with Obamacare gone, what should Trumpcare look like? give your solution to health care

The Number One reason why people go bankrupt in America is Medical Expenses. And it's been this way, for quite a few years.
Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt
The outrageous skyrocketing cost of healthcare is not good for the welfare of this country.
From the Constitution: GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States.
It's been Congress's duty to control a threat to the welfare of the United States, such as the threat of healthcare costs to the financial health of the country. Unfortunately, Congress (and the presidency) are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry.


But you already knew that Madison (the father of the Constitution) didn't mean "general welfare" to mean what you've bastardized it to be, you lying SOS.

Let's look at the Supreme Court decision regarding Helvering v. Davis with tying in General Welfare.

"The Court soon modified its holding in the Butler decision in Helvering v. Davis (1937). There, the Court sustained the old-age benefits provisions of the Social Security Act of 1935 and adopted an expansive view of the power of the federal government to tax and spend for the general welfare. In Helvering, the Court maintained that although Congress's power to tax and spend under the General Welfare clause was limited to general or national concerns, Congress itself could determine when spending constituted spending for the general welfare. To date, no legislation passed by Congress has ever been struck down because it did not serve the general welfare. Moreover, since congressional power to legislate under the Commerce clause has expanded the areas falling within Congress's enumerated powers, the General Welfare clause has decreased in importance".
General Welfare Clause | Encyclopedia.com
there is no going back, our gvt is up to their eyeballs in healthcare... the only way to have a free market is for our gvt to not be involved in any of it....

and the truth is, that will never happen, so prices won't ever go down

there is MEDICARE, MEDICAID, CHIP, the VA, TRICARE, Obama Care, Active Duty Military and Family Coverage, tax write offs for your employer's healthcare payments, and for yours, mandatory emergency room care even if you can't pay, building med schools, and nursing schools, giving med students grants and scholarships, FDA approval on drugs, patent laws on drugs, Flu shots involvement and vaccine requirements...

the gvt is touching near every aspect of our healthcare in one way or another... I truly don't see how it would make it any worse, if there was a universal health care coverage for all... at least then, they could cap what they'll pay the doctors/hospitals/labs for service, they get rid of all those separate different health care services and combine them in to one agency, saving on overhead and saving Docs and hospitals on having to file or service 250 different health insurance plans

just killing Obamacare ain't gonna do shat in lowering prices.... you'd have to kill every program and tax write off and get off of employers paying for employee insurance....

I don't see that ever happening...
it's not over yet, there's a few appeals and then the supreme court

The worst part is... the DoJ said this year that they would not spend any money to help defend the ACA in any appeals cases. So basically it is all on certain states to spend the money to do it.
I know many Republicans in red states were already freaking out when Trump was elected. They never thought he would be elected. So once he was they realize they could probably lose their healthcare. People whose wives and husbands have been saved because they were able to go to doctors and be checked out and have diseases discovered before they became serious. All that’s going to be gone.
Republicans on the USMB say well why don’t you just go to the emergency room?
But if you’re already sick and the disease has progressed there’s nothing that can be done for you

Yep cancer is a bitch like that. If you are found to have cancer because it has made you sick, you are probably fucked because it is already too late. The best time to catch cancer and be able to survive is when it is caught during a routine checkup when you least expect it.

Vox did a video in Whitley County Kentucky where I live on this very topic of insurance where people voted for Trump despite the fact they needed Obamacare. They just figured he was all bluster and wouldn't actually get rid of it. He also PROMISED he wouldn't get rid of Obamacare unless he had a better replacement at the same time and that no one would actually lose their insurance.
Come on man, this excuse ain't flying around here anymore. It's way on more complicated than these attacks on the poor who yes do stupid things of course, but in no way addresses what is going on inside of the whole healthcare apparatus that was supposed to be simple in delivering a great product to us, and to do it at a great price where everyone benefits from it long term and short term.


That's $429.78 in today's money....Source: US Inflation Calculator

The difference between 1943 and today is that there a a bazillion interlopers in the marketplace for medical services, all of which have insulated the consumer from paying the costs, thereby driving up the prices for everything.......And your answer is to call for more politicians and bureaucrats to fix it?!?!....Fuck my life!
I think maybe one of the reasons Republicans know so little about healthcare and have so little understanding is because they don’t have health care.
Wellness is part of the health care package that I have. So they have mandatory colonoscopy. If you didn’t get a colonoscopy you could get intestinal cancer and you wouldn’t even know until you’re so far gone you would just die. But with the colonoscopy they travel through your intestines and they snip off any polyps and prevent you from having intestinal cancer. That’s just one benefit.
I know I know, colonoscopy is a big word. Who knows what it means? What are polyps? Who knows who cares? The reason Republicans are so dangerous is because the lack of knowledge about anything. The willingness to stay as ignorant as possible. The denial.

No that's not correct...…..a colonoscopy is a diagnostic tool, not a treatment. It is a procedure used to find problems if they already exist.

