with Obamacare gone, what should Trumpcare look like? give your solution to health care

You would have received care regardless.

That's not entirely correct...….before Obamacare, we didn't have insurance and any care was paid by us cash, which just happened to be half of what they charged the insurance company, when we did have insurance 'because of the lack of overhead & paperwork' is what we were told
Responsible and honorable people would try to make Obamacare better - not try to kill it. Republicans are evil. Pure evil.
Responsible and honorable people would try to rehabilitate Rosemary's baby!

You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
I've paid a lot into auto liability insurance and have nothing to show for it, because I haven't crashed into someone else's car and sent them to the hospital.....Insurance isn't supposed to be a piggy bank.
You would have received care regardless.

That's not entirely correct...….before Obamacare, we didn't have insurance and any care was paid by us cash, which just happened to be half of what they charged the insurance company, when we did have insurance 'because of the lack of overhead & paperwork' is what we were told
No one goes without care. I worked in the medical field.
Get insurance out of the equation. Make insurance illegal. Medical facilities should only accept cash. That will reduce crime and prevent the savages from procreating. Medical facilities will have to bring their fees way down to market levels since American citizens will actually change their behavior to prevent needing a medical facility. Also allow pharmacists to prescribe stuff. They are more acquainted with medicine than most "doctors" anyway.

Bubba, I told you and Billy Bob to quit fucking around down there in the mail room. When I come down there, if I find that you are horsing around with that computer, you will both be painting yellow lines on the asphalt tomorrow...
Leave it to Texass to fuck things up. Anyway, Obamacare isn't dead yet. This NaziCon Teanderthal ruling will be appealed.

If the ruling stands, the Affordable Care Act’s insurance regulations would disappear and, along with them, the health coverage for millions of people who gained private insurance or Medicaid coverage under the 2010 law signed by President Barack Obama. Specifically, the law’s guarantee of coverage for people regardless of their pre-existing conditions, financial assistance for private insurance, rules establishing a basic minimum set of benefits insurance policies must cover and more would vanish. Since O’Connor’s ruling throws out the entire statute, the rest of the ACA, such as its expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults, also is stricken.

“Today’s ruling is an assault on 133 million Americans with preexisting conditions, on the 20 million Americans who rely on the ACA for health care, and on America’s faithful progress toward affordable health care for all Americans,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a news release. “The ACA has already survived more than 70 unsuccessful repeal attempts and withstood scrutiny in the Supreme Court. Today’s misguided ruling will not deter us: Our coalition will continue to fight in court for the health and wellbeing of all Americans.” Becerra led the team of Democratic state attorneys general who defended the Affordable Care Act in the case.

Republican officials from Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin filed the lawsuit.

Democratic officials from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and the District of Columbia defended the law.

More: Federal Judge In Texas Rules Against Obamacare
Leave it to Texass to fuck things up. Anyway, Obamacare isn't dead yet. This ruling will be appealed.

If the ruling stands, the Affordable Care Act’s insurance regulations would disappear and, along with them, the health coverage for millions of people who gained private insurance or Medicaid coverage ...

Yeah, it's sad. This is exactly why its so dangerous to pass these kinds of laws without real consensus. It just becomes a political football - but it's not a game. People actually suffer in the process.

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?

There are millions of Americans, who have sound minds and are working. But considering the cost of healthcare has risen much faster than wage growth, many hard working Americans can't afford healthcare insurance.
And your solution is,,,,,?
healthvare wages.gif
Leave it to Texass to fuck things up. Anyway, Obamacare isn't dead yet. This NaziCon Teanderthal ruling will be appealed.

If the ruling stands, the Affordable Care Act’s insurance regulations would disappear and, along with them, the health coverage for millions of people who gained private insurance or Medicaid coverage under the 2010 law signed by President Barack Obama. Specifically, the law’s guarantee of coverage for people regardless of their pre-existing conditions, financial assistance for private insurance, rules establishing a basic minimum set of benefits insurance policies must cover and more would vanish. Since O’Connor’s ruling throws out the entire statute, the rest of the ACA, such as its expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults, also is stricken.

“Today’s ruling is an assault on 133 million Americans with preexisting conditions, on the 20 million Americans who rely on the ACA for health care, and on America’s faithful progress toward affordable health care for all Americans,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a news release. “The ACA has already survived more than 70 unsuccessful repeal attempts and withstood scrutiny in the Supreme Court. Today’s misguided ruling will not deter us: Our coalition will continue to fight in court for the health and wellbeing of all Americans.” Becerra led the team of Democratic state attorneys general who defended the Affordable Care Act in the case.

Republican officials from Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin filed the lawsuit.

Democratic officials from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and the District of Columbia defended the law.

More: Federal Judge In Texas Rules Against Obamacare

There are millions of Americans, who have sound minds and are working. But considering the cost of healthcare has risen much faster than wage growth, many hard working Americans can't afford healthcare insurance.
And your solution is,,,,,?
View attachment 234764
What's the economic difference between medical care, and things like flat screen teevees and smart phones?
Even if it's broken ????
Who broke it?
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
What you are describing is how it was before Obamacare.

The only reason I could retire early is because of Obamacare. Now I have medicare because I passed 65. Otherwise, for a few years, I wouldn't have had healthcare. During that time, I had polyps removed from a colonoscopy. I had a cancerous lump removed from my neck. Now I'm OK.

Relying on the GOP and I would be dead.

Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in Appalachia Versus the Rest of the US

Look how they treat their own.
Oh bullcorn. You would have received care regardless. No one goes without care in this country when they need it.
True, but should care bankrupt us in the process ?? Who are our representatives within this bohemeth system that has gotten out of control in the past ?? The private sector who is heavily regulated by the government is supposed to represent us, and to work for our best interest in the situation or are they to try and focus on making a profit inside of all the difficulties found with the system as it stands ??

Who are our representatives, and are they working in our best interest ???
There are millions of Americans, who have sound minds and are working. But considering the cost of healthcare has risen much faster than wage growth, many hard working Americans can't afford healthcare insurance.
And your solution is,,,,,?
View attachment 234764
What's the economic difference between medical care, and things like flat screen teevees and smart phones?
Come on man, this excuse ain't flying around here anymore. It's way on more complicated than these attacks on the poor who yes do stupid things of course, but in no way addresses what is going on inside of the whole healthcare apparatus that was supposed to be simple in delivering a great product to us, and to do it at a great price where everyone benefits from it long term and short term.
Even if it's broken ????
Who broke it?
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
What you are describing is how it was before Obamacare.

The only reason I could retire early is because of Obamacare. Now I have medicare because I passed 65. Otherwise, for a few years, I wouldn't have had healthcare. During that time, I had polyps removed from a colonoscopy. I had a cancerous lump removed from my neck. Now I'm OK.

Relying on the GOP and I would be dead.

Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in Appalachia Versus the Rest of the US

Look how they treat their own.
Oh bullcorn. You would have received care regardless. No one goes without care in this country when they need it.
Yea, and that is exactly why infant mortality is up and life expectancy down in Red States. Because of all that good care.
Leave it to Texass to fuck things up. Anyway, Obamacare isn't dead yet. This ruling will be appealed.

If the ruling stands, the Affordable Care Act’s insurance regulations would disappear and, along with them, the health coverage for millions of people who gained private insurance or Medicaid coverage ...

Yeah, it's sad. This is exactly why its so dangerous to pass these kinds of laws without real consensus. It just becomes a political football - but it's not a game. People actually suffer in the process.

Yes, it is sad. Republicans have refused to participate - except to kill it.
Come on, Republicans are jazzed. How often do they get to royally screw over 20 million Americans?

The idea of Republicans helping the middle class is laughable. Not even the Republican middle class believes their leadership cares about them. They only vote GOP because they vote race. It's all about hate. Even if they put their own families in danger. Hate comes first.
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
I've paid a lot into auto liability insurance and have nothing to show for it, because I haven't crashed into someone else's car and sent them to the hospital.....Insurance isn't supposed to be a piggy bank.
Equating human beings health to auto insurance is as deplorable as it gets, and nobody is buying this kind of simple minded snake oil pumped out by someone that isn't willing to work out solutions, but would rather just protect the status quo.
You would have received care regardless.

That's not entirely correct...….before Obamacare, we didn't have insurance and any care was paid by us cash, which just happened to be half of what they charged the insurance company, when we did have insurance 'because of the lack of overhead & paperwork' is what we were told
No one goes without care. I worked in the medical field.

Yeah, as long as someone pays for it and most can't afford to pay cash for their own care and have to either pay for insurance or qualify for Medicaid.

The whole point of Obamacare was to make everyone have insurance, because too many didn't have it and would end up in the ER for problems they couldn't afford regular Drs for nor could they pay for the ER......those costs had to be paid by someone, even if the Hospital had to eat the charges. They can't provide good care if they aren't getting paid. Only problem was Obamacare was too expensive as well and many paid the penalties instead because it was cheaper.
Come on, Republicans are jazzed. How often do they get to royally screw over 20 million Americans?

The idea of Republicans helping the middle class is laughable. Not even the Republican middle class believes their leadership cares about them. They only vote GOP because they vote race. It's all about hate. Even if they put their own families in danger. Hate comes first.
I disagree with you on your attacks on republicans or conservatives
You would have received care regardless.

That's not entirely correct...….before Obamacare, we didn't have insurance and any care was paid by us cash, which just happened to be half of what they charged the insurance company, when we did have insurance 'because of the lack of overhead & paperwork' is what we were told
No one goes without care. I worked in the medical field.

Yeah, as long as someone pays for it and most can't afford to pay cash for their own care and have to either pay for insurance or qualify for Medicaid.

The whole point of Obamacare was to make everyone have insurance, because too many didn't have it and would end up in the ER for problems they couldn't afford regular Drs for nor could they pay for the ER......those costs had to be paid by someone, even if the Hospital had to eat the charges. They can't provide good care if they aren't getting paid. Only problem was Obamacare was too expensive as well and many paid the penalties instead because it was cheaper.
Obamacare wasn't the answer either, because it screws over the working men and women for the poor, otherwise who aren't being responsible citizens in regards to showing the country that they are fighting their way up and out of poverty, but instead are doubling or tripling down on it instead.

The working class get tired of people being totally dependent on government, and them as workers being expected to pay for it all without question.
The Number One reason why people go bankrupt in America is Medical Expenses. And it's been this way, for quite a few years.
Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt
The outrageous skyrocketing cost of healthcare is not good for the welfare of this country.
From the Constitution: GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States.
It's been Congress's duty to control a threat to the welfare of the United States, such as the threat of healthcare costs to the financial health of the country. Unfortunately, Congress (and the presidency) are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry.

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