Without drastic changes, Democrats are on track to lose big in 2022

Of course there isn't. Most americans have no taste for killing their neighbors, and the ones pretending that they do are fat ass do nothings with big mouths.
Would you please speak up a little? It's very difficult to hear you when you speak from that fetal position under the bed.
Would you please speak up a little? It's very difficult to hear you when you speak from that fetal position under the bed.
That doesn't make any sense. I just told you there is nothing to fear. You need to read more slowly or something. You're flailing.
Yes indeed, because the Taliban took over Afghanistan faster than anyone thought they would. Which would have happened with any US withdrawal. They had 20 years to plan, after all. That planning accelerated over the last 7 or 8 years, when a commitment to withdrawal was put in place. The last 2500 troops were stationed only at airports, preparing for withdrawal.
That's a lie. No one believed it would take years. The experts predicted that it would take days and Biden wouldn't listen to the experts. Even Adam Schitt knew it would be a rapid takeover.

The only thing that is ridiculous are the accusations of voter fraud. The fact is that the GOP is trying to replace non-partisan election officials with partisans. In Georgia, the GOP is trying to take over the Fulton County Board of Elections. They have stripped Raffsenberger of some of his powers because he refused to change valid votes. Republicans also banned 24 hour in-person voting. That has nothing to do with fraud and everything with making it harder to vote. They are eliminating drop boxes. In addition Trump is endorsing Secretary of State candidates who will throw out votes if necessary to allow Republicans to win.

Voters agree with me. A recent CNN poll shows that 52% of voters are not confident that the election winner will reflect the will of the people. That is being driven by independents and Democrats who see what Republicans are doing. 58% believe that Republicans are tightening election laws to help them win rather than any interest in fraud.

You are either one of two things. A fool or a collaborator. I wonder which it is.
So you think Republicans are going to steal elections? Ok. I believe you. The only way to stop them is voter ID and verifying all voters and remove from the voter rolls all those Republicans and others who moved from the state. We'll make sure all the Republicans only get to vote once, only in the county and precinct of their residence, and only those Republicans who are US citizens. We have to stop the steal even if it means having these rules on honest Democrats as part of the process.
So you think Republicans are going to steal elections? Ok. I believe you. The only way to stop them is voter ID and verifying all voters and remove from the voter rolls all those Republicans and others who moved from the state. We'll make sure all the Republicans only get to vote once, only in the county and precinct of their residence, and only those Republicans who are US citizens. We have to stop the steal even if it means having these rules on honest Democrats as part of the process.

Seems perfectly reasonable.

So, I can't get you to sign on to my plan to exile all Democrats to Elba????
Major problems on the way for food and other products. The supply chain is damaged by the chinese flu and shortages are going to be bad.

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