No it isn't. A colonoscopy is a way to catch cancer as it is getting started or to see if a person is susceptible to get it. If you have polyps, and continue to get polyps each time after they are removed, it means you need to regularly get a colonoscopy to make sure you don't get cancer and it get out of control before you can get treatment.
Responsible and honorable people would try to make Obamacare better - not try to kill it. Republicans are evil. Pure evil.

Yes, being fiscally responsible is evil.

Taking out programs that kill competition and prop up the current insurance industry is just awful.

You moron.

How come you want to be fiscally responsible when it comes to people's lives, yet don't give 2 shits when Trump giving huge tax breaks to his buddies that own large corporations causes huge federal debt gains?
here's my plan: everyone's gotta be covered, this is an unconservative thing for me to say. a lot of times they say no no the lower 25 percent that cant afford private, but i would cover everyone, i dont care if it tanks my popularity on here, the government pays for it, but we save so much money on the other side. for the most part, its a private plan, but people go out and negotiate private plans with lots of competitors and they can have their doctors they can have their plans they can have everything
How about letting people go back to the plans Obama told them they could keep ... for starters.
here's my plan: everyone's gotta be covered, this is an unconservative thing for me to say. a lot of times they say no no the lower 25 percent that cant afford private, but i would cover everyone, i dont care if it tanks my popularity on here, the government pays for it, but we save so much money on the other side. for the most part, its a private plan, but people go out and negotiate private plans with lots of competitors and they can have their doctors they can have their plans they can have everything
How about letting people go back to the plans Obama told them they could keep ... for starters.

There are thousands still on those grandfathered plans and guess what? Their premiums have gone up over the past 6 years. I

As far as going back it will never happen, some of you have gotten what you wished for. Trump always wanted universal healthcare and it's coming.
The Number One reason why people go bankrupt in America is Medical Expenses. And it's been this way, for quite a few years.
Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt
The outrageous skyrocketing cost of healthcare is not good for the welfare of this country.
From the Constitution: GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE. Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States.
It's been Congress's duty to control a threat to the welfare of the United States, such as the threat of healthcare costs to the financial health of the country. Unfortunately, Congress (and the presidency) are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry.
Makes all the sense in the world (your post just did), and the WELFARE CLAUSE in the Constitution can be interpreted exactly in the way your post laid it out. We are supposed to have representation, but by what has happened is that we haven't had any like industry has had over these years. The same with oil prices etc. The fleecing of America needs to stop. Not for socialism and such, but some representation for the General Welfare is needed.
here's my plan: everyone's gotta be covered, this is an unconservative thing for me to say. a lot of times they say no no the lower 25 percent that cant afford private, but i would cover everyone, i dont care if it tanks my popularity on here, the government pays for it, but we save so much money on the other side. for the most part, its a private plan, but people go out and negotiate private plans with lots of competitors and they can have their doctors they can have their plans they can have everything
How about letting people go back to the plans Obama told them they could keep ... for starters.
True, but does that tackle the problems that brought about Obama Care to begin with ??
here's my plan: everyone's gotta be covered, this is an unconservative thing for me to say. a lot of times they say no no the lower 25 percent that cant afford private, but i would cover everyone, i dont care if it tanks my popularity on here, the government pays for it, but we save so much money on the other side. for the most part, its a private plan, but people go out and negotiate private plans with lots of competitors and they can have their doctors they can have their plans they can have everything

Nixon\Kennedy plan.

Just pass it and live with it.
here's my plan: everyone's gotta be covered, this is an unconservative thing for me to say. a lot of times they say no no the lower 25 percent that cant afford private, but i would cover everyone, i dont care if it tanks my popularity on here, the government pays for it, but we save so much money on the other side. for the most part, its a private plan, but people go out and negotiate private plans with lots of competitors and they can have their doctors they can have their plans they can have everything
How about letting people go back to the plans Obama told them they could keep ... for starters.
True, but does that tackle the problems that brought about Obama Care to begin with ??
I did say "for starters".
Come on man, this excuse ain't flying around here anymore. It's way on more complicated than these attacks on the poor who yes do stupid things of course, but in no way addresses what is going on inside of the whole healthcare apparatus that was supposed to be simple in delivering a great product to us, and to do it at a great price where everyone benefits from it long term and short term.


That's $429.78 in today's money....Source: US Inflation Calculator

The difference between 1943 and today is that there a a bazillion interlopers in the marketplace for medical services, all of which have insulated the consumer from paying the costs, thereby driving up the prices for everything.......And your answer is to call for more politicians and bureaucrats to fix it?!?!....Fuck my life!
So you admit that there is a huge problem, but refuse to get on board for the solutions ?? Yeah your last words should ring true for you and millions more.

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?
Why have any government at all if they’re not supposed to help Americans? That’s like one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read since I’ve been on the USMB.

BS is right......government isn't there to help you...…...they are there to GOVERN you AKA collect taxes, make laws for you to abide and lock you up when you don't
What do they collect the taxes for ??? To help Americans across the board right ?? There will never be a perfect union, so government has always been instrumental and set up to keep balance in the country. It is only expected however to do so with a very thin line allowed it, and this is so that it doesn't cross lines that infringe on the rights granted to the citizenry in an abusive way. Fine lines to keep, and that's why we have checks and balances on power in America.
Come on, guys! Don't rain on their parade. Over 100 million American citizens are going to lose their health care, and this is cause for a serious celebration for the Right!

