Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

It was a basement explosion, likely, being recorded from an unknown distance away.
The 'penthouse ' moving first only weans the columns underneath were compromised.
Why were there not two "explosions" recorded Angelo/Mikey G/the other mike?

You know us conspiracy theorists who believe anything from satanic CEO's to pedophile politicians. Don't get so emotional, thermite expert.
Sure do!

Posting known fake images and manipulated videos is your way of pushing lies.

Good job!
Just a coincidence that 4 seconds later a 47 story building collapsed
in a perfect controlled demolition .
More lies?

Try about 8 seconds between the penthouse starting to collapse and the rest of the building.

I thought truthers said WTC7 collapsed symmetrically because ALL THE COLUMNS were cut at the same time? Why did the penthouse collapse first followed by the rest of the building 8 seconds later?
More lies?

Try about 8 seconds between the penthouse starting to collapse and the rest of the building.

I thought truthers said WTC7 collapsed symmetrically because ALL THE COLUMNS were cut at the same time? Why did the penthouse collapse first followed by the rest of the building 8 seconds later?
Oh I forgot.

You're the expert on the core columns, and Newton's laws of motion.

Never mind. You're way too smart for me.

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