Without a 2/3 approval vote the Pacific Rim deal is not binding law!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Why did our Founders decide to require a two thirds vote rather than a simple majority to approve deals cooked up by our president? Our Founding Fathers fear is expressed in Federalist No. 75 by Hamilton with regard to the President’s treaty making authority and sheds light on why the President was not granted an arbitrary power to make “CONTRACTS with foreign nations, which have the force of law.” Hamilton points out the president:

“might sometimes be under temptations to sacrifice his duty to his interest, which it would require superlative virtue to withstand. An avaricious man might be tempted to betray the interests of the state to the acquisition of wealth. An ambitious man might make his own aggrandizement, by the aid of a foreign power, the price of his treachery to his constituents. The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which concern its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States.”

So, as it turns out, the founders intentionally commanded by our Constitution, that any deals cooked up by the president with a foreign power would not have “the force of law” unless approved by two thirds of the Senators present!

What supporters of Fast Track do not want to admit, and our big media including Fox News refuses to discuss is, having been ruled by a despotic King our founders feared creating an omnipotent president and thus limited his powers significantly by a number of provisions in our Constitution, one being the two thirds vote requirement as mentioned above. And to give another specific example of how much our founders feared an omnipotent president, they even refused giving the President Line-item veto power! And with respect to the reasons for this particular power being denied to the president, Benjamin Franklin, on June 4th of the Constitutional Convention reminds the delegates how they suffered under that power. He says:

'”The negative of the governor was constantly made use of to extort money. No good law whatever could be passed without a private bargain with him. An increase of salary or some donation, was always made a condition; till at last, it became the regular practice to have orders in his favor on the treasury presented along with the bills to be signed, so that he might actually receive the former before he should sign the latter. When the Indians were scalping the Western people, and notice of it arrived, the concurrence of the governor in the means of self-defense could not be got, until it was agreed that the people were to fight for the security of his property, whilst he was to have no share of the burdens of taxation.''

It is very troubling that our Republican Party Leadership, and our media personalities at Fox News which claims to be "fair and ballanced” i.e., Tammy Bruce, Monica Crowley, Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Megyn Kelly, Neil Cavuto, John Stossel, Greta Van Susteren, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, etc., are willing to ignore the Pacific Rim deal which Obama has cooked up cannot be made enforceable law until a two thirds approval vote is secured from our national legislature which expresses the people's voice.


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.
Seems our plutocrats have a way around that and Obama has almost no input in the particulars of the deal, welcome to reality. This is what happens when people insist on "business friendly" politicians.
It will pass, and Americans will be screwed over by the deal, and next deal will be even worse. Both the deals are filled to the brink with special clauses. This is the worst government America has ever had in recent memory - Clinton, Jeb, or O'Malley will be worse though.
Seems our plutocrats have a way around that and Obama has almost no input in the particulars of the deal, welcome to reality. This is what happens when people insist on "business friendly" politicians.

They are paid whores! See: Corporations shell out $1.2mn in Senate contributions to fast-track TPP

“What the documents showed was that out of a total of nearly $1.2 million given, an average of $17,000 was donated to each of the 65 “yes” votes. Republicans received an average of $19,000 and Democrats received $9,700.

“It’s a rare thing for members of Congress to go against the money these days,” Mansur Gidfar, spokesman for the anti-corruption group Represent.Us, told the Guardian. “They know exactly which special interests they need to keep happy if they want to fund their re-election campaigns or secure a future job as a lobbyist.”

These traitorous dirt bags need to be punished, no punishment to be left off the table!

Obama could not care less about the founding fathers' original intent regarding trade treaties or any other kinds of treaties. Most Democrats don't care about the Constitution. Some Republicans are also in this boat.
Seems our plutocrats have a way around that and Obama has almost no input in the particulars of the deal, welcome to reality. This is what happens when people insist on "business friendly" politicians.

Oh, he has input. He's wrong and everyone else, R's and D's, for voting against the constitution.
Obama could not care less about the founding fathers' original intent regarding trade treaties or any other kinds of treaties. Most Democrats don't care about the Constitution. Some Republicans are also in this boat.
More Republicans support this than democrats.
Obama could not care less about the founding fathers' original intent regarding trade treaties or any other kinds of treaties. Most Democrats don't care about the Constitution. Some Republicans are also in this boat.

