With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama

Some Americans could say they were duped. The majority of obama voters are getting exactly what they thought they would get. If anything, they don't feel duped, but disappointed that he hasn't yet gone far enough.

That right. :) He's a moderate Dem. I wanted single-payer :cool: To be fair, some of the things he wants to do are being stonewalled by Boehner's t-party hostage-taking House of Reps.
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** Employment: Yes, unemployment has dropped to 7.7%. But only because hundreds of thousands of Americans have left the workforce. In September and October, nonpayroll farm jobs were reported as rising 148,000 and 171,000, respectively, solid gains. The mainstream media played it up as a major turnaround for the economy, giving Obama a boost.

** Budget: Obama promised a "balanced" approach to taxes and spending. But data from the CBO and OMB show spending will surge 55% over the next 10 years under Obama — nearly $2 trillion in added spending — swamping Obama's promised "cuts" of $880 billion.

** Taxes: Remember how Obama and his Democratic surrogates taunted Republicans repeatedly, saying they wanted to raise taxes only on "millionaires and billionaires" while cutting taxes for the middle class?

** Benghazi: The White House described the early- September attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, as a reaction to an anti-Muslim film clip that appeared on the Internet.

** War On Terror: Obama claimed the war against al-Qaida was basically over. Now we find out that isn't true. Governments friendly to al-Qaida, if not its aims, have taken over in Libya and Egypt. Syria may be next.

Read More At IBD: With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama - Investors.com

Wow.....quite an impressive list

Problem is that Republicans harped on every one of those points before the election and asked America........Wouldn't you rather have us running things?

America looked at them and said......Are you fucking crazy?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDmPEeurfA]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]

did you forget this crash was announced by Bush BEFORE Obama was elected the first time.

then the people lived through that crash.

You see they are not all as stupid and plyable as you to forget after being spoon fed a few lies.

Good grief. I'm no fan of Bush, but fer chrissake, he didn't "crash the economy."

God damn.

It's a little more complicated than that.


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Good grief. I'm no fan of Bush, but fer chrissake, he didn't "crash the economy."

God damn.

It's a little more complicated than that.



If you are ignorant and uninformed then the propaganda of the democrats is easily digested. It becomes the truth, no matter what the truth really is. After all, one would have imagined that Germans would have known that it was reparations for WWI that crashed the German economy, but Hitler easily convinced them it was the fault of the Jews.
Obama is not Hitler, the American People are not the German People, and Bush is not the Jews.

Stop the lies.
Why did the Bush SEC hold back the broker rules for 8 years in the GLBact?

tell me what the effect of doing so did to the mortagage market?
Democraps are all about lying, their lives revolve around lies.

They tell new lies to cover up old lies, see Libya where Hillary Clinton invented a head injury to put off and hopefully (in her demented head) eliminate the GOP calling her to testify UNDER OATH....because she is covering up previous lies by Obamination, Rice, etc.
Why did the Bush SEC hold back the broker rules for 8 years in the GLBact?

tell me what the effect of doing so did to the mortagage market?

Add to that the fact that a Repub President basically instructs Wall St regulators to take the day off. That goes for the Dept of Labor, EPA, & Education as well. They put a "Gone to Lunch" sign up.

There are people here who claim to be conservatives, but are in fact frauds.

They co-opt specific, cherry-picked tenets of conservatism, radicalize them, and then use them as a conduit to vent their impotent rage.


Obama is not Hitler, the American People are not the German People, and Bush is not the Jews.

Stop the lies.

The propaganda is exactly the same. There is really no difference between what was said about Jews in 1938 Germany and what is said about "the rich" in 2013 America. If you are poor, you are poor because you were exploited and robbed by rich people. It's their fault. Now punish them.

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