With no answers for inflation, crime or the border, Democrats turn to gaslighting voters

I find it very encouraging that the left has gone so crazy that Italy and Sweden joined Poland and Hungary. The globalists are showing cracks in their domination.
The globalists are fucking things up big time.
They talk like polar opposites and on a couple of social wedge issues they are, but for the most part the govern the same. Spend too much and want to control our lives.

The real change began after the 92 election, Ross Perot scared the shit out of the duopoly, people were uniting behind someone other than an R or D. Since that point they have done all they can to divide us as a nation to ensure their continued power. A divided populous that literally thinks the other side is evil is easy to control, we are too busy fighting each other to pay attention to what is really going on in DC.

The war between the party leaders is nothing but kabuki theater. In late 2019 during the heart of the 1st impeachment our elected leaders who supposedly hated each other somehow came together to pass a whole slew of bill right before the end of the year and the Trump signed them all. From added spending to fucking with the retirement system, these bills made it through in the dark of the night with almost no media coverage and not a word from Trump when he signed them. How does that happen with two parties at war with each other?
IMO it began during the Reagan administration. I used to watch the special orders on Cspan after House business closed for the day. Reagan's overwhelming popularity after the disaster of the Carter administration was unnerving to the Democrats and they were actively looking for ways to neutralize that to regain their power. GHWB helped them out when he broke his 'no new taxes' pledge but by that time it was getting bad. I listened to Henry Gonzales (D) of Texas in special orders rail against Reagan and Bush 41 and introduced impeachment papers against Reagan that never got off the ground. And there were others on both sides. It was getting bad then.

I don't excuse DJT signing the spending bills and I agree that except for Newt Gingrich's reformer Republicans during the Clinton administration, the GOP is little better than the Democrats when it comes to spending. The main difference is in the constituency each represents. Republicans these days are more likely to promote economic growth and more power to the people; Democrats go for social engineering, climate change, 'woke' emphasis.
Will the Repubs cut spending along with those reduced taxes?
Thank you for the civil replies. Let me ask you a question. The government spends way more than the population generates on huge bills where people have no idea what they are paying for. My question is how much do you think the government should be able to take out of a working person's pay check? What %? How much money should a working person be able to keep? I'm not just talking income taxes. I'm talking about all the hidden little taxes. At some point, citizens should be allowed to succeed.
The Dems have not done shit, just as we all knew they would.

When the Repubs take over they will not do shit, just like we all know they will.

You are fucking moron to vote to either and think something is going to change.
I don't have much respect for the weak and spineless republicans, and they do spend too much, but there are still very important differences. The green nonsense and destroying domestic energy production is one. The remain in Mexico policy on immigration was a big deal. Ramping up spending during inflation is a pretty basic no no currently going on. Teaching racism and trans stuff in schools is pretty messed up. The further eroding of free speech is concerning. I'm afraid I can't buy into the both sides are the same argument.
Thank you for the civil replies. Let me ask you a question. The government spends way more than the population generates on huge bills where people have no idea what they are paying for. My question is how much do you think the government should be able to take out of a working person's pay check? What %? How much money should a working person be able to keep? I'm not just talking income taxes. I'm talking about all the hidden little taxes. At some point, citizens should be allowed to succeed.
I've always said that if God only demanded a tithe, then government should expect no more that that. Those who think they should pay more than that should have the option to do so but requiring others to also do so is not charity but extortion.

How much better off we would be if government limited itself to operating within that 10% threshhold?
Thank you for the civil replies. Let me ask you a question. The government spends way more than the population generates on huge bills where people have no idea what they are paying for. My question is how much do you think the government should be able to take out of a working person's pay check? What %? How much money should a working person be able to keep? I'm not just talking income taxes. I'm talking about all the hidden little taxes. At some point, citizens should be allowed to succeed.

My view is that we the current members of the society should pay for what we allow our government to spend. I think it is immoral to keep spending more money than we have and passing it on to our kids.

If you knew of a father that was knowingly running up huge debt and knew his kids would suffer due to it, how you would view that man?

If I were king for a day the only rule I would pass is that each year after the spending is approved, taxes in the country would be adjusted on every living person in it to pay for the projected spending plus 10% to pay down the debt. If the Govt wanted to spend more than they had they would need permission from We the People.

If we did this just one year there would be a huge wave of people demanding the government cut spending. If not, then that meant the people were good with it.

But now there is no reason for either party to cut spending, and none ever do.
My view is that we the current members of the society should pay for what we allow our government to spend. I think it is immoral to keep spending more money than we have and passing it on to our kids.

If you knew of a father that was knowingly running up huge debt and knew his kids would suffer due to it, how you would view that man?

If I were king for a day the only rule I would pass is that each year after the spending is approved, taxes in the country would be adjusted on every living person in it to pay for the projected spending plus 10% to pay down the debt. If the Govt wanted to spend more than they had they would need permission from We the People.

If we did this just one year there would be a huge wave of people demanding the government cut spending. If not, then that meant the people were good with it.