Wrong....and it depends on the source

6-10 million people could lose their health insurance under GOP's Obamacare-replacement plan

32 million people would lose coverage if Obamacare was repealed

Either way...…..don't forget the many of those people now have or are getting jobs that will provide benefits thru employers
Why should employers be the ones responsible for supplying healthcare plans for Americans ??? This shouldn't be the case at all in America.

Worked for a company that because of it's very business it is in, there was a higher incidence of health issues caused by the industry worked for. Because of this the private insurance carrier charged this particular industry higher rates to it's employees for the healthcare plans offered way cheaper to other industries not subjected to the same conditions.

Ok, so the money being paid to the employee's are the same amount as other industries or among industry standards, yet because of the nature of this business the healthcare plans were way higher if work in this industry verses another ? It's not right, and it wasn't right.
Come on, guys! Don't rain on their parade. Over 100 million American citizens are going to lose their health care, and this is cause for a serious celebration for the Right!

Wrong....and it depends on the source

6-10 million people could lose their health insurance under GOP's Obamacare-replacement plan

32 million people would lose coverage if Obamacare was repealed

Either way...…..don't forget the many of those people now have or are getting jobs that will provide benefits thru employers
And many are not. And that is what has the GOP jumping for joy.

I’ve never seen people who are so thrilled with other people’s misfortune.

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?
Why have any government at all if they’re not supposed to help Americans? That’s like one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read since I’ve been on the USMB.

BS is right......government isn't there to help you...…...they are there to GOVERN you AKA collect taxes, make laws for you to abide and lock you up when you don't
What do they collect the taxes for ??? To help Americans across the board right ?? There will never be a perfect union, so government has always been instrumental and set up to keep balance in the country. It is only expected however to do so with a very thin line allowed it, and this is so that it doesn't cross lines that infringe on the rights granted to the citizenry in an abusive way. Fine lines to keep, and that's why we have checks and balances on power in America.
Republicans don’t want to help other Americans. I don’t know why. It’s just the inner meanness. The lack of true traditional Christian values.

The GOP plan has been to die quickly. For decades. Why would it change now?

Republicans have controlled the entire government for the last two years. Who did they help? Besides billionaires I mean?
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?
Why have any government at all if they’re not supposed to help Americans? That’s like one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read since I’ve been on the USMB.

BS is right......government isn't there to help you...…...they are there to GOVERN you AKA collect taxes, make laws for you to abide and lock you up when you don't
What do they collect the taxes for ??? To help Americans across the board right ?? There will never be a perfect union, so government has always been instrumental and set up to keep balance in the country. It is only expected however to do so with a very thin line allowed it, and this is so that it doesn't cross lines that infringe on the rights granted to the citizenry in an abusive way. Fine lines to keep, and that's why we have checks and balances on power in America.
Republicans don’t want to help other Americans. I don’t know why. It’s just the inner meanness. The lack of true traditional Christian values.
Is it really relegated to just republicans ??? No it isn't, but keep true to your agenda to suggest that all republicans are evil and bad, when Americans know that this is a dumb position to hold when people are affected negatively across all areas upon the board.
Come on, guys! Don't rain on their parade. Over 100 million American citizens are going to lose their health care, and this is cause for a serious celebration for the Right!

Wrong....and it depends on the source

6-10 million people could lose their health insurance under GOP's Obamacare-replacement plan

32 million people would lose coverage if Obamacare was repealed

Either way...…..don't forget the many of those people now have or are getting jobs that will provide benefits thru employers
And many are not. And that is what has the GOP jumping for joy.

I’ve never seen people who are so thrilled with other people’s misfortune.

You apparently haven't been on facebook this morning, it's just not the board members. It is funny though when some of the dildo's on fb are posting it's over now and good riddance. Bunch of dumb fucks.
Where do you get the idea government is supposed to help you? Are you of sound mind and body and able to work for a living?
Why have any government at all if they’re not supposed to help Americans? That’s like one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read since I’ve been on the USMB.

BS is right......government isn't there to help you...…...they are there to GOVERN you AKA collect taxes, make laws for you to abide and lock you up when you don't
What do they collect the taxes for ??? To help Americans across the board right ?? There will never be a perfect union, so government has always been instrumental and set up to keep balance in the country. It is only expected however to do so with a very thin line allowed it, and this is so that it doesn't cross lines that infringe on the rights granted to the citizenry in an abusive way. Fine lines to keep, and that's why we have checks and balances on power in America.
Republicans don’t want to help other Americans. I don’t know why. It’s just the inner meanness. The lack of true traditional Christian values.
Is it really relegated to just republicans ??? No it isn't, but keep true to your agenda to suggest that all republicans are evil and bad, when Americans know that this is a dumb position to hold when people are affected negatively across all areas upon the board.

No, all republican's aren't bad and the way my texts are blowing up this morning from my republican clients worried they're going to lose their subsidy and health insurance for 2019 just shows all republican's are very happy with it.

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