With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

Jeff Bezos makes $260 million a day while most of his employees barely make it by on under $30 K a year.

That is not capitalism dumbasses.
That's a fucking rigged up the ass system.
So if you created a product, and say you sold it over the net with you as the only employee, well would you think that someone should tell you because you have so much money that you should send over half of it to a poor nation abroad or else ???? It's the same thing really. The best way to handle bad players in this nation is to embarrass them by outing them, and then out their immoral business practices, and then let the citizenry either boycott them or petition them to do better before boycotting them.

The power of the citizens purse so to speak is exactly that, very POWERFUL indeed.

Use the billboard system to make it known what they do, and use radio or other platforms to get the job done, but government involvement ? NOPE......
Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
Worse than that is getting still yet the poor quality of service in which these workers are delivering to the public. I have been to McDonald's at least 6 times in the past 2 months, and everytime they have gotten my order wrong. Kidding me right ? Yet the idiot government body in the house attempts to give these people a raise without any consideration of their job performances ??

So the government intervenes as these people's union officials, and yet the government was never intended to act as a union for workers in this country. The government needs to get out of companies business unless real abuses are found like working illegals to undermine the nation's own working class citizens or finding corruption or corrupting practices in business otherwise (criminal activity).

Starter jobs pay should be set upon training involved, skill sets involved, punctuation involved, character involved, and attitudes involved. The minimum wage usually doesn't last for more than 6 months to a year, and then raises are given based upon the added factors listed above.
When I go to McDonald's it's to get breakfest which is good and the service at the two near me is good as well but the fact remains fast food worker is not a 15 dollar an hour job.
Glad you got a good one near you, and still the worker needs to be evaluated as to their individual worth. It's the only way.

The Democrats pulled this stunt as just another political move in order to try and make the republicans the bad guys and gals come 2020.
Jeff Bezos makes $260 million a day while most of his employees barely make it by on under $30 K a year.

That is not capitalism dumbasses.
That's a fucking rigged up the ass system.
/——/ Bezos is paid more because he’s worth more. The guy sweeping the floor couldn’t do Jeff’s job for 5 seconds and neither could you.
Time for the republicans to pass all kinds of legislation against the Demon-crats, and see them squirm like snakes trying to get away from it. Fight fire with fire.
Jeff Bezos makes $260 million a day while most of his employees barely make it by on under $30 K a year.

That is not capitalism dumbasses.
That's a fucking rigged up the ass system.

Do you know how hard it is to spend that kind of money?
I saw Brewster's Millions.
40 years ago there weren't 3000 billionaires ( and there shouldn't be now)

Who do you reckon should get to decide how many billionaires can exist at one time? That's real bad mojo, particularly for you or me if either of us becomes one.
The CBO said that for every 1 job at 15 3 will be lost in upper tier jobs not to mention the cost of goods going up! The left have no fking souls
To maintain a quality workforce one must adequately compensate their employees, otherwise you become a revolving door. Great if your McDonald’s, Burger Queen, or an illegal immigrant, however one would think a person that actually works would be paid more.

Only if they get better educated, whereby they'd deserve better pay.
Lazy asses don't want to pay those kind of dues anymore to get ahead.
They want commie inspired shortcuts!
My2¢ for President, I'm tossing my hat into the ring on the platform of a 30 hour work-week.
I don’t necessarily agree with such legislation, but if the Democratic Party wants to retake the Senate, they need to demonstrate to the voters that Congress can actually vote on a bill. Whether one supports this or not, it’s politically savvy to do it.
This would do exactly what democrats want, put millions of small business out of business,, it would flood America with foreign illegals, they would save for a year move back to Kenya and buy a mansion.
The CBO said that for every 1 job at 15 3 will be lost in upper tier jobs not to mention the cost of goods going up! The left have no fking souls

Nah. Anyone voting for that bill is a fucking idiot.

They sure don't seem to realize they will drive small businesses into bankruptcy.

Lots of jobs lost there.

$15 an hour mandatory??

