‘Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas or Kentucky"

It is shocking that media sources like Fox can be so biased, and I'd be delighted in Fox could put a stop to that.

Will the Republicans ever understand that they didn't actually win in November?

Is there a reason we should, you still think Gore won.

yes he did win the majority of American peoples votes even though Bush cheated in the election and was given it by the scotus.

If Bush had not been president there is a good cahnce 911 would not have happened.

Think about that.

No 911 means no afgan war and no Iraqi war.

If Just like when Clinton was president we were going after OBL whenever we could find him and tracking AQ daily Instead of what Bush did which was to tell the top terror people like Richard Clark and John O'Neil to shut up about AQ becuase that was Clinton stuff then they may have prevented 911 instead of ignoring the people who did it.

Then Gore would have left the budget surpluses in place and we would be solvent by now.

Gore also would have NOT held back the broker rules in GLBact.

that means NO housing market bubble.

No bubble , no Crash.

anyone who loves this country would be happy to live in the world that would have been if the republican party had not cheated Gore and us of the American peoples REAL choice in 2000

You really are delusional OBL was handed to Clinton not once but twice and he passed. As for the rest of your little rant, that's your opinion so I won't ask for proof.
On Tuesday, David Freddoso, author of Spin Masters, How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Reelect Barack Obama, joined the hosts of Fox & Friends to discuss pro-Democratic media bias in 2012 and beyond. The author detailed the case against the media in this interview and in a recent column for the New York Post in which he quotes a political scientist who attributes much of the nation’s support for Democratic politicians to the pro-Democratic coverage of politics in the mainstream media. Without that biased media, the author and the political scientist say, the nation’s voting patterns would more closely mirror any typical red state. . . . .

Author Of Book On 2012 Election: ?Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas Or Kentucky? | Mediaite

bripat can't even get a logical fallacy correct. Appeals to authority are not always illegitimate, but it is important to notice under what conditions such an appeal is appropriate and when it is not. Taking anything as The Truth when the Authority is a paid performer on Fox 'News' is ridiculous, expecting others to believe him suggests how dull 'normal' he really is.

Quoting biased authorities is about all you and the other turds in this forum ever offer as evidence to support your imbecile claims, and you have the gal to accuse me of an appeal to authority?

Just count the number of times your sidekick Lakhota uses ThinkProgress.com as a source.
I don't think most the rest of the country is as stupid as what we find in Texas.

Those in New York, California and Massachusetts are far dumber, obviously.

Really, what objective critera are you basing that on? College attendance? Median income? The number of insured individuals? The number of it's citizens living on or below the poverty line?


I base it on the percentage of their paychecks they get to keep and the cost of living there.
It is shocking that media sources like Fox can be so biased, and I'd be delighted in Fox could put a stop to that.

Will the Republicans ever understand that they didn't actually win in November?

Is there a reason we should, you still think Gore won.

Gore won the popular vote.

You can't change that.

He lost the court case.

We can't change that.

He lost Florida, you can't change that either.
On Tuesday, David Freddoso, author of Spin Masters, How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Reelect Barack Obama, joined the hosts of Fox & Friends to discuss pro-Democratic media bias in 2012 and beyond. The author detailed the case against the media in this interview and in a recent column for the New York Post in which he quotes a political scientist who attributes much of the nation’s support for Democratic politicians to the pro-Democratic coverage of politics in the mainstream media. Without that biased media, the author and the political scientist say, the nation’s voting patterns would more closely mirror any typical red state. . . . .

Author Of Book On 2012 Election: ?Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas Or Kentucky? | Mediaite

I don't think most the rest of the country is as stupid as what we find in Texas.

Those in New York, California and Massachusetts are far dumber, obviously.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(bripat forgets that his candidate came from Massachusetts and Reagan was from California)
I don't think most the rest of the country is as stupid as what we find in Texas.

Those in New York, California and Massachusetts are far dumber, obviously.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(bripat forgets that his candidate came from Massachusetts and Reagan was from California)

Only a colossal dingbat would presume that saying the people in a given state are dumb means that every single person in that state is dumb. That would be incredibly stupid, like someone from New York, California or Massachusetts.
Those in New York, California and Massachusetts are far dumber, obviously.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(bripat forgets that his candidate came from Massachusetts and Reagan was from California)

Only a colossal dingbat would presume that saying the people in a given state are dumb means that every single person in that state is dumb. That would be incredibly stupid, like someone from New York, California or Massachusetts.

