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With US youth losing religion, evangelicals struggle to spread ‘good news’

M. D., we have been through this before and then you ran away for a long time.

Biblical literalism is heresy (error), and if pursued anxiously leads to apostasy.

Modern day Pharisee-ism of the evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals has created a closed world of "believers" obsessed about outward dogma and religious exercises that substitutes for placing one's salvation in the absolute confidence of God and His revelation to each one of us alone: it's between Him and me. The Bible will save no one.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
well that works.....if you can't answer the question you can always fall back on your stupidity.....
Says the P(i)MP who couldn't answer the question. :lol:
I've answered all YOUR questions.......now, why was your take light last night.....you been giving freebies to the johns?.....
So you admit that your a pimp? :clap:
only if you admit you're the ladyboy in my harem........
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
well that works.....if you can't answer the question you can always fall back on your stupidity.....
.....so what happened to all the dinosaurs on the Ark?.............
there weren't any dinosaurs on the ark....
So where did the dino fossils come from?
dead dinos.....
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?

Let's ask science:

Scientific American of April 1968 reports: “After years of debate many lines of evidence now favor the idea that the present continents were once assembled into two great land masses.” It also states: “There is also strong evidence for a juncture between Australia and India.” Even after these land masses separated, for a time there were probably land bridges that connected different areas, such as a bridge between Siberia and Alaska, and no doubt one between Asia and Australia. The string of islands and shallow seas stretching from Malaya and embracing Indonesia and New Guinea could have comprised a wide land bridge where the crossing to Australia was made.
So your saying that Noah existed during the time when the continents where together? That's when dinosaurs lived. So the flood killed all the dinosaurs? And Noah lived during the dinosaur age? Did he know Fred Flinstone?
and you're Barney.....
Youth abandon fanaticism of fundamentalism.

That is why the evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals have been in a long decline. It will only get worse.

The internet is the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian fundamentalist's worst night mare.

Jake, you're projecting your own psychology. Bible-believing Christians don't view the world as an us versus them game, or in terms of numbers or club membership. There's just God's truth and what folks do with it. God is in control Good is victorious over evil. All will be revealed. That's the beginning and the end of it. The vast majority of humanity do not choose God. It has always been that way and will always be that way. The Internet is irrelevant . . . except for the fact that more people than ever before in human history have actually been exposed to biblical Christianity. You have it backwards.

MD, That is an impressive insightful answer. And nails it. Thank you. :)
"With US youth losing religion, evangelicals struggle to spread ‘good news’"

Which makes sense given the fact there is no 'good news' to 'spread.'

Indeed, it's the same old news of Christian arrogance, ignorance, and fear.
M. D., we have been through this before and then you ran away for a long time.

Biblical literalism is heresy (error), and if pursued anxiously leads to apostasy.

Modern day Pharisee-ism of the evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals has created a closed world of "believers" obsessed about outward dogma and religious exercises that substitutes for placing one's salvation in the absolute confidence of God and His revelation to each one of us alone: it's between Him and me. The Bible will save no one.

Jake I think just the opposite is true. If it is not literal, then it is subject to any spin the reader wants to apply.
My dog never turns down a good bone. Consider that a metaphor. Tell me what I really meant by that statement.....
If you do then you have altered that statement to mean whatever you perceive it to mean. 10 others may disagree with your translation and think it means something else. That leads to splintered churches and apostasy.
If everybody read it literally, then all 11 would understand the true meaning, which is, my dog never turns down a good bone.
If the Bible didn't mean what it said, God wouldn't have bothered. He would have just left everything up to our imagination. But Christ said God chose every word of the OT. That is how important every word is. Not, it's the thought that counts, or you get the idea, but every word. You don't have to add one bit of your own understanding.

Having said that, you are absolutely right about a believer's relationship with God being a personal one, but without the Bible you wouldn't know who you were having a relationship with. Look at all of the different convoluted opinions of God we have by dismissing the Bible and conjuring up our own brand. That leads to apostasy and false idol worship.

