With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!


Overturning Roe increased the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

As a consequence of this disastrous, wrongheaded decision, government is given carte blanche to interfere in all matters both personal and private, to dictate to citizens how to conduct their private lives, including the lives of gay and transgender Americans.
Note that by the Bill of Rights and the 14th amendment abortion and interracial marriage are completely different.

Loving v. Virginia, Roe v. Wade, and Obergefell v. Hodges are the progeny of the same Fourteenth Amendment jurisprudence that ensures American citizens who reside in the states are afforded the right to due process of the law and equal protection of the law – that the states have no authority to deny American citizens who reside in the states their fundament right to marry and their fundamental right to privacy.

Government may not deny interracial couples and same-sex couples their right to equal protection of the law by denying them access to state marriage law; government may not violate the due process rights of women by compelling them to give birth against their will through force of law.
The Court isn’t evolving – it’s regressing; you may not be reactionary, but the Court certainly is.

And it would be naïve to believe that the authoritarian right is going to stop with Roe; to believe it’s an ‘isolated case’ – because it’s not.

Indeed, this decision is about politics, not the law – the first step in advancing the authoritarian right’s partisan agenda to balkanize our rights and protected liberties, where citizens’ rights are subject to capricious whims of politicians, not the rule of law.

With women having lost their right to privacy, gay and transgender Americans are clearly next.
I agree with much of what you say in this post, I am not up to panicking over it and would still advise other not to.
I am not for regulating abortion by the Federal government either, though some use it as a poor choice, in other instances I would not prevent. Still, the ruling on Roe (even though it came to be depended on) was poorly crafted and a ruling from the activist bench as politicians and legislators failed to legislate. That is not my preferred method to make law.
If it looks like further intrusion into the private lives of citizens on the same concept, I figure Biden will expand the court for temporary balance. I have a wait and see attitude as panicking will not be productive. People need to realize all elections are important, not just the every 4 year presidential elections. This is a wake up call.

For decades the judicial right has sought to eliminate the settled, accepted doctrine of substantive due process as codified by the Fourteenth Amendment.

From Brown v. Board of Education to Roe v. Wade to Obergefell v. Hodges, this fundamental principle of Constitutional law safeguarded the rights and protected liberties of American citizens residing in the states from the racism, bigotry, and hate of Republican state lawmakers.

With Roe recklessly abandoned, that principle is now in jeopardy, along with the basic freedoms of every American.
Brown v. Board of Education is another that should be targeted.

Overturning Roe increased the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

As a consequence of this disastrous, wrongheaded decision, government is given carte blanche to interfere in all matters both personal and private, to dictate to citizens how to conduct their private lives, including the lives of gay and transgender Americans.
Killing little babies in the womb is immoral no matter how you try to spin it. Gay sex acts are immoral and harmful no matter how you try to spin it.
You posted proof that you have an serious emotional and intelectual disability
Nothing emotional about it. Why do you support gay marriage and their quest to adopt children for their own sexual deviances? When you defend same-sex marriage, you're defending sexual abuse of innocent children.
Trump appointed three judges to continue his legacy.

Because of its enormous unpopularity, the conservative Supreme Court has walled itself off from the American people.
The extreme unpopularity of Trump's conservative Court grew in intensity today.

Following the shooting massacres in Buffalo and Uvalde as well as others, the Court expanded gun rights. One can now carry a loaded gun in plain view down Fifth Avenue in New York. What kind of person would want to do such a thing?

Following that fateful decision, the Court made an extremely unpopular decision today.

CNN explains, "The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, holding that there is no longer a federal constitutional right to an abortion.

"The opinion is the most consequential Supreme Court decision in decades and will transform the landscape of women’s reproductive health in America.

"Going forward, abortion rights will be determined by states, unless Congress acts.  Already, nearly half of the states have or will pass laws that ban abortion while others have enacted strict measures regulating the procedure."

There are hundreds of reasons why this decision was a poor one, and many of them will become clear in the coming months as chaos reigns. Here are a few.

The Court argued that the right to an abortion is not in the Constitution. The enormous duplicity of this statement by the Supreme Court is egregious. The American people have hundreds of rights that are not enumerated in the Constitution. The statement is downright ludicrous, damaging the reputation of the Court.

