With New Poll, Mitch McConnell Has Trouble on Two Fronts!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
With New Poll, Mitch McConnell Has Trouble on Two Sides

Mitch McConnell’s worst fears may be facing him now after all of these years. He is is a fight with a Democratic opponent, 34-year-old Alison Lundergan Grimes and his biggest fight may be within his own party, He is facing Matt Bevin, a primary challenge from the same Tea Party that elected Sen. Rand Paul.

The poll, which was conducted by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic firm, and commissioned by two national liberal organizations, showed Grimes leading McConnell 45 percent to 44 percent.

Although the poll shows the senator within the margin of error, it still adds to the growing list of headaches McConnell is facing, especially after his worst nightmare was realized in the form of Matt Bevin, a Tea Party primary opponent who thus far appears to have the chops to make McConnell’s life uncomfortable in the lead-up to next May’s primary.
With New Poll, Mitch McConnell Has Trouble on Two Sides - The Daily Beast

He deserves to be unseated.
McConnell is one of the most cowardly equivocating politicians I have ever had the displeasure of observing. I hate that man to my core.

But...taking him down won't result in some Tea Party hack winning the day. It will mean a die hard Democrat will.

A young one. Only 34 years old. That's a lot of staying power.

The GOP needs to start boosting sane and intelligent people with backbones.
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I've given to the Bevin campaign. I'm not a Kentucky resident, but that's how much I care about this race.
With New Poll, Mitch McConnell Has Trouble on Two Sides

Mitch McConnell’s worst fears may be facing him now after all of these years. He is is a fight with a Democratic opponent, 34-year-old Alison Lundergan Grimes and his biggest fight may be within his own party, He is facing Matt Bevin, a primary challenge from the same Tea Party that elected Sen. Rand Paul.

The poll, which was conducted by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic firm, and commissioned by two national liberal organizations, showed Grimes leading McConnell 45 percent to 44 percent.

Although the poll shows the senator within the margin of error, it still adds to the growing list of headaches McConnell is facing, especially after his worst nightmare was realized in the form of Matt Bevin, a Tea Party primary opponent who thus far appears to have the chops to make McConnell’s life uncomfortable in the lead-up to next May’s primary.
With New Poll, Mitch McConnell Has Trouble on Two Sides - The Daily Beast

He deserves to be unseated.

Rand Paul is also doing his best to get himself fired what with the plagiarism and his strong Teaparty ties.
The WORST case scenario for Republicans is that Matt Bevin wins the primary.

If that's the case Grimes won't be going against an incumbent...she'll be vying for an open seat. Further independent voters would be much more open to support Grimes over Bevin as oppose to Grimes over Mcconnell.

I'm totally convinced if Bevin unseats Mcconnell in the primary Grimes has the Senate seat in the bag...

It'll be Indiana's Murdock vs Donnelly race all over again!
The WORST case scenario for Republicans is that Matt Bevin wins the primary.

If that's the case Grimes won't be going against an incumbent...she'll be vying for an open seat. Further independent voters would be much more open to support Grimes over Bevin as oppose to Grimes over Mcconnell.

I'm totally convinced if Bevin unseats Mcconnell in the primary Grimes has the Senate seat in the bag...

It'll be Indiana's Murdock vs Donnelly race all over again!

I wouldn't be so sure; Mourdock would've won without his stupid rape gaffe. And Indiana is no where near as conservative as Kentucky; Indiana voted for Romney by 10 points, Kentucky by about 23 points.
Vote against McConnell in the primary, then vote against the TPM candidate in the general election.

Incumbents and TeaPs are the ones that most deserve to go.
Vote against McConnell in the primary, then vote against the TPM candidate in the general election.

Incumbents and TeaPs are the ones that most deserve to go.

I understand how you feel about the Tea Party Jake, but when it comes to working for the country rather than for themselves, they are on the top rung. You don't agree with what they stand for, spending cuts and tax cuts, so I see you dislike for their candidacy.
In a sense, they are more radical and less compromising than the general GOP because they are following their campaign promises to a "T". They have to learn to be more pragmatic in the day to day operations of politics while keeping their overall goal.

But, I would not want them to become like the GOP we have today. I consider them a step above...just rough around the corners.
Vote against McConnell in the primary, then vote against the TPM candidate in the general election.

Incumbents and TeaPs are the ones that most deserve to go.

You don't agree with what they stand for, spending cuts and tax cuts, so I see you dislike for their candidacy.
I am all for spending cuts, particularly in DOD and entitlement reform.

I am all for closing tax loop holes. I oppose tax increases.

I oppose the hatred and rage of a faux far right reactionary group of loons that wish to take America to the 1950s of white entitlement and evangelical/fundamentalist domination of the culture.

