With The Latest Revelations About Clarence Thomas, What's The Over Under On "Weeks Until He Resigns in Disgrace"?


You just did.

The kid was a "dependent minor".
from the article:

Justices also must report many gifts to their spouses and dependent children. The law’s definition of dependent child is narrow, however, and likely would not apply to Martin since Thomas was his legal guardian, not his parent.
from the article:

Justices also must report many gifts to their spouses and dependent children. The law’s definition of dependent child is narrow, however, and likely would not apply to Martin since Thomas was his legal guardian, not his parent.
And what does it say about the implications of handing it directly to the kid?
It's time for all you whining progs to shut the fuck up.

Simply put, vermin Dimm's are trying to dig their filthy claws into SCOTUS so they can corrupt and politicize the remaining branch of Gov't!!
Why else do they threaten to take security protection away from the Supreme's if not this??
When is Biden going to resign in disgrace?

You fucking progs kill me.
So now we have a SC justice with his head buried up some billionaire's ass. You condone that? Oh wait, don't answer that. You right wing mouth breather's support Trump & a few of his lackeys in Congress who do the same with Putin.
So now we have a SC justice with his head buried up some billionaire's ass. You condone that? Oh wait, don't answer that. You right wing mouth breather's support Trump & a few of his lackeys in Congress who do the same with Putin.

Apple's and oranges.
RBG took 58 trips on someone else's dime.
You would have known this if you watched C-SPAN.
C-SPAN is your friend, ass breath.
Wow, lefties are so desperate to steal the Supreme Court. Once they do, it will be a one-party country from here on out.
Thomas thinks that he's accountable to no one & of course you mouth breather's go along. Time to see that fucker's & big ass Ginni's tax returns.
Thomas thinks that he's accountable to no one & of course you mouth breather's go along. Time to see that fucker's & big ass Ginni's tax returns.
How did those Trump tax returns turn out for you?

Oh yea, a big giant nothing burger. You idiots never learn.
Thomas thinks that he's accountable to no one & of course you mouth breather's go along. Time to see that fucker's & big ass Ginni's tax returns.

This bomb that ends up fizzling gets thrown by the desperate.
Keep your filthy claws away from SCOTUS, dear quisling!!
He's not going anywhere, he is protected from removal or censure by a majority conservative Supreme Court and a complacent Republican Party that is just as corrupt as he is. He is, and really always has been, representative of the political party that put him in power.
No more corrupt than any demscum.

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