with Obamacare gone, what should Trumpcare look like? give your solution to health care

Equating human beings health to auto insurance is as deplorable as it gets, and nobody is buying this kind of simple minded snake oil pumped out by someone that isn't willing to work out solutions, but would rather just protect the status quo.
Your side is the bunch of asswipes who tried to equate auto insurance mandates with yours, so it's just desserts to get your model turned back against you...Too late to play the butthurt little baby, whose sensitivities are all offended.
The Number One reason why people go bankrupt in America is Medical Expenses. And it's been this way, for quite a few years.
Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt
The outrageous skyrocketing cost of healthcare is not good for the welfare of this country.
From the Constitution: GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States.
It's been Congress's duty to control a threat to the welfare of the United States, such as the threat of healthcare costs to the financial health of the country. Unfortunately, Congress (and the presidency) are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry.


But you already knew that Madison (the father of the Constitution) didn't mean "general welfare" to mean what you've bastardized it to be, you lying SOS.
You would have received care regardless.

That's not entirely correct...….before Obamacare, we didn't have insurance and any care was paid by us cash, which just happened to be half of what they charged the insurance company, when we did have insurance 'because of the lack of overhead & paperwork' is what we were told
No one goes without care. I worked in the medical field.

Yeah, as long as someone pays for it and most can't afford to pay cash for their own care and have to either pay for insurance or qualify for Medicaid.

The whole point of Obamacare was to make everyone have insurance, because too many didn't have it and would end up in the ER for problems they couldn't afford regular Drs for nor could they pay for the ER......those costs had to be paid by someone, even if the Hospital had to eat the charges. They can't provide good care if they aren't getting paid. Only problem was Obamacare was too expensive as well and many paid the penalties instead because it was cheaper.
Obamacare wasn't the answer either, because it screws over the working men and women for the poor, otherwise who aren't being responsible citizens in regards to showing the country that they are fighting their way up and out of poverty, but instead are doubling or tripling down on it instead.

The working class get tired of people being totally dependent on government, and them as workers being expected to pay for it all without question.

Yet under Obama there was little to no opportunity to get out of poverty. Insurance hadn't been mandatory before Obamacare and even with it, people were working their asses off just to keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs and food on the table. Nobody could afford another payment for insurance that they may not need. That's short-sighted of course, but when both parents are working, their mortgage payments just doubled because of the APR, childcare costs, etc, etc, etc every penny was needed for basics.

That 'poor doubling or tripling down on poverty' you speak of...…..were the working poor during a recession. They didn't have much choice
Come on man, this excuse ain't flying around here anymore. It's way on more complicated than these attacks on the poor who yes do stupid things of course, but in no way addresses what is going on inside of the whole healthcare apparatus that was supposed to be simple in delivering a great product to us, and to do it at a great price where everyone benefits from it long term and short term.


That's $429.78 in today's money....Source: US Inflation Calculator

The difference between 1943 and today is that there a a bazillion interlopers in the marketplace for medical services, all of which have insulated the consumer from paying the costs, thereby driving up the prices for everything.......And your answer is to call for more politicians and bureaucrats to fix it?!?!....Fuck my life!

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?
Why have any government at all if they’re not supposed to help Americans? That’s like one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read since I’ve been on the USMB.
Even if it's broken ????
Who broke it?
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
What you are describing is how it was before Obamacare.

The only reason I could retire early is because of Obamacare. Now I have medicare because I passed 65. Otherwise, for a few years, I wouldn't have had healthcare. During that time, I had polyps removed from a colonoscopy. I had a cancerous lump removed from my neck. Now I'm OK.

Relying on the GOP and I would be dead.

Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in Appalachia Versus the Rest of the US

Look how they treat their own.
Oh bullcorn. You would have received care regardless. No one goes without care in this country when they need it.
Wow. You don’t know much do you? The purpose of healthcare is to stop problems before they happen. You can’t just go to a doctor and say give me a colonoscopy. It’s something you get when you’re in a wellness program. If you wait until you actually got sick, it would be too late, you would just die.
I know Republicans give every appearance of thinking it’s fine that people die. It’s hilarious. It’s OK no problem. Until one of them gets sick. Then it’s not nearly as funny.
Come on man, this excuse ain't flying around here anymore. It's way on more complicated than these attacks on the poor who yes do stupid things of course, but in no way addresses what is going on inside of the whole healthcare apparatus that was supposed to be simple in delivering a great product to us, and to do it at a great price where everyone benefits from it long term and short term.


That's $429.78 in today's money....Source: US Inflation Calculator

The difference between 1943 and today is that there a a bazillion interlopers in the marketplace for medical services, all of which have insulated the consumer from paying the costs, thereby driving up the prices for everything.......And your answer is to call for more politicians and bureaucrats to fix it?!?!....Fuck my life!

I don't know how much it costs to have a kid where you are but I'll guarantee you it's a whole lot more than $429.78. You can add a couple of zero's to the back of that...….and that's about what it cost to have my youngest, 17years ago.....so it would be even more now
Come on man, this excuse ain't flying around here anymore. It's way on more complicated than these attacks on the poor who yes do stupid things of course, but in no way addresses what is going on inside of the whole healthcare apparatus that was supposed to be simple in delivering a great product to us, and to do it at a great price where everyone benefits from it long term and short term.


