With Jeb In A Nose Dive, Washington Establishment RINOs Panic, Turn To...

That the establishment is worried - assuming it's true - is a good thing. Let 'em sweat losing their power. Plenty of us are fed up with them and the professional politicians out for their own asses and not much interested in the fates of ours.

So.....you propose handing the election to professional Democratic politicians like Clinton, Sanders, or O'Malley who are all out only for their own asses?
Your words, not mine.

That's exactly the consequence. If Trump or Carson get the nomination, the election goes to the Democrats.
Your opinion duly noted.
I think Republicans need to come to grips with the reality of this Presidential election.

The Republican base won't be voting in large enough numbers for a RINO. Even if it is their candidate for the general election. Which means this election is already lost. No one is falling back to keep Bush around, no one wants him. That dog don't hunt this time around. Its over.

Trump cannot get elected.

The election is over.

Liberals only demonstrate they are morons when they claim an actual conservative can't win. The last two Republican candidates were liberal, and they both lost.
I think Republicans need to come to grips with the reality of this Presidential election.

The Republican base won't be voting in large enough numbers for a RINO. Even if it is their candidate for the general election. Which means this election is already lost. No one is falling back to keep Bush around, no one wants him. That dog don't hunt this time around. Its over.

Trump cannot get elected.

The election is over.

WOW, talk about the 'sky is falling...you Conservatives should just give it up! That would be worth considering for half a second...if we weren't talking about running against HILLARY CLINON. the least trustworthy candidate in the race and whose FBI investigation was just EXPANDED as they now look into her PERJURY. The woman is 1/2 step ahead of the seamstress trying to measure her for an orange jumpsuit. I have faith in the American people (maybe mis-guided) that they will NOT elect such a 'criminal bitch' as President.

If anything causes her to lose the election, it's that hideous laugh of hers. She is the last person that any self respecting male would want to have a beer with, and that means she's not electable.
Time magazine has a story running this week about Trump's million-dollar court battle with people who are suing him for fraud after paying up to $35,000 tuition for his "Trump University" classes. I imagine that is adding to the GOP elite corps woes.

Almost every business gets sued at one point or another. I have threatened lawsuits against former employers multiple times. All your post shows is how desperate libs are to destroy Trump.
That the establishment is worried - assuming it's true - is a good thing. Let 'em sweat losing their power. Plenty of us are fed up with them and the professional politicians out for their own asses and not much interested in the fates of ours.

So.....you propose handing the election to professional Democratic politicians like Clinton, Sanders, or O'Malley who are all out only for their own asses?
Your words, not mine.

That's exactly the consequence. If Trump or Carson get the nomination, the election goes to the Democrats.

If the election goes to any establishment candidate, Republican or Democrat, then the whole process is a loss for the country.

I don't like Trump or Carson, but you couldn't pay me enough to vote for Jeb, Hillary, or any of the other insiders that are running.

I'm an independent, I could vote for Kasich or Sanders. In fact my preferred ticket would be Kasich/Sanders. They are at least adults compared to the rest.
...Mitt Romney?!

Un-willing to yield their power and RULERSHIP over the American people to a bunch of American Citizen-Favored 'Outsiders' and with Jeb Bush proving 'No, He CAN'T Fix it', Reports are circling that the Washington Establishment are in a panic and will not go down without a fight.

Pissed and panicked that the GOP Base will NOT hold their noses and vote for Jeb Bush - the Establishment Candidate of (1st) Choice, rumor has it that they will resurrect Mitt Romney to be their new 'standard bearer'....IF Romney will consider. After consulting with his wife previously, Romney said 'No way, no thank you.' We'll see how this plays out:


"Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win - Consider 'Drafting' Romney"
LINK: Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win


Before Liberals start bashing Romney, who has not even been officially asked to run, remember Romney had far more experience in business than the 'Community Organizer' (which means he probably would have been far better than Obama - Mr/ '$7+ Trillion in new debt in his 1st 4 years') and 'SCHOOLED' Obama in foreign policy! (Romney tried to warn Obama about Putin, but Obama was more interested in scoring a 'sound-byte' point...which turned out to BITE HIM in the ass, as Putin has played Obama like a fiddle.

(Mr. Obama, the 1980s are calling....they're calling you a dumb-mass and says Putin 'owns' you!)

They're worried that one of those two might win, because it would be a guaranteed victory for the Democrats. Neither Carson nor Trump would win a general election. It's a catastrophic idea to nominate either of them.

Sorry, I think that's pure horseshit. They have a better chance than some establishment like Bush or Kasich. A majority of Americans are fed up with illegal immigration. That may turn off some Hispanics, but it gets a lot of other traditional Democrat voters excited, like blacks and union members.
That the establishment is worried - assuming it's true - is a good thing. Let 'em sweat losing their power. Plenty of us are fed up with them and the professional politicians out for their own asses and not much interested in the fates of ours.