They are more interested in sticking an ultrasound wand up a pregnant woman's vagina then working for job growth and economic vitalization.
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The WORST case scenario for Republicans is that Matt Bevin wins the primary.

If that's the case Grimes won't be going against an incumbent...she'll be vying for an open seat. Further independent voters would be much more open to support Grimes over Bevin as oppose to Grimes over Mcconnell.

I'm totally convinced if Bevin unseats Mcconnell in the primary Grimes has the Senate seat in the bag...

It'll be Indiana's Murdock vs Donnelly race all over again!

I wouldn't be so sure; Mourdock would've won without his stupid rape gaffe. And Indiana is no where near as conservative as Kentucky; Indiana voted for Romney by 10 points, Kentucky by about 23 points.

Kentucky also elected a democratic governor, democratic lt. governor, and has a democratic majority in the state house of representatives. Also a democratic Sec of State named...you guessed it....Alison Lundergan Grimes!!

Kentucky doesn't vote for democrat presidents, but certainly elects democrats in statewide races.
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The WORST case scenario for Republicans is that Matt Bevin wins the primary.

If that's the case Grimes won't be going against an incumbent...she'll be vying for an open seat. Further independent voters would be much more open to support Grimes over Bevin as oppose to Grimes over Mcconnell.

I'm totally convinced if Bevin unseats Mcconnell in the primary Grimes has the Senate seat in the bag...

It'll be Indiana's Murdock vs Donnelly race all over again!

I wouldn't be so sure; Mourdock would've won without his stupid rape gaffe. And Indiana is no where near as conservative as Kentucky; Indiana voted for Romney by 10 points, Kentucky by about 23 points.

Kentucky also elected a democratic governor, lt. governor, and has a democratic majority in the state house of representatives. Kentucky doesn't vote for democrat presidents, but certainly elects democrats in statewide races.
That's why they went for Rand Paul over Grayson and then over Conway in the general.
Do you think people in KY are more or less in favor of Washington insiders today than 3 years ago?
I wouldn't be so sure; Mourdock would've won without his stupid rape gaffe. And Indiana is no where near as conservative as Kentucky; Indiana voted for Romney by 10 points, Kentucky by about 23 points.

Kentucky also elected a democratic governor, lt. governor, and has a democratic majority in the state house of representatives. Kentucky doesn't vote for democrat presidents, but certainly elects democrats in statewide races.
That's why they went for Rand Paul over Grayson and then over Conway in the general.
Do you think people in KY are more or less in favor of Washington insiders today than 3 years ago?

Rand Paul had previous star power from making speeches for his dad back in 2008. Also just carrying the "Paul" name in general. Someone like Matt Bevin? Probably going to be harder.

Also Rand Paul wasn't going up against an incumbent, he was competing for an open seat. And he was elected in the wave election of 2010, which is a different story from being elected in 2014.

Rand Paul is a fluke. He's an exception in Kentucky...not the rule.
The WORST case scenario for Republicans is that Matt Bevin wins the primary.

If that's the case Grimes won't be going against an incumbent...she'll be vying for an open seat. Further independent voters would be much more open to support Grimes over Bevin as oppose to Grimes over Mcconnell.

I'm totally convinced if Bevin unseats Mcconnell in the primary Grimes has the Senate seat in the bag...

It'll be Indiana's Murdock vs Donnelly race all over again!

Whether it be Bevin who knocks out McConnell in the primary or Grimes taking out McConnell for the seat, it's a win win for conservatives.

As long as McConnell is permanently retired by either of those individuals I know I'll be doing cartweels knowing that the backroom dealing bastard, back stabbing old son of a bitch is gone.

It will be a victory to see him punished so.
With New Poll, Mitch McConnell Has Trouble on Two Sides

Mitch McConnell’s worst fears may be facing him now after all of these years. He is is a fight with a Democratic opponent, 34-year-old Alison Lundergan Grimes and his biggest fight may be within his own party, He is facing Matt Bevin, a primary challenge from the same Tea Party that elected Sen. Rand Paul.

The poll, which was conducted by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic firm, and commissioned by two national liberal organizations, showed Grimes leading McConnell 45 percent to 44 percent.

Although the poll shows the senator within the margin of error, it still adds to the growing list of headaches McConnell is facing, especially after his worst nightmare was realized in the form of Matt Bevin, a Tea Party primary opponent who thus far appears to have the chops to make McConnell’s life uncomfortable in the lead-up to next May’s primary.
With New Poll, Mitch McConnell Has Trouble on Two Sides - The Daily Beast

He deserves to be unseated.

Rand Paul is also doing his best to get himself fired what with the plagiarism and his strong Teaparty ties.

On the contrary, Sarah G.

In America if one commits plagiarism he or she can have a long career as a Senator and even go on to become the Vice President of the United States.


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