With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

Thomas showed their hand today. Oberkfell is up next.

Along with Lawrence v. Texas and Romer v. Evans – hateful, bigoted Republican-controlled states will again be at liberty to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans and criminalize homosexuality.
There was a reason gays were in the closet once. It's time to put them back in them and nail the door shut. They are a serious danger to children. They must be outlawed from same-sex marriage and adoptions due to their pedophilia nature of grooming them for their sexual pleasures.
Your closet is calling.
And Justice Clarence Thomas concurs. This degeneracy must end. It should be outlawed. God forbids it!

No doubt the hateful, bigoted, authoritarian neo-fascist right will seek to allow the states to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans and criminalize homosexuality.

Along with Lawrence v. Texas and Romer v. Evans – hateful, bigoted Republican-controlled states will again be at liberty to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans and criminalize homosexuality.

Notice how Thomas is not targeting Loving vs Virginia?
It's not the gays kids should worry about. It's pedophiles. News flash,they are different.
Conservatives should always resist pedophiles who want to have sex with children

but perverts who seek to promote homosexuality among children are no better than men who collect child pornography even if they dont personally engage in sex with children themselves
Where did this gays= child abusers come from? Most pedophiles go after underage girls.
Pedophiles are heterosexuals.

The ‘gays = child abusers’ lie comes from the dishonest, reprehensible right, of course – more lies and demagoguery by conservatives to inflame the bigotry and hate the Republican base has for gay and transgender Americans.
Conservatives should always resist pedophiles who want to have sex with children

but perverts who seek to promote homosexuality among children are no better than men who collect child pornography even if they dont personally engage in sex with children themselves

Like Dennis Hassert and Jerry Sandusky?
Roe v. Wade is very different from Same Sex marriage. Overturning Roe v. Wade saved lives of unwanted children.

Overturning Roe increased the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

As a consequence of this disastrous, wrongheaded decision, government is given carte blanche to interfere in all matters both personal and private, to dictate to citizens how to conduct their private lives, including the lives of gay and transgender Americans.
What a stupid post
They really are showing us who they are and what they want.

Handmaid's Tale redux. Incredible. Burqas on the way, gays being thrown off roofs.

You still don't understand that this just a start. It indicates a legal philosophy that's leads nowhere good. Before this the court was loath to ever take back a right after it has been granted. We can no longer assume anything is settled law or that any right, other than guns, is safe.

For decades the judicial right has sought to eliminate the settled, accepted doctrine of substantive due process as codified by the Fourteenth Amendment.

From Brown v. Board of Education to Roe v. Wade to Obergefell v. Hodges, this fundamental principle of Constitutional law safeguarded the rights and protected liberties of American citizens residing in the states from the racism, bigotry, and hate of Republican state lawmakers.

With Roe recklessly abandoned, that principle is now in jeopardy, along with the basic freedoms of every American.
I've never been much of a reactionary or prone to panic and will not be this time either. This ruling was coming, and we knew it was coming, and that includes you. No. You cannot assume settled law will always be settled law when depending on the continually evolving Supreme Court and in practice, never could on rulings that were activist ruling, enacted because lazy legislators seeking to remain popular refused to act and do their jobs. I suspect if there are more radical moves made, legislative and executive action will be forced, that has been resisted in the past, up to and including expanding the court to get temporary balance and restraint. I will exercise my personal restraint from panicking prematurely.
The Court isn’t evolving – it’s regressing; you may not be reactionary, but the Court certainly is.

And it would be naïve to believe that the authoritarian right is going to stop with Roe; to believe it’s an ‘isolated case’ – because it’s not.

Indeed, this decision is about politics, not the law – the first step in advancing the authoritarian right’s partisan agenda to balkanize our rights and protected liberties, where citizens’ rights are subject to capricious whims of politicians, not the rule of law.

With women having lost their right to privacy, gay and transgender Americans are clearly next.

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