^ Incredibly stupid.
Thank you for the bedtime chuckle.

It's more of a nightmare, really.

for you, maybe.... certainly not for me. This is great news for my side. Politics is a team sport and as many folks as you can get to play on your team, the better. If I were a right wing heavy hitter, I'd be making sure that I was pumping a lot of conservative talent into journalism careers in order to change that bias at some point in the future.
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Hahahaha, if all media was like Faux.......But I liked this comment from the OP's article

"In this day and age, everyone has access to ALL the media everywhere on Earth.
if you're stuck watching only one or two sources of news, that is YOUR problem.
No one can purchase ALL the media so therefore every individual can decide what media bias they wish to listen to. Aint the free market GREAT !"
Thank you for the bedtime chuckle.

It's more of a nightmare, really.

for you, maybe.... certainly not for me. This is great news for my side. Politics is a team sport and as many folks as you can get to play on your team, the better. If I were a right wing heavy hitter, I'd be making sure that I was pumping a lot of conservative talent into journalism careers in order to change that bias at some point in the future.

If you think destroying the country is a good thing, then you don't have a problem with it. Journalism professors are a gang of communist propagandists on the government payroll. The only way to do anything about that is abolish public universities.
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If the Right just had more high profile symbols of conservatism in the media like Limbaugh calling women sluts, so more Americans could hear what modern conservatism is really all about,

maybe that would help the GOP.

Yeah, imagine if Conservatives owned 95% of the talk radio airwaves and could be heard on the AM dial coast to coast without ever once losing the signal, that might help them.

On Tuesday, David Freddoso, author of Spin Masters, How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Reelect Barack Obama, joined the hosts of Fox & Friends to discuss pro-Democratic media bias in 2012 and beyond. The author detailed the case against the media in this interview and in a recent column for the New York Post in which he quotes a political scientist who attributes much of the nation’s support for Democratic politicians to the pro-Democratic coverage of politics in the mainstream media. Without that biased media, the author and the political scientist say, the nation’s voting patterns would more closely mirror any typical red state. . . . .

Author Of Book On 2012 Election: ?Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas Or Kentucky? | Mediaite

I don't think most the rest of the country is as stupid as what we find in Texas.

30 million Rick Perry's....and you wonder why fellow republicans dub themselves "The Party of Stupid".

Slow down there killer.......

2012 Election Results Map by State - Live Voting Updates - POLITICO.com
I think the media is allowed to be biased......Liberal or Conservative. Let the market decide. If you look at the Lefty news outlets, their ratings are consistently low vs. Fox who has higher ratings. If a media outlet wants to seize the market, they should come up with a format that reports the news as Who Where What Why How and When. This outlet should not parrot talking points from either Right or Left. It ought to resist payoffs and threats (e.g. not allowed to be on conference calls, no Air Force One Flights). From an opinion standpoint, this outlet would be rigid to make certain that both views were equally heard and respected in an agreeable format.

If this type of media outlet existed, it would actually hold a power of legitimacy over both sides. Hence, both sides would clamor to get validation from this media outlet. Namely, an endorsement from this media outlet would trump any other endorsement.

The reality is that NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, and CNN became water carriers for the Left Agenda in the post-Watergate era. Fox has been so successful because they saw a market opportunity to do the same for the Right. Simply market forces right now......the Left Media Market is saturated. Fox is sitting alone on the right.

A smart media mind will truly pursue a legitmate middle of the road, agenda-immune media outlet.
If Republicans, who tout themselves as the superior in business/free enterprise savvy, can't compete in the media sector of business,

whose fault is that?