One fucking bad idea.
And the senate will kill it like a nutria in the Louisiana swamp.
It's just Demon-crat think tank bull crap in play. If this doesn't work, then they'll go back and try some other scheme they got rolled up their sleeves.
/——/ Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t democRATs call Republicans racist, homophobes who hate the environment and want to kill old people and steal their Social Security? That might work.
If we would get rid of the 20-30 million illegal aliens, wages would go up by themselves. If Democrats didn't need those illegal votes so much, we could do that. Let the market decide. Unfortunately for the American worker, our countries security and our crumbling infrastructure, Democrats care more about illegal aliens.
Jeff Bezos makes $260 million a day while most of his employees barely make it by on under $30 K a year.

That is not capitalism dumbasses.
That's a fucking rigged up the ass system.

Jeff Bezos started off life in the same place as those making 30 K a year. He just was not satisfied with that and did something about it instead of waiting for the government to save him.
If we would get rid of the 20-30 million illegal aliens, wages would go up by themselves. If Democrats didn't need those illegal votes so much, we could do that. Let the market decide. Unfortunately for the American worker, our countries security and our crumbling infrastructure, Democrats care more about illegal aliens.
/——/ Speaking of crumbling infrastructure, I live in Nassau county on LI and pay $13k in property taxes. Some of the main roads are so bad, you have to either use alternate routes or drive 10 mph. My neighbor buys bags of asphalt and patches potholes near his house so he doesn’t bend a rim. But the democRATs say send us more money for infrastructure.
The CBO said that for every 1 job at 15 3 will be lost in upper tier jobs not to mention the cost of goods going up! The left have no fking souls
The worksheet or formula should be as is written below maybe.... Now tell me what you all think of this...........Allow every business to set it's own unique start pay in accordance to the skill level of the entrance job or the task at hand it feels justified in setting. Freedom of business act created !!

Ok, then government looks at the revenue generated in the business before taxes, and after cost in order to check for employee affordability issues if something seems wrong or is not working to well. This would be done by the government/IRS right ??

Then look into the turn over rate at the bottom levels of that business (i.e. workers leaving within 6 months to a year time period, and not instead taking higher position's within the company after the 6 months training period ends), otherwise to do this in order to see who is moving out of the beginners pay status to a better position, and who is leaving the company altogether for a specific reason.

Then look at where these people are going, otherwise are they ending up on government assistance, welfare, food stamps instead of finding more employment quickly or are they just finding another job quickly ??

Look at the release info of the employee in order to find out if the employee had a problem or not, and this being in concerns of why he or she was released or quit. Place these employee's into a pile to be counted and studied.

If a huge problem or high turn over rate becomes evident in a specific company of say above 50 employee's, and it is determined that it is because of business practices concerning temporary status of employee's who are possibly being paid way to low in accordance to the job skill requirement, then a letter of recommendation is to be sent out by the government all due to it's interest in keeping men and women working instead of them free loading off of the government/tax payers when leave a company for possible bitter reasoning noted over pay and unsatisfactory conditions....

The letter could recommend that a better percentage or formula should be worked out between company and employee in which could better serve both involved in the beginners or training process. This way individual companies are dealt with instead of attempting to punish all for the acts of a few bad players.

If (the government), would also find out that a company is running a scheme to have their employee's be subsidized by the government indirectly, while still working employee's at a low enough status in said company, and all in order to get that subsidy granted them by the government while they are working, then Houston we have a big problem..... If they are not making enough take home pay during training or entry level positions in order to afford going to that job, and to afford working without the subsidy given them by the government as an add on to that pay, then it should be investigated by government as is noted above..... No illegals should be working in or at these companies.

Government being dragged into the situation that it really wants no part of, and rightly so is the issue... It is where it all goes wrong, and it is where it all gets even dumber when these things happen in these ways for everyone, otherwise instead of just the problems being targeted instead.

It best that the private sector operate above board in order to keep the letters of recommendation out of their mail boxes. Right ???

Protect freedom for all.

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