But now there is no reason for either party to cut spending, and none ever do.
I think everyone agrees with you that we should pay for what we spend like an actual household, but you did not answer the question. If government can never come close to what it spends, how much money would you let workers keep. At some point, people should get some value for their hard work. According to your post, the government could take every penny a person earned and it would be justified.
If government can never come close to what it spends, how much money would you let workers keep.

They should take as much as as they spend. Then maybe the workers will tell them to stop spending so damn much.

At some point, people should get some value for their hard work. According to your post, the government could take every penny a person earned and it would be justified.

Justified? Not the word I would use, but whatever. The workers keep voting these people spending too much money back into office, do they not bear some responsibility.
What's the Republican answer to the fact that your orange fuhrer was going to build a huuuuge wall to make all of these problems disappear?

You know the one where the orange loser was going to make Mexico pay for the wall?
He got them to keep them in their country. Which saved us millions in welfare. Now we've had around 5 million cross in les than 2 years.
So the orange loser did build the wall? Is that your claim? Reality proves you wrong. But then, that is why you are a retard, right?
He was getting it done why liberals were trying to stop him anyway possible.
I'm not the one whining here, retard. My guy is in the WH while your orange loser is whining about losing the election. :laughing0301:
Your guy is screwing the pooch big time. You know his administration thinks that North Korea is an ally? Lol
They should take as much as as they spend. Then maybe the workers will tell them to stop spending so damn much.

Justified? Not the word I would use, but whatever. The workers keep voting these people spending too much money back into office, do they not bear some responsibility.

How exactly are voters supposed to keep Washington from flushing money down a toilet. There isn't a politician from any party who won't behave the same way once they get to DC. If the citizens quit voting period, the money would just keep on getting flushed down Washington. To say citizens should have no protection or should let Washington take whatever it wants from them doesn't make much sense.
How exactly are voters supposed to keep Washington from flushing money down a toilet. There isn't a politician from any party who won't behave the same way once they get to DC.

If we vote them out and replace them they will get the message. But instead we reelect them at a greater than 90% clip. This is why they act the way they do, we the people do not hold them accountable.

To say citizens should have no protection or should let Washington take whatever it wants from them doesn't make much sense.

Look, if you wish to be a free loader and pass all this debt on to our children and grandchildren, that is your right in this country. I personally find it morally repulsive. But hey, that is just me
If we vote them out and replace them they will get the message. But instead we reelect them at a greater than 90% clip. This is why they act the way they do, we the people do not hold them accountable.

Look, if you wish to be a free loader and pass all this debt on to our children and grandchildren, that is your right in this country. I personally find it morally repulsive. But hey, that is just

How do we vote them out? No matter who you vote for will go to Washington and become Washington. They are all going to tell you they have your back, that they will fight for the worker, and then they go to Washington and stab us in the back immediately. I agree with you, everyone should pay their bills. Common sense. You are right, no one is accountable. I'm not as hard on citizens as you are. I don't think Washington should crap on us and we have to take whatever they do to us and smile. They can't behave like crooks, and then use that as justification to take everything the people have.
How do we vote them out? No matter who you vote for will go to Washington and become Washington. They are all going to tell you they have your back, that they will fight for the worker, and then they go to Washington and stab us in the back immediately.

Vote them out en masse by party and replace them with non duopoly people. This is how you do it.

Common sense. You are right, no one is accountable. I'm not as hard on citizens as you are. I don't think Washington should crap on us and we have to take whatever they do to us and smile. They can't behave like crooks, and then use that as justification to take everything the people have.

Yet that is what they are doing with the approval of the citizenry.
Vote them out en masse by party and replace them with non duopoly people. This is how you do it.

Yet that is what they are doing with the approval of the citizenry.
You act like there are candidates out there who will not spend us into oblivion. If you got rid of them all, the new crop will behave the exact same way. They definitely do not have the citizen's approval. Everybody hates congress. Everybody. I just don't see the shiny candidates who will not rob us blind and will actually fix things. Every candidate will say they are the answer and that they are responsible. Every last one of them. I'd say only ten percent of the creatures in congress are not totally corrupt. You can hate both parties, but I don't believe there is a huge crop of independent candidates who are above the corruption. I really wish there was. I think everyone wishes we had candidates we could trust.
You act like there are candidates out there who will not spend us into oblivion.

Yes, there are. They belong to what are known as 3rd parties.

If you got rid of them all, the new crop will behave the exact same way.

only if you vote in the same groups

They definitely do not have the citizen's approval. Everybody hates congress.

Yet they keep voting for them, which is the most sincere way of showing you approve of them.

Every last one of them. I'd say only ten percent of the creatures in congress are not totally corrupt.

That is because they all belong to the corrupt duopoly.
He got them to keep them in their country. Which saved us millions in welfare. Now we've had around 5 million cross in les than 2 years.
So, the orange douchebag didn't build the wall? All that bragging was just lies?

You retards fell for that lie, right? Poor trumptards. No wonder you guys are so mad all the time. :itsok:

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