Literal doesn't equate with Pharisee. Christ kept Jewish law literally. The problem with the Pharisees was the lack of love, and an abundance of self pride. It wasn't that they kept the law, it was that it took priority over love and mercy.
The Bible covers all situations God's children will face here. It is our instruction manual. It is the most complete record of our Savior and His gift of salvation that we have. Without out it we wouldn't even know His name. Don't shun it, learn from it. And if you are in a church that skips over Christ to tell you what they think God means, find a different church. :)
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So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
well that works.....if you can't answer the question you can always fall back on your stupidity.....
Says the P(i)MP who couldn't answer the question. :lol:

so what?

your question falsely assumes kangaroos were in Australia to begin with.

it's also completely irrelevant to the veracity of the bible. It's quite easy for early inhabitants to transport animals to a variety of places. As there is no specifics in the scriptures it's just pure speculation.

you are trying to use an argument from silence to prove your case. Any logic 101 class would show you why that thinking is flawed.

a real question you should ask is why does the concept of the global flood show up in cultures from all around the world?

the Greeks may be explainable. They are near the middle east, but why do native Americans have flood myths?
"With US youth losing religion, evangelicals struggle to spread ‘good news’"

Which makes sense given the fact there is no 'good news' to 'spread.'

Indeed, it's the same old news of Christian arrogance, ignorance, and fear.

Christs victory over death and sin sounds pretty good to me.

but maybe you prefer suffering guilt and the prospect of being dead forever
"With US youth losing religion, evangelicals struggle to spread ‘good news’"

Which makes sense given the fact there is no 'good news' to 'spread.'

Indeed, it's the same old news of Christian arrogance, ignorance, and fear.

Christs victory over death and sin sounds pretty good to me.

but maybe you prefer suffering guilt and the prospect of being dead forever

So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
well that works.....if you can't answer the question you can always fall back on your stupidity.....
.....so what happened to all the dinosaurs on the Ark?.............
there weren't any dinosaurs on the ark....
So where did the dino fossils come from?
dead dinos.....
The ones on the Ark?

That's odd. What you YEC'ists never manage to resolve is that the planet is more than 6,000 years old; there was no biblical flood just a few thousand years ago and dinosaurs never co-habited with mankind.

To review, you're just clueless.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
well that works.....if you can't answer the question you can always fall back on your stupidity.....
Says the P(i)MP who couldn't answer the question. :lol:

so what?

your question falsely assumes kangaroos were in Australia to begin with.

it's also completely irrelevant to the veracity of the bible. It's quite easy for early inhabitants to transport animals to a variety of places. As there is no specifics in the scriptures it's just pure speculation.

you are trying to use an argument from silence to prove your case. Any logic 101 class would show you why that thinking is flawed.

a real question you should ask is why does the concept of the global flood show up in cultures from all around the world?

the Greeks may be explainable. They are near the middle east, but why do native Americans have flood myths?
So you're saying that roos don't come from Oz. :lol: So how did they get there from the ark? Pacific ocean and all.
"With US youth losing religion, evangelicals struggle to spread ‘good news’"

Which makes sense given the fact there is no 'good news' to 'spread.'

Indeed, it's the same old news of Christian arrogance, ignorance, and fear.

Christs victory over death and sin sounds pretty good to me.

but maybe you prefer suffering guilt and the prospect of being dead forever

well that works.....if you can't answer the question you can always fall back on your stupidity.....
.....so what happened to all the dinosaurs on the Ark?.............
there weren't any dinosaurs on the ark....
So where did the dino fossils come from?
dead dinos.....
The ones on the Ark?

That's odd. What you YEC'ists never manage to resolve is that the planet is more than 6,000 years old; there was no biblical flood just a few thousand years ago and dinosaurs never co-habited with mankind.

To review, you're just clueless.
lol.....you think there were dinosaurs on the ark and you call me clueless?.....seriously Hollie, if you were any dumber we would have to prop you up with a rock just to make you a proper target for ridicule........
"With US youth losing religion, evangelicals struggle to spread ‘good news’"

Which makes sense given the fact there is no 'good news' to 'spread.'

Indeed, it's the same old news of Christian arrogance, ignorance, and fear.

