinions. Let's go over the "cliff" screw it if it was so good during Clinton then we should welcome the cliff. But no Obama and company want "stuff" and they won't waste a conjured up BS crisis to get it.

Yeah Obama won but that does not mean he didn't lie and run the most dishonest and nastiest campaign I can remember.
** Employment: Yes, unemployment has dropped to 7.7%. But only because hundreds of thousands of Americans have left the workforce. In September and October, nonpayroll farm jobs were reported as rising 148,000 and 171,000, respectively, solid gains. The mainstream media played it up as a major turnaround for the economy, giving Obama a boost.

** Budget: Obama promised a "balanced" approach to taxes and spending. But data from the CBO and OMB show spending will surge 55% over the next 10 years under Obama — nearly $2 trillion in added spending — swamping Obama's promised "cuts" of $880 billion.

** Taxes: Remember how Obama and his Democratic surrogates taunted Republicans repeatedly, saying they wanted to raise taxes only on "millionaires and billionaires" while cutting taxes for the middle class?

** Benghazi: The White House described the early- September attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, as a reaction to an anti-Muslim film clip that appeared on the Internet.

** War On Terror: Obama claimed the war against al-Qaida was basically over. Now we find out that isn't true. Governments friendly to al-Qaida, if not its aims, have taken over in Libya and Egypt. Syria may be next.

Read More At IBD: With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama - Investors.com

So are you sorry you voted for Obama, now?

Financial Cliff, Never mentioned by the press or Obama until after the election, or at least that term wasn't used. Of course the term is used to scare Americans and form their opinions. Let's go over the "cliff" screw it if it was so good during Clinton then we should welcome the cliff. But no Obama and company want "stuff" and they won't waste a conjured up BS crisis to get it.

Yeah Obama won but that does not mean he didn't lie and run the most dishonest and nastiest campaign I can remember.

You basically never heard of Lee Atwater.
Financial Cliff, Never mentioned by the press or Obama until after the election, or at least that term wasn't used. Of course the term is used to scare Americans and form their opinions. Let's go over the "cliff" screw it if it was so good during Clinton then we should welcome the cliff. But no Obama and company want "stuff" and they won't waste a conjured up BS crisis to get it.

Yeah Obama won but that does not mean he didn't lie and run the most dishonest and nastiest campaign I can remember.

Guess how many times Romney brought up the fiscal cliff in the debates. Zero times. It was a losing issue for both candidates.
The people know exactly what they voted for - More Free Shit!!

....as a bonus, they now get to inflict punishment (in the form of taxes) on the successful.
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The people know exactly what they voted for - More Free Shit!!

....as a bonus, they now get to inflict punishment (in the form of taxes) on the successful.

When you say taxes..I think rent.

Like you have to pay rent to live an apartment.

Same with taxes.

So when you say you don't like taxes..I am thinking you guys want a free lunch.


I've been working since the age of 9, never was in a UNION, never had a government job, have had my own businesses..and I don't complain incessantly about taxes. As in..I didn't get any "free" stuff and don't plan on it.

Taxes are in the Constitution. And I like bridges, roads, rail and subways. That stuff ain't free.
The people know exactly what they voted for - More Free Shit!!

....as a bonus, they now get to inflict punishment (in the form of taxes) on the successful.

A lot of you people have been repeating that meme. Sounds like an O'Reilly/Fox talking-point.

As to taxes, President Obama ran on returning them to where they were in the '90's when the economy did just fine and Millionaires & Billionaires managed to scrape by :rolleyes: .
The people know exactly what they voted for - More Free Shit!!

....as a bonus, they now get to inflict punishment (in the form of taxes) on the successful.

A lot of you people have been repeating that meme. Sounds like an O'Reilly/Fox talking-point.

As to taxes, President Obama ran on returning them to where they were in the '90's when the economy did just fine and Millionaires & Billionaires managed to scrape by :rolleyes: .
It's not a talking point, it's an observation.

If the tax rates were so great in the 90's why not raise them on everyone? Why just the "rich"?
The people know exactly what they voted for - More Free Shit!!

....as a bonus, they now get to inflict punishment (in the form of taxes) on the successful.

A lot of you people have been repeating that meme. Sounds like an O'Reilly/Fox talking-point.

As to taxes, President Obama ran on returning them to where they were in the '90's when the economy did just fine and Millionaires & Billionaires managed to scrape by :rolleyes: .
It's not a talking point, it's an observation.

If the tax rates were so great in the 90's why not raise them on everyone? Why just the "rich"?

More than one economist has called for letting all the tax-cuts expire. I agree w/ them, all things being equal but, we are in a fragile econ situation right now so letting all of them expire prolly isn't the best choice AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME. When the economy fully rebounds then I say let them all expire. Civilization has a price.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, the U.S. Supreme Court justice pictured here in 1931, was known to "enjoy" his taxes. "With them I buy civilization," he said.

Read more: http://ideas.time.com/2012/09/18/the-rich-havent-always-hated-taxes/#ixzz2G2CXA2BH
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We got beat because of the toxic hate spewed by our far right and libertarian wings.

Can't have that anymore if we wish to win the presidency, because in the one election we should have won, we got soundly beat, and was not the dems' smarts that beat us.
The people know exactly what they voted for - More Free Shit!!

....as a bonus, they now get to inflict punishment (in the form of taxes) on the successful.

Bingo we have a winner.:clap2:
Taxes are in the Constitution. And I like bridges, roads, rail and subways. That stuff ain't free.

It's too bad our taxes aren't used on those things. They're used on things like dying Green companies that donated millions to the President's campaign fund.
Some Americans could say they were duped. The majority of obama voters are getting exactly what they thought they would get. If anything, they don't feel duped, but disappointed that he hasn't yet gone far enough.

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