Woke up this morning and we aren't at war with NK or Syria. What happened?

Liberals for the past week: OMG OMG OMG Trumps a war monger! He's taking us to war! He said no war, no he flip flopped and its war!

It's time democrats, to move on to the next lie.
Fuck them, one party down, one to go.
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
Drumpf fake foreign policy is to say 'BOO' and then slink back into his twitter closet. Kim Jong Un is laughing at Drumpf who has made the US navy look like McHale's Navy.
That's not laughable. The Navy knew exactly what it was doing and either they or the President lied to the public for going on two weeks about where they were.
We know what we get with Assad, but rightfully concerned that Trump will burn down the barn after the horse is out.
The bogus run up to Iraq wasn't done overnight.
I expect another false flag event like the recent chemical attack in Syria, only bigger this time so that Trump can green light a full scale war...and watch his poll numbers shoot up.

CRAZY...when will Americans EVER learn?

When Trump didn't do anything about Syria, the lefties here berated him for it, now that he did something, the lefties here are berating him for it.

This is why democrats and liberals have zero credibility.
Based upon that criteria, "neither" of your sides have any credibility at all. One party down, one to go.
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
The US has been behaving like this across the globe ever since WWII bub.
Liberals for the past week: OMG OMG OMG Trumps a war monger! He's taking us to war! He said no war, no he flip flopped and its war!

It's time democrats, to move on to the next lie.
Might help if you knew the def of liberal. From liber, free. No Latin in college? No college?
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
I thought trumpies were snowflakes "I could shoot somone on 5th ave and my uneducated would still follow"
Barry? Not guts enough to call him an uppity nixxer?
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
Some folks have an attention span son.
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
I thought trumpies were snowflakes "I could shoot somone on 5th ave and my uneducated would still follow"
Barry? Not guts enough to call him an uppity nixxer?

Actually snowflake was an aryan WWII term for Jewish ashes. But then our "Barry" genius don't know America first was the WWII slogan of the USA Nazi party.
Trump seems proud of that. Anyone seen a brown person at a trump rally yet?
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
I thought trumpies were snowflakes "I could shoot somone on 5th ave and my uneducated would still follow"
Barry? Not guts enough to call him an uppity nixxer?

Don's testicles never fully descended from the abdominal cavity.

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