Without education, what kind of jobs will be available to young Americans?

Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

I believe we would do better with more vocational traing during high school. Not everyone is a brainiac that is able to succeed at higher education.
and here i California as far as i know.....shop classes have been cut out.....
If you were serious about objecting to the state of education, you'd be complaining about the left, who insist that feelings are more important than grades, that self-esteem takes precedence over learning, and that no one can be a winner because that means there must be losers.

The left is dominated by emotionalism. If you want real education, turn it over to conservatives.

Yes, let us all be Republican Fembots! No emotions, low self esteem only!
Welcome to USMB. Quit being an idiot.

Well, thanks, and as they say, it takes one to know one!
Where are these factions/groups/movements that Rdean continually warns us about? I've yet to see anyone admonish the virtues of higher education. Are these mysterious visions manifesting themselves in the deep recesses of Rdeans subconscious?

Rdean, what are you trying to learn us?

They are called Republicans.

And they say things like:

Education is "just a piece of paper".

Too many are "over educated".

Scientists are liars who claim "Global Warming" to give themselves jobs.

Liberals don't want to teach the "controversy".

You know, stuff like that.
Where are these factions/groups/movements that Rdean continually warns us about? I've yet to see anyone admonish the virtues of higher education. Are these mysterious visions manifesting themselves in the deep recesses of Rdeans subconscious?

Rdean, what are you trying to learn us?

They are called Republicans.

And they say things like:

Education is "just a piece of paper".

Too many are "over educated".

Scientists are liars who claim "Global Warming" to give themselves jobs.

Liberals don't want to teach the "controversy".

You know, stuff like that.
Education is a grand thing isn't it? Thing is rderp? If you don't posess common sense?

All the book smarts in the world isn't going to help you one Iota.

Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

What kind of jobs are you expecting? My nephew is MANAGER at AT&T, makes over $100,000 a year, with yearly bonuses of over $10,000 and he has only a GED with a few community college classes after he started to work. And he will retire at age 55 with full benefits and at 65 will collect social security.
There are no jobs for college grads. All the jobs are low skilled jobs. A trade in high school are after will surfice now. Teachers are haveing to leave the country to find work. I know many successful people who only have a high school education. and many who have degrees and working at low skilled jobs.
Education don't amount to hill of beans if there are no jobs.
8 million illegal aliens are working and some don't even speak english.
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?
Grass cutter, car washer, military meathead, cop, wackin off at Wackenhut, Walmart shelf stocker.
The murkin dream.
Don't you pick up shit for a living, or am I confusing you with another incoherent leftist?

you got the right guy Dave.....he also sells Kiwi fruit along the roadsides....
Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

How about this?

PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel knows a thing or two about finding the next big thing.
Thiel was the first investor in Facebook and predicted the dotcom crash and the housing bubble. Now he believes the next big thing to burst is higher education, and he's willing to put his money on it.
"Learning is good. Credentialing and debt is very bad," he said. "College gives people learning and also takes away future opportunities by loading the next generation down with debt."
The 43-year-old with a net worth of $1.5 billion recently started a $2 million fund to get college students younger than 20 to drop out of school and start a business with $100,000 each.

Facebook and PayPal's Peter Thiel Pays College Students to Drop Out - ABC News
But clearly some do. Will those jobs still be there, for Americans, a generation from now after we've had decades of fighting against Education?
I don't see anyone fighting against education.

That's because you're choosing not to see it.

Creation and evolution in public education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Multiple examples of attacks on the Theory of Evolution. Some over turned, some not.

What planet do you live on? Are you just high? Drunk? An idiot?
Like I was saying earlier. Perhaps we have the wrong expectation of education. We have trended towards believing that we must provide people with an education. We have tried to take short cuts and play games and make people feel better. There is a debate at a local school about getting rid of the SPELLING BEE because it is humiliating to get the word wrong out loud. A lot of kids don't know what multiplication tables are.

With this attitude we are not fostering an environment that encourages learning. We are fostering an environment that promotes standardization. We are probably not far from having a grade welfare program in which we take a few points off of the kids with As and Bs and award them to the kids that "need" grades. You can spend a lifetime in school and learn absolutely nothing of value if you want. Knowledge doesn't come easy and we shouldn't set our kids up to think it does.

Some in this country are fighting education. Especially science. Without an education, what kind of jobs will be available? Or don't people care?

What kind of jobs are you expecting? My nephew is MANAGER at AT&T, makes over $100,000 a year, with yearly bonuses of over $10,000 and he has only a GED with a few community college classes after he started to work. And he will retire at age 55 with full benefits and at 65 will collect social security.
There are no jobs for college grads. All the jobs are low skilled jobs. A trade in high school are after will surfice now. Teachers are haveing to leave the country to find work. I know many successful people who only have a high school education. and many who have degrees and working at low skilled jobs.
Education don't amount to hill of beans if there are no jobs.
8 million illegal aliens are working and some don't even speak english.

Sorry, but if teachers are leaving the country we are truly doomed. The United States will fail in a generation more rapidly than you could possibly imagine.
Its funny though. My questioning a theory is somehow "against" science.

But you're not "questioning", you're attacking. You're not saying "This Theory said that X would happen and instead Y happened. Why is that? What caused that? Lets find out." You're saying that because a Theory isn't a Law that means there are holes in it and we should therefore look at entirely different ideas instead. If a Theory is right 95% of the time, look at that 5%. Question that 5%. Don't turn your back and run to Religion for answers. That's not Science.

Actually, you are the one who is decided on what is right and wrong. I merely pointed out that there are problems with the THEORY of Evolution. You don't like that. There are problems with everything from the way it was arrived at to the testing methods. And you should probably read what I actually write before you respond. Find one place where I advocated FOR evolution OR ID. I said they both have problems.
No, actually you said this:
Again. You can represent it however you like but it is a theory. If you are all for the "scientific process" then you will understand that the "theory" of Evolution is in the same stage as the "theory" of Intelligent Design. Both have been tested and both have proponents.
Which is 100 percent without question false. There is no wat to beat around the bush here. They are not 'equal' theories.
Where are these factions/groups/movements that Rdean continually warns us about? I've yet to see anyone admonish the virtues of higher education. Are these mysterious visions manifesting themselves in the deep recesses of Rdeans subconscious?

Rdean, what are you trying to learn us?

They are called Republicans.

And they say things like:

Education is "just a piece of paper".

Too many are "over educated".

Scientists are liars who claim "Global Warming" to give themselves jobs.

Liberals don't want to teach the "controversy".

You know, stuff like that.
Education is a grand thing isn't it? Thing is rderp? If you don't posess common sense?

All the book smarts in the world isn't going to help you one Iota.


See what I mean?
Reading skills on conllege entrance exams are at their lowest level ever.

Go America!
We spend a fortune on education and the kids are becoming dumber.
The lib response is and it's the same response for anything that's wrong...
We need to spend more money on it ....
We spend a fortune on education and the kids are becoming dumber.
The lib response is and it's the same response for anything that's wrong...
We need to spend more money on it ....

Cutting education simply isn't an option. However, the system needs to be restructured immediately.
We spend a fortune on education and the kids are becoming dumber.
The lib response is and it's the same response for anything that's wrong...
We need to spend more money on it ....

Cutting education simply isn't an option. However, the system needs to be restructured immediately.

Why is cutting the budget not an option? If we can get a better result for less money doesn't it make sense to cut what we spend on it? NY could save money simply by firing its rubber room teachers and not impact the money that is actually spent on children one iota.

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