This is the first time in its history that the Supreme Court has removed a fundamental right, the right of a woman to make her own decisions regarding her health and well-being.

The Court is imposing its religious view on the American people.

The Court determined that the government is in control of a woman's health when it involves a pregnancy. The woman and her doctor do not decide her fate. The state does.

Oklahoma has made abortion a criminal act, punishable by a prison term. If a woman from Oklahoma goes to New York where abortion is legal, can Oklahoma charge the person who performed the abortion?

The Court's obsession with its religious view on abortion overrode all other considerations.

This is Trump's legacy and the Republican Party is solely responsible.
It will take a federal law to restore a woman's right to make health decisions. Keep that in mind when you vote in November. It will require 60 votes in the Senate to override Republican opposition to the legislation.
No doubt the hateful, bigoted, authoritarian neo-fascist right will seek to allow the states to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans and criminalize homosexuality.
Those people have no place in our society built on Christian values.
The problem with same sex marriage is that in most States is was implemented by judicial fiat. Gay marriage is not in the Constitution just like abortion isn't.

Sorry, you need to fight this where it belongs, in STATE legislatures, not federal courts.
Alot of rights that we take for granted are not in the constitution. When states violate the principles of equal protection under the law and due process as they did with the bans on same sex marriage, it is the proper role of the federal courts to step in.
Killing little babies in the womb is immoral no matter how you try to spin it. Gay sex acts are immoral and harmful no matter how you try to spin it.
Babies of White European heritage that is. I agree with the rest of your post.
Alot of rights that we take for granted are not in the constitution. When states violate the principles of equal protection under the law and due process as they did with the bans on same sex marriage, it is the proper role of the federal courts to step in.
Even California voted against same sex marriage. Most states did. The people didn't want it. They had a reason to vote the way they did. It's time to return the decision back to the states, back to the people. And with God on our side, like today, WE WILL!
Yes, I'm white. My wife (and therefore) kids are not. The thing with g5000 is he's so indignant and NO ONE AGREES WITH HIM.

Note that by the Bill of Rights and the 14th amendment abortion and interracial marriage are completely different.

If I were black instead of white, would man/woman marriage change who I can marry? Yes, so it violates the equal protection clause

If I were gay instead of straight, would man/woman marriage change who I can marry? No, it's Constitutional.

More basic though is no one is arguing against interracial marriage other than the racist g5000. He's arguing on the side of no one. He's the racist here

G5000 is not arguing against mixed marriage, he’s arguing that the same arguments that overturn Roe versus Wade can overturn the right of racially mixed couples to marry.

I have noticed that Judge Thomas did not suggest that the Loving decision to be one of the ones that be revisited though. That one would affect him personally since he’s also married to a white woman but gay marriage can go and other gay rights, even though they’re based on the same arguments.
Even California voted against same sex marriage. Most states did. The people didn't want it. They had a reason to vote the way they did. It's time to return the decision back to the states, back to the people. And with God on our side, like today, WE WILL!

God is not on your side. You are not on the side of God. God gave women choice. You took it away.
Well, most progressives already called that the god fearing judges would want to revisit all these rulings.
A two year old with a sense of proportion could see that coming.

Just cements the fact that the SC is useless. It is, and has always been a tool of conservatives to force their religious and moral value system on the majority.

The backlash on these rulings will be fun to watch. :)
OH! You liked the SCOTUS when they invented the right to privacy (It is not in the Constitution) so they could come up with Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade needed to be overturned as much as Dred Scott. Now, because they are correctly interpreting the Constitution, you call SCOTUS "Useless".

BTW: Abortion is not health care because pregnancy is not an illness!
The Constitution permits the government to create government agencies. It does not permit the courts to create 'rights'.
Nor does it prohibit the court from identifying unenumerated rights that flow from the rights stated in the written Constitution. If we were strictly bound by enumerated rights, we would be stuck-in many ways- in the 17th century

SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas says court should 'now reconsider' gay marriage​

If they do, they must also reconsider interracial marriage. Clarence and Ginny might face jail time

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