With only around 500 billionaires in the country

Surplus value is acquired by the capitalist in the form of profit: the capitalist owns the means of production , so the workers have no choice but to sell their labor-power to the capitalists in order to live.The surplus value is over and above what their wages and benefits are as paid to the workers and to what they produce , it goes into the pockets of the owners of capital
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?

Divide 500 by the population of the United States.... then you'll be on your way to an answer.

The tax system is rigged to favor the right and super-rich.

Congress is not interested in changing that because either they are rich or they've had a taste of the good life promised them working on K street after they leave office.
Surplus value is acquired by the capitalist in the form of profit: the capitalist owns the means of production , so the workers have no choice but to sell their labor-power to the capitalists in order to live.

False. They can become capitalists themselves. People do it all the time. It just takes the will.
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires?

I care about everyone's rights and freedom whether their net worth is a billion dollars or a thousand.

As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.

Really? You think they should all just up and leave, huh? I'm curious, if that happens who is going to pay for all of your Socialism?
I said they should leave if they are unsatisfied with what it costs to run a plutocracy.

And I asked you who is going to pay for all of your Socialism if they do.
Meaningless question because they are not going anywhere, they own practically everything worth owning and have incredible power over our politics and economy. They even have legions of collaborators to vote for their lackeys in government. Why the fuck would they go anywhere? Let them bitch about how much it costs living in the country they own and worry more about what they are costing you.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires? As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.
I give a fuck because i believe EVERY AMERICAN should be treated equally. I don't hoist one person up over another.
But every human is never treated equally..

But I thought you lefties were all about making that a reality. Now you're saying you not only don't want fairness, but you want to be part of the unfairness vanguard?

My, how the stories do change.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
They aren't. The millionaires are as well. :). Oh and why? Because they pay such low wages that the 300 million need welfare to get buy. Pay more in wages or pay more in taxes. :)

Yeah, it's their fault for paying you like an ignorant, unskilled mook, not yours for being an ignorant, unskilled mook.

Consider the fact that they're tolerating your presence, and generously not charging you for the annoyance factor.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Why do you give a fuck about the problems of billionaires? As far as I am concerned they can take their precious money and take a hike if they feel that having full access to a compliant government in the best country in the world to be wealthy is just too expensive.
I give a fuck because i believe EVERY AMERICAN should be treated equally. I don't hoist one person up over another.
When everyone of us can just pick up a phone and talk to their congressman and fully expect action on our personal behalf then you talk about about treating everyone equal.
The problem is not the billionaire it is the congressman that gets bought.

You're an idiot
That's like blaming the gun but not the guy who pulls the trigger. We live in a plutocracy, you see the wealthy and the government as two different things. They are all one power structure, our vote has become useless and conservatives actually like it that way for some reason
Surplus value is acquired by the capitalist in the form of profit: the capitalist owns the means of production , so the workers have no choice but to sell their labor-power to the capitalists in order to live.The surplus value is over and above what their wages and benefits are as paid to the workers and to what they produce , it goes into the pockets of the owners of capital

What I'm hearing you say is that you resent the fact that you have to exchange labor for money, rather than just sitting on your rapidly-widening ass and watching daytime TV.

Get up off the frigging couch and be grateful someone out there has money to trade you for labor, and is willing to believe the farfetched notion that you might actually provide labor worth the price.
He who has much, much is expected.... is what the Bible says....

NOT that I want to turn this in to some biblical argument, but other religions throughout the world have the same type saying so it's not just a Christian thing...

When you have 179,000 million dollars worth of personal riches....how much more does a family need to survive?

When your family has $50 in checking and savings combined and $2000 net worth including the used car, you don't have anything to spare and it is absolutely unethical to the nth degree to ask them to give more than they have to the government through licenses and fees, and rent that pays the owner's property taxes, through sales taxes through cigarette taxes, gasoline taxes, to both the state and federal gvts, through liquor taxes, through social security taxes through medicare taxes, through state income taxes, etc etc etc etc etc.....

when the walton kids made zero profit or zero in wages, they pay zero in income tax as well....

btw, you can't get blood out of a turnip.
Since most of them are living off their capital gains income, we need to raise that. For passive income over 500 grand, raise it to say 45% on those suckers.

Watch them have a fit, it will never happen as they are in control.

So many hide their money in overseas banks and pass it through non profits they set up, they have so many ways they avoid paying taxes. They want to live in the US, then make them pay, they can live in China, Russia or the ME, and lets let the door hit them on the way out.
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Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
They aren't. The millionaires are as well. :). Oh and why? Because they pay such low wages that the 300 million need welfare to get buy. Pay more in wages or pay more in taxes. :)

Yeah, it's their fault for paying you like an ignorant, unskilled mook, not yours for being an ignorant, unskilled mook.

Consider the fact that they're tolerating your presence, and generously not charging you for the annoyance factor.
Neither me or my wife is unskilled. Continue to spew Fox News propaganda it shows the low iq you have. You think we should tolerate the rich assholes presence when we come for what's ours? :) I don't. Burn their homes,throw them in prison cells,spread the wealth!
Legendary investor Warren Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway, made about $37 million each day this year, a new survey from Wealth-X shows.

That breaks down to $1.54 million per hour each day (yes, even while he's sleeping). It also works out to be just over $25,694 per minute.

  • Warren Buffett: He made $12.7 billion this year or ~$37 million per day; ~$1.54 million per hour; or ~$25,694 per minute.
  • Bill Gates: He earned $11.5 billion this year which works out to be ~$33.3 million per day; $1.38 million per hour; or ~$23,148 per minute.
  • Sheldon Adelson: The casino mogul earned $11.4 billion this year which means he made ~$33 million per day; ~$1.38 million per hour; or $22,946 per minute.
  • Jeff Bezos: He made $11.3 billion this year or ~$32.7 million per day; $1.36 million per hour; or ~$22,745 per minute.
What Warren Buffett Makes Per Hour - Business Insider

I mean just for breathing they are making money. The don't even need to move, just keep their rib cage going. How could we ever think of raising their taxes. Shame on us.
Legendary investor Warren Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway, made about $37 million each day this year, a new survey from Wealth-X shows.

That breaks down to $1.54 million per hour each day (yes, even while he's sleeping). It also works out to be just over $25,694 per minute.

  • Warren Buffett: He made $12.7 billion this year or ~$37 million per day; ~$1.54 million per hour; or ~$25,694 per minute.
  • Bill Gates: He earned $11.5 billion this year which works out to be ~$33.3 million per day; $1.38 million per hour; or ~$23,148 per minute.
  • Sheldon Adelson: The casino mogul earned $11.4 billion this year which means he made ~$33 million per day; ~$1.38 million per hour; or $22,946 per minute.
  • Jeff Bezos: He made $11.3 billion this year or ~$32.7 million per day; $1.36 million per hour; or ~$22,745 per minute.
What Warren Buffett Makes Per Hour - Business Insider

I mean just for breathing they are making money. The don't even need to move, just keep their rib cage going. How could we ever think of raising their taxes. Shame on us.
That's disgusting. NO ONE should be able to make that much money.
You lefties seem to think those billionaires earned those billions in one year- every year. Those are cumulative earnings over years and years of earnings and paying taxes on those earnings.
As it is, the top 20% of earners paid over 92% of all taxes collected in 2013. And that is not enough for your greedy minds?

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