List of Senate whores who approved Fast Track on 6/24/15

Republican whores are:

Alexander, Tenn.; Ayotte, N.H.; Barrasso, Wyo.; Blunt, Mo.; Boozman, Ark.; Burr, N.C.; Capito, W.V.; Cassidy, La.; Coats, Ind.; Cochran, Miss.; Corker, Tenn.; Cornyn, Texas; Cotton, Ark.; Crapo, Idaho; Daines, Mont.; Enzi, Wyo.; Ernst, Iowa; Fischer, Neb.; Flake, Ariz.; Gardner, Colo.; Graham, S.C.; Grassley, Iowa; Hatch, Utah; Heller, Nev.; Hoeven, N.D.; Inhofe, Okla.; Isakson, Ga.; Johnson, Wis.; Kirk, Ill.; Lankford, Okla.; McCain, Ariz.; McConnell, Ky.; Moran, Kan.; Murkowski, Alaska; Perdue, Ga.; Portman, Ohio; Risch, Idaho; Roberts, Kan.; Rounds, S.D.; Sasse, Neb.; Scott, S.C.; Sullivan, Alaska; Thune, S.D.; Tillis, N.C.; Toomey, Pa.; Vitter, La.; Wicker, Miss.

And if you don't think they are whores see Corporations shell out $1.2mn in Senate contributions to fast-track TPP

“What the documents showed was that out of a total of nearly $1.2 million given, an average of $17,000 was donated to each of the 65 “yes” votes. Republicans received an average of $19,000 and Democrats received $9,700.

“It’s a rare thing for members of Congress to go against the money these days,” Mansur Gidfar, spokesman for the anti-corruption group Represent.Us, told the Guardian. “They know exactly which special interests they need to keep happy if they want to fund their re-election campaigns or secure a future job as a lobbyist.”


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

Why did our Founders decide to require a two thirds vote rather than a simple majority to approve deals cooked up by our president? Our Founding Fathers fear is expressed in Federalist No. 75 by Hamilton with regard to the President’s treaty making authority and sheds light on why the President was not granted an arbitrary power to make “CONTRACTS with foreign nations, which have the force of law.” Hamilton points out the president:

“might sometimes be under temptations to sacrifice his duty to his interest, which it would require superlative virtue to withstand. An avaricious man might be tempted to betray the interests of the state to the acquisition of wealth. An ambitious man might make his own aggrandizement, by the aid of a foreign power, the price of his treachery to his constituents. The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which concern its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate created and circumstanced as would be a President of the United States.”

So, as it turns out, the founders intentionally commanded by our Constitution, that any deals cooked up by the president with a foreign power would not have “the force of law” unless approved by two thirds of the Senators present!

What supporters of Fast Track do not want to admit, and our big media including Fox News refuses to discuss is, having been ruled by a despotic King our founders feared creating an omnipotent president and thus limited his powers significantly by a number of provisions in our Constitution, one being the two thirds vote requirement as mentioned above. And to give another specific example of how much our founders feared an omnipotent president, they even refused giving the President Line-item veto power! And with respect to the reasons for this particular power being denied to the president, Benjamin Franklin, on June 4th of the Constitutional Convention reminds the delegates how they suffered under that power. He says:

'”The negative of the governor was constantly made use of to extort money. No good law whatever could be passed without a private bargain with him. An increase of salary or some donation, was always made a condition; till at last, it became the regular practice to have orders in his favor on the treasury presented along with the bills to be signed, so that he might actually receive the former before he should sign the latter. When the Indians were scalping the Western people, and notice of it arrived, the concurrence of the governor in the means of self-defense could not be got, until it was agreed that the people were to fight for the security of his property, whilst he was to have no share of the burdens of taxation.''

It is very troubling that our Republican Party Leadership, and our media personalities at Fox News which claims to be "fair and ballanced” i.e., Tammy Bruce, Monica Crowley, Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Megyn Kelly, Neil Cavuto, John Stossel, Greta Van Susteren, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, etc., are willing to ignore the Pacific Rim deal which Obama has cooked up cannot be made enforceable law until a two thirds approval vote is secured from our national legislature which expresses the people's voice.


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

It is not surprising that the Republicans support this POS it is what they always support. But, without the leader of the democrat party pushing real hard for it the thing would never pass. The pork was flying and the democrats folded like they did when Clinton screwed the working man.

REMEMBER, without Obama it never passes filibuster.

Anyone wishing to contact their representatives here appears to be a painless and easy site. You can send the form letter or modify it to your liking. I made a threat to become an independent as soon as they vote yes, this time I am going to get around to doing so.

Don t Let the Senate Fast Track TPP EFF Action Center
In Obama's eyes "The Constitution" is a meaningless antique.

Once you accept that you'll be at peace.

Or, perhaps, not.

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