Wait, aren't the owners of ALL of these networks heavily Republican (I'm asking, but am assuming they are)? And if you think PBS's News Hour is biased, you've obviously never seen it. Public radio and TV is the last objective media we have (along with the BBC, also public).
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On Tuesday, David Freddoso, author of Spin Masters, How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Reelect Barack Obama, joined the hosts of Fox & Friends to discuss pro-Democratic media bias in 2012 and beyond. The author detailed the case against the media in this interview and in a recent column for the New York Post in which he quotes a political scientist who attributes much of the nation’s support for Democratic politicians to the pro-Democratic coverage of politics in the mainstream media. Without that biased media, the author and the political scientist say, the nation’s voting patterns would more closely mirror any typical red state. . . . .

Author Of Book On 2012 Election: ?Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas Or Kentucky? | Mediaite

If only the rest of 'Merka was immune to the media the way Texas and Kentucky are. If only the rest of 'Merka had the Fox News, Daily Caller, Washington Times copy-and-paste critical thinking black belts we find in Texas and Kentucky.

Gosh durn it. We had the mother of all straw men, and we put the Obama label on it. We kicked the ever living shit out of it. We smacked that invention around like we owned it, and high fived each other and congratulated each other for beating it in the 2012 election six months ahead of time.

If only the guldurned Jew media had gone along with our illusion, we coulda, woulda, shoulda won!
I think the media is allowed to be biased......Liberal or Conservative. Let the market decide. If you look at the Lefty news outlets, their ratings are consistently low vs. Fox who has higher ratings. If a media outlet wants to seize the market, they should come up with a format that reports the news as Who Where What Why How and When. This outlet should not parrot talking points from either Right or Left. It ought to resist payoffs and threats (e.g. not allowed to be on conference calls, no Air Force One Flights). From an opinion standpoint, this outlet would be rigid to make certain that both views were equally heard and respected in an agreeable format.

If this type of media outlet existed, it would actually hold a power of legitimacy over both sides. Hence, both sides would clamor to get validation from this media outlet. Namely, an endorsement from this media outlet would trump any other endorsement.

The reality is that NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, and CNN became water carriers for the Left Agenda in the post-Watergate era. Fox has been so successful because they saw a market opportunity to do the same for the Right. Simply market forces right now......the Left Media Market is saturated. Fox is sitting alone on the right.

A smart media mind will truly pursue a legitmate middle of the road, agenda-immune media outlet.

Huh? PBS? You ever watch "Frontline"? No bias I see. Straight up this is what we found reporting. Even the "News Hour "asks that both sides of an issue be represented at the same time. Sometime the other side won't be represented, but I believe they try and get the opposing viewpoint on air. And Shields and Brooks are suppossed to be lib vs. consv.

Nah the reason that the Repubs are so intent on defunding NPR is that they know good info is available on their (NPR's) programming and that too many times the news uncovered by the NRP staff makes politicians on both sides look bad. Dems don't really care if it (NPR) goes, they just can't come out and say that. Frontline makes Obamacare look real bad in the program they did. Frontline's recent piece about how Obama has not prosecuted any major bankers for fraud didn't look good for Obama at all. Check it out. Especially if you are an Obama hater.
If only the rest of 'Merka cared about nothing more than the number of Obama's golf games, the width of Michelle's fat ass, and the amount of money they spent on vacations, we coulda, woulda, shoulda won!


If only the rest of 'Merka swallowed our manufactured bullshit about unconstitutional EOs and "Obama watched as they died", we coulda, woulda, shoulda won!

If only the rest of 'Merka hated fags and ragheads as much as Texas and Kentucky, we coulda, woulda, shoulda won!
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On Tuesday, David Freddoso, author of Spin Masters, How the Media Ignored the Real News and Helped Reelect Barack Obama, joined the hosts of Fox & Friends to discuss pro-Democratic media bias in 2012 and beyond. The author detailed the case against the media in this interview and in a recent column for the New York Post in which he quotes a political scientist who attributes much of the nation’s support for Democratic politicians to the pro-Democratic coverage of politics in the mainstream media. Without that biased media, the author and the political scientist say, the nation’s voting patterns would more closely mirror any typical red state. . . . .

Author Of Book On 2012 Election: ?Without Media Bias, America Would Vote Like Texas Or Kentucky? | Mediaite

This is nothing more than someone's opinion.

How did Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush overcome the media, particularly when there was no Internet or talk radio to balance the discussion?

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