So.....you propose handing the election to professional Democratic politicians like Clinton, Sanders, or O'Malley who are all out only for their own asses?
Your words, not mine.

That's exactly the consequence. If Trump or Carson get the nomination, the election goes to the Democrats.

If the election goes to any establishment candidate, Republican or Democrat, then the whole process is a loss for the country.

I don't like Trump or Carson, but you couldn't pay me enough to vote for Jeb, Hillary, or any of the other insiders that are running.

I'm an independent, I could vote for Kasich or Sanders. In fact my preferred ticket would be Kasich/Sanders. They are at least adults compared to the rest.

Kasich/Sanders would not work in office.

You are forcing a rational fiscal conservative to work with a populist socialist.

I know--you have to make a choice. I prefer Kasich over Sanders(now), but I do understand the appeal of both.
That the establishment is worried - assuming it's true - is a good thing. Let 'em sweat losing their power. Plenty of us are fed up with them and the professional politicians out for their own asses and not much interested in the fates of ours.

So.....you propose handing the election to professional Democratic politicians like Clinton, Sanders, or O'Malley who are all out only for their own asses?
Your words, not mine.

That's exactly the consequence. If Trump or Carson get the nomination, the election goes to the Democrats.

If the election goes to any establishment candidate, Republican or Democrat, then the whole process is a loss for the country.

I don't like Trump or Carson, but you couldn't pay me enough to vote for Jeb, Hillary, or any of the other insiders that are running.

I'm an independent, I could vote for Kasich or Sanders. In fact my preferred ticket would be Kasich/Sanders. They are at least adults compared to the rest.

That's why Kasich doesn't have a chance in hell of getting the nomination.
I think Republicans need to come to grips with the reality of this Presidential election.

The Republican base won't be voting in large enough numbers for a RINO. Even if it is their candidate for the general election. Which means this election is already lost. No one is falling back to keep Bush around, no one wants him. That dog don't hunt this time around. Its over.

Trump cannot get elected.

The election is over.
I really hate to agree with you. I didn't vote for Mitt in 2012, but not for want of wanting to. All he had to do was show me he paid an equal % of income in taxes as I did - or even sorta close - and tell me he really isn't any crazier than when he ran the Olympics. But, I don't think he can win the base, and Obama's total vote numbers were down in 2012, as well.

Trump can't get elected, and I still think he more than likely implodes. Kasich and Jeb are toast. Cruz would have gopers campaigning for Hillary. Rand Paul: he hates himself and everyone else too. So, we're left with Rubio. God help us.

Hillary might get indicted, but it's not gonna happen.
Sorry, I think that's pure horseshit. They have a better chance than some establishment like Bush or Kasich.

No, you just like them better, because they're extremist.

A majority of Americans are fed up with illegal immigration.

Yes, so what? Trump isn't running on a campaign of strong immigration policy for the betterment of the country. He's running on a platform of hating brown skins. There is a big difference between the two, the majority of Americans will not support immigration reform built on racial hatred. I'm a conservative Hispanic who wants a strong immigration policy and do not want illegals to be rewarded, but Trump's racial hatred as a far bigger evil.

Furthermore, the majority of Americans are not one issue voters. Trump's rhetoric is irrelevant in the grand scheme. It might energize those on the fringe. But the majority of Americans will dismiss him because of his lunacy.

That may turn off some Hispanics, but it gets a lot of other traditional Democrat voters excited, like blacks and union members.

Because that worked so well how many times before? Oh yeah, zero.

The thing is that there are substantial cases to be made to those "traditional Democrat" blocks. But Trump sure as hell isn't making the case. The only case he's making is "rape!"
Time magazine has a story running this week about Trump's million-dollar court battle with people who are suing him for fraud after paying up to $35,000 tuition for his "Trump University" classes. I imagine that is adding to the GOP elite corps woes.

Almost every business gets sued at one point or another. I have threatened lawsuits against former employers multiple times. All your post shows is how desperate libs are to destroy Trump.

For fraud?

Libs don't have to be desperate about Trump. He screwed the pooch in Iowa with his meltdown yesterday. Calling Iowans stupid for believing Carson and likening him to a child molester. He's done, this time. You don't tell a bunch of evangelical Christians that there's no such thing as being born again. Stupidest thing he's ever done. Total meltdown.
If the election goes to any establishment candidate, Republican or Democrat, then the whole process is a loss for the country.

I don't like Trump or Carson, but you couldn't pay me enough to vote for Jeb, Hillary, or any of the other insiders that are running.

So, you're telling me that you would rather vote for Martin O'Malley than Kasich?
If the republican establishment had been kinder to Romney last time they wouldn't be in this position today. Romney is correct in not trusting republicans.

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