Christs victory over death and sin sounds pretty good to me.

but maybe you prefer suffering guilt and the prospect of being dead forever

.....so what happened to all the dinosaurs on the Ark?.............
there weren't any dinosaurs on the ark....
So where did the dino fossils come from?
dead dinos.....
The ones on the Ark?

That's odd. What you YEC'ists never manage to resolve is that the planet is more than 6,000 years old; there was no biblical flood just a few thousand years ago and dinosaurs never co-habited with mankind.

To review, you're just clueless.
lol.....you think there were dinosaurs on the ark and you call me clueless?.....seriously Hollie, if you were any dumber we would have to prop you up with a rock just to make you a proper target for ridicule........
It's a dilemma that you're unable to resolve. Biblical timelines for the Ark tale are in direct contradiction to the record of paleontology and the archeological record. The problem shared by you YEC'ists is that you want to believe literal interpretations of bible tales yet, when faced with the contradictions and inconsistencies, you're left sputtering.
This is America folks, Americans worship money followed by sports. Close behind these is fame. Even religion today worships money and fame, Christian evangelicals now sing the praises of the money changers.
bibilical timelines are in your head, Hollie.....not in the Bible.....stop wasting your time pretending I fit your mold........
bibilical timelines are in your head, Hollie.....not in the Bible.....stop wasting your time pretending I fit your mold........
bibilical timelines are in your head, Hollie.....not in the Bible.....stop wasting your time pretending I fit your mold........
Biblical timelines are in the bibles. Why are you suggesting otherwise?

I'm not surprised that you're hoping to sidestep around biblical timelines when those timelines confound your arguments, but please remember that in a debate, an "environment" (or paradigm or model) is set up and then the consistency/validity of the elements of that environment is tested (by definition "belief" in the model should be suspended until such time as the model shows itself to be solid and consistent -- though most people here dismiss even the most hardcore and solid of evidence in favor of their individual beliefs-- which is not particularly unusual).
Biblical timelines are an excellent example of heretical social con fundamentalism that will lead to modern-day Pharisee-ism and apostasy.

If a model cannot be tested, then it needs to be assigned the lowest level of possibility.
"With US youth losing religion, evangelicals struggle to spread ‘good news’"

Which makes sense given the fact there is no 'good news' to 'spread.'

Indeed, it's the same old news of Christian arrogance, ignorance, and fear.

Christs victory over death and sin sounds pretty good to me.

but maybe you prefer suffering guilt and the prospect of being dead forever

.....so what happened to all the dinosaurs on the Ark?.............
there weren't any dinosaurs on the ark....
So where did the dino fossils come from?
dead dinos.....
The ones on the Ark?

That's odd. What you YEC'ists never manage to resolve is that the planet is more than 6,000 years old; there was no biblical flood just a few thousand years ago and dinosaurs never co-habited with mankind.

To review, you're just clueless.
lol.....you think there were dinosaurs on the ark and you call me clueless?.....seriously Hollie, if you were any dumber we would have to prop you up with a rock just to make you a proper target for ridicule........
That you even think that there was an ark makes you the most clueless of all. :lol:
M. D., we have been through this before and then you ran away for a long time.

Biblical literalism is heresy (error), and if pursued anxiously leads to apostasy.

Modern day Pharisee-ism of the evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals has created a closed world of "believers" obsessed about outward dogma and religious exercises that substitutes for placing one's salvation in the absolute confidence of God and His revelation to each one of us alone: it's between Him and me. The Bible will save no one.

The Bible will save no one? Wow, that's a pretty strong statement, the only one I've ever seen you make on this board. At least you've finally revealed your stance on Christianity. What mainstream Christian denomination believes that the Bible is irrelevant for a Christian? Where else does a Christian learn of Christ and His salvation if not from the Bible? I know you won't answer, but your non answer really is an answer, perhaps you just don't realize that it exposes you and always has? lol
I know preachers need to also make a good living but at our local denominational church when youth see the pastor getting paid $140K a year with a house provided and 4 weeks vacation a year, 2 million dollar mortgage on the new church and $240,000 spent on stained glass windows it sort of turns them off of Pay to Pray.

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