Woke Agenda About Gun Control Being Pushed On American Idol Or Is This Considered Genuine Concern?

The average anti-gunner may have sincere beliefs but I'm convinced that those who are pushing this agenda understand full well that the effect of removing guns from the 99+% of Americans who never have nor ever will commit a mass shooting, will not stop mass shootings.

What the attempt WILL accomplish is the potential for Civil War or, at a minimum, thousands of citizens all over this country, dying at the hands of law enforcement who are tasked with collecting the guns. AND THIS IS THE EVIL OF IT - those who rage and wail over the deaths of hundreds, will cheerfully embrace the death of THOUSANDS...IF it means Americans no longer have the right to keep and bear arms.

They aren't just hypocrites. They are firkin EVIL hypocrites. When my generation is gone into the grave, IF America survives that long, the youth that have been indoctrinated by communist filth in our public education system, will hand over the right to self defense against a tyrannical government and will hurt themselves, by patting themselves so hard on the back for their virtue.

At that point, they will reap what they've sown.
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If only they had a solution that was even the tiniest bit sensible. Taking all guns away from American citizens is as harmful and impossible as it was when alcohol was made illegal. Plus it won't stop the criminals anyway! I am fine with stricter background checks, denying others permits, making bump stocks illegal, very strict laws and prison terms for anyone carrying a gun in public with no permit to do so. Like gang bangers!! But pushing for outlawing all guns is done only for political gain. It sounds great, but just as insane as defunding the police.
Those in power pushing for gun control want the state to have a monopoly on force, which they know cannot happen so long as the citizenry remained armed.
These people prey upon the emotions of the ignorant as a means to push this agenda - because they know it works.

Thus, our current topic.
The left want's to make guns illegal. If that will work, why don't we just make killing people illegal? Oh, wait....

I agree with that except that killing a person and murdering a person doesn't exactly mean the same thing. I could kill you for trying to murder me and that wouldn't be illegal.
I agree with that except that killing a person and murdering a person doesn't exactly mean the same thing. I could kill you for trying to murder me and that wouldn't be illegal.
True, but my point was that since crooks don't obey the laws, why would they obey a gun ban?
True, but my point was that since crooks don't obey the laws, why would they obey a gun ban?

I don't have a clue. Ask the lib idiots. They're the same ones who are all for banning guns and defunding the police. They make me look like I'm a genius and I was a special ED kid.

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