That's $429.78 in today's money....Source: US Inflation Calculator

The difference between 1943 and today is that there a a bazillion interlopers in the marketplace for medical services, all of which have insulated the consumer from paying the costs, thereby driving up the prices for everything.......And your answer is to call for more politicians and bureaucrats to fix it?!?!....Fuck my life!
I think maybe one of the reasons Republicans know so little about healthcare and have so little understanding is because they don’t have health care.
Wellness is part of the health care package that I have. So they have mandatory colonoscopy. If you didn’t get a colonoscopy you could get intestinal cancer and you wouldn’t even know until you’re so far gone you would just die. But with the colonoscopy they travel through your intestines and they snip off any polyps and prevent you from having intestinal cancer. That’s just one benefit.
I know I know, colonoscopy is a big word. Who knows what it means? What are polyps? Who knows who cares? The reason Republicans are so dangerous is because the lack of knowledge about anything. The willingness to stay as ignorant as possible. The denial.
it's not over yet, there's a few appeals and then the supreme court

The worst part is... the DoJ said this year that they would not spend any money to help defend the ACA in any appeals cases. So basically it is all on certain states to spend the money to do it.
it's not over yet, there's a few appeals and then the supreme court

The worst part is... the DoJ said this year that they would not spend any money to help defend the ACA in any appeals cases. So basically it is all on certain states to spend the money to do it.
I know many Republicans in red states were already freaking out when Trump was elected. They never thought he would be elected. So once he was they realize they could probably lose their healthcare. People whose wives and husbands have been saved because they were able to go to doctors and be checked out and have diseases discovered before they became serious. All that’s going to be gone.
Republicans on the USMB say well why don’t you just go to the emergency room?
But if you’re already sick and the disease has progressed there’s nothing that can be done for you

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?
Why have any government at all if they’re not supposed to help Americans? That’s like one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read since I’ve been on the USMB.

BS is right......government isn't there to help you...…...they are there to GOVERN you AKA collect taxes, make laws for you to abide and lock you up when you don't
Come on, guys! Don't rain on their parade. Over 100 million American citizens are going to lose their health care, and this is cause for a serious celebration for the Right!
Come on man, this excuse ain't flying around here anymore. It's way on more complicated than these attacks on the poor who yes do stupid things of course, but in no way addresses what is going on inside of the whole healthcare apparatus that was supposed to be simple in delivering a great product to us, and to do it at a great price where everyone benefits from it long term and short term.


That's $429.78 in today's money....Source: US Inflation Calculator

The difference between 1943 and today is that there a a bazillion interlopers in the marketplace for medical services, all of which have insulated the consumer from paying the costs, thereby driving up the prices for everything.......And your answer is to call for more politicians and bureaucrats to fix it?!?!....Fuck my life!
I think maybe one of the reasons Republicans know so little about healthcare and have so little understanding is because they don’t have health care.
Wellness is part of the health care package that I have. So they have mandatory colonoscopy. If you didn’t get a colonoscopy you could get intestinal cancer and you wouldn’t even know until you’re so far gone you would just die. But with the colonoscopy they travel through your intestines and they snip off any polyps and prevent you from having intestinal cancer. That’s just one benefit.
I know I know, colonoscopy is a big word. Who knows what it means? What are polyps? Who knows who cares? The reason Republicans are so dangerous is because the lack of knowledge about anything. The willingness to stay as ignorant as possible. The denial.

No that's not correct...…..a colonoscopy is a diagnostic tool, not a treatment. It is a procedure used to find problems if they already exist.

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?

So....die quickly.

And spare yourself the continued humiliation you bring on yourself with each post you make.
Responsible and honorable people would try to make Obamacare better - not try to kill it. Republicans are evil. Pure evil.

Yes, being fiscally responsible is evil.

Taking out programs that kill competition and prop up the current insurance industry is just awful.

You moron.
Even if it's broken ????
Who broke it?
You tell me ??? All I know is that I have worked all my life paying into private insurance, and have nothing to show for it, and that doesn't cut it. Now I'm older, and in that bad place where private insurance is to high, and I'm not old enough for the senior benefits. So why am I getting screwed over or abused by this messed up system that has cracks big enough for an elephant to fall through ??
What you are describing is how it was before Obamacare.

The only reason I could retire early is because of Obamacare. Now I have medicare because I passed 65. Otherwise, for a few years, I wouldn't have had healthcare. During that time, I had polyps removed from a colonoscopy. I had a cancerous lump removed from my neck. Now I'm OK.

Relying on the GOP and I would be dead.

Infant Mortality and Life Expectancy in Appalachia Versus the Rest of the US

Look how they treat their own.

You know nothing about how to interpret any of that data. You simply suck on the dick of anyone who will stick it in your mouth.

You keep accusing others of denying science. But you don't know any.

When asked to present your training, you are silent.

Let's hear what you know about chemistry, physics or statistics.

C'mon show us you are credible.

Or remain the board moron.
The Number One reason why people go bankrupt in America is Medical Expenses. And it's been this way, for quite a few years.
Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt
The outrageous skyrocketing cost of healthcare is not good for the welfare of this country.
From the Constitution: GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States.
It's been Congress's duty to control a threat to the welfare of the United States, such as the threat of healthcare costs to the financial health of the country. Unfortunately, Congress (and the presidency) are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry.


But you already knew that Madison (the father of the Constitution) didn't mean "general welfare" to mean what you've bastardized it to be, you lying SOS.

They all know it.

It would place the constitution in direct conflict with itself if it meant what they put forth as a wet dream.
Come on, guys! Don't rain on their parade. Over 100 million American citizens are going to lose their health care, and this is cause for a serious celebration for the Right!

Wrong....and it depends on the source

6-10 million people could lose their health insurance under GOP's Obamacare-replacement plan

32 million people would lose coverage if Obamacare was repealed

Either way...…..don't forget the many of those people now have or are getting jobs that will provide benefits thru employers

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