With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

I agree, even though there are secular reasons to be opposed to Same Sex marriage
Really? I would be interested to know what those reasons are. You might recall that during the protracted legal fight where the states tried to make a case against gay marriage, they failed miserably in their attempts to establish a compelling government interest or even a rational basis to ban the practice.
And what's wrong with that- if the people of a state don't think gay marriage is appropriate?
And what's wrong with that - if the people of a state don't think interracial marriage is appropriate?

"Just call it a civil union and I'll be okay with it!" :crybaby:
So we should all be forced to recognize a union between members of the same sex as a marriage?
Why do you feel forcing your beliefs on the rest of us is not a form of authoritarianism?
So we should all be forced to recognize a union between members of different races as a marriage?
Why do you feel forcing your beliefs on the rest of us is not a form of authoritarianism?

See, kaz? Same bullshit, different decade.
And why should people get rights based on their sexual preference and living arrangements?

I thought we all should have the same freedoms.
You have no idea how unbelievably stupid your post sounds, do you.
You're not concerned about interracial marriage./ Well, if you're concerned about the courts redefining marriage you should be. If they redefined marriage with Obergefell, they do so with Loving as well. But the issue in both case is not redefining marriage, it is about correcting a discriminatory practice.
The discriminatory practice was the Court usurping the rights of the states. I oppose federal overreach.
Killing little babies in the womb is immoral no matter how you try to spin it. Gay sex acts are immoral and harmful no matter how you try to spin it.
Interracial sex acts are immoral and harmful no matter how you try to spin it.

See kaz? Same bullshit, different decade.
While I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, it is not a federal issue any more than abortion.
It is a federal issue because the federal government bestows, through law, a boatload of cash and prizes to married people.
I could care less about Roe but do believe more young couples will now hopefully for the good of the nation chose not to have kids.
I am a conservative. I am glad Roe v. Wade was overturned! I will never claim that
God is on my side, but I like to think that I am on God's side! I know that when I get to Heaven, I will meet all the souls of all the abortions that have been committed especially since 1973.

I am also a Christian and I don't believe anything of the kind. The Bible says the soul enters the body at birth.

You have no right to force YOUR beliefs on others. If God didn't intend us to have a choice, women wouldn't be able to miscarry.

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