Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

I'm the one asking questions.
You only ask misleading ones as everyone here can see,


Nice excuse. Did I use too many big words or something?

It's simple. You truthers claim ALL the columns were cut at the same time. If that's the case then why did the penthouse collapse into the bui8lding 8 seconds before the rest of the building collapsed? Did the rest of the building hang in mid air for 8 seconds? Why was there only one supposed explosion when the penthouse collapsed? Where was the second "huge explosion" when the remaining columns were cut to bring down the rest of the building?

Come Mr. AE911 Truth shill! I wonder how much they're paying you to spread this crap to gullible truthers so they can collect a pay check.


Nice excuse. Did I use too many big words or something?

It's simple. You truthers claim ALL the columns were cut at the same time. If that's the case then why did the penthouse collapse into the bui8lding 8 seconds before the rest of the building collapsed? Did the rest of the building hang in mid air for 8 seconds? Why was there only one supposed explosion when the penthouse collapsed? Where was the second "huge explosion" when the remaining columns were cut to bring down the rest of the building?

Come Mr. AE911 Truth shill! I wonder how much they're paying you to spread this crap to gullible truthers so they can collect a pay check.
2004 called and wants their talking points back.
Sure, kid.

Supposed explosion heard here at 0:18 where all columns were supposedly cut. Penthouse falls into the building.

Miraculously, after all the columns were supposedly cut by explosives 8 seconds earlier, the remaining building structure remains standing in mid air (no structural columns support whatsoever). Start of remaining structure starts at 0:26 shown below. Yet Mikey doesn't want to discuss. I wonder why? ;)
Sure, kid.

What's this garbage from AE911 Truth in their brochure? WTC7 was destroyed in 6.5 seconds?! The penthouse starts to collapse in the video you posted at 0:18 and disappears behind other buildings at 0:30! That at LEAST 12 seconds!!! Why is AE911 lying Mikey? Why are you supporting those lies? I thought you were trying to get to the truth?!


I'm the one asking questions.
Why are you supporting AE911 Truth's lies?

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