Woke up this morning and we aren't at war with NK or Syria. What happened?

Trump does not know what he is doing.

Mattis must lay awake at night in bed staring at the ceiling wondering what Trump is tweeting.
For the sake of National Security, they should take Trump's phone away and give him an "Etch-a-Sketch" to tweet on.
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...

Why then is the CiC (aka el presidente pussy grabber) continuing, as you say, Obama's war on Syria? The Grabber has the authority to remove those troops you know. We all know he's scheduled to defeat ISIS any day now because he is much smarter that the Generals and his plan will work very quickly......very quickly.
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...

Obama never attacked Syrian forces. Here is the Congressional authority used to fight ISIS no matter what country was harboring them.

"That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons."

Of course that doesn't extend to the Pussy Grabbers attack on a Syrian Air base does it?
When did we become the country that starts wars?
what war have we started with another country?

Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Korea, Viet-Nam, Grenada, Iraq 1, Yugoslavia, Iraq 2, Afghanistan. Plus poking our noses in on Libya, Lebanon, Syria, etc.

Before WW2, there was Mexico (Pancho Villa, not the Alamo), The Spanish American War, The Phillipines, the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, the American Indian wars.

I'm probably missing several.
When did we become the country that starts wars?
what war have we started with another country?

Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Korea, Viet-Nam, Grenada, Iraq 1, Yugoslavia, Iraq 2, Afghanistan. Plus poking our noses in on Libya, Lebanon, Syria, etc.

Before WW2, there was Mexico (Pancho Villa, not the Alamo), The Spanish American War, The Phillipines, the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, the American Indian wars.

I'm probably missing several.

Yeah a few are missing.

U.S. Interventions in Latin America
Liberals for the past week: OMG OMG OMG Trumps a war monger! He's taking us to war! He said no war, no he flip flopped and its war!

It's time democrats, to move on to the next lie.
Might help if you knew the def of liberal. From liber, free. No Latin in college? No college?

Perhaps you know the definition of irrelevant?
When did we become the country that starts wars?
what war have we started with another country?

Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
I thought trumpies were snowflakes "I could shoot somone on 5th ave and my uneducated would still follow"
Barry? Not guts enough to call him an uppity nixxer?

Actually snowflake was an aryan WWII term for Jewish ashes. But then our "Barry" genius don't know America first was the WWII slogan of the USA Nazi party.
Trump seems proud of that. Anyone seen a brown person at a trump rally yet?
all the fking time. now what?
Actually, thanks to Barry, we still have combat troops on the ground inside Syria...
The global military hegemony is utterly bipartisan and goes way back before Barry hon.
Barry tried to blame his red line on the world...and now you are trying to blame the world for Barry sending a US 'invasion force' into Syria without Congressional authority to do so.


Poor wittle lost snowflakes...
I thought trumpies were snowflakes "I could shoot somone on 5th ave and my uneducated would still follow"
Barry? Not guts enough to call him an uppity nixxer?

Don's testicles never fully descended from the abdominal cavity.

This thread reeks of left wing butthurt.
When did we become the country that starts wars?
what war have we started with another country?

Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Indian Wars, War of 1812, Spanish American War, IndoChinese War, Iraq I, Iraq II. What is wrong with you?
what war have we started with another country?

Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Indian Wars, War of 1812, Spanish American War, IndoChinese War, Iraq I, Iraq II. What is wrong with you?
we didn't start any of them friend. OMG,
the indians started killing settlers, or did you forget that? The US has never ever instigated a fight.
So when Santa Anna took down the alamo, you're saying we started that?
From Wkipedia-----"The Spanish–American War (Spanish: Guerra hispano-estadounidense or Guerra hispano-americana; Filipino: Digmaang Espanyol-Amerikano) was a conflict fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in Cuba leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence." too funny. fake news from you all is all you all have.

Oh and Iraq, attacked Kuwait. fk, why don't you all just fking learn something just once.
1. Its not just liberals you dolt its his core base I HARDLY call the alt right and populists "liberals"
2. Now his moronic jackass SOS is beating the war drums against Iran as usual.

I'll wake up tomorrow and there will still be no war.
You are more than likely right but we didn't vote for war mongering like him and his idiots are doing either.

War monger or finally exerting our strength in the world?

So far he has not broken his word, we are not in Syria or anyplace else.

To exert your strength, there has to be a credible threat of continued action. Bouncing a few cruise missiles off a airbase for a day and continuing to say that we are not interested in Syria is projecting weakness not strength.

If Assad uses chemical weapons again I think there is a credible threat that the US will act. I don't know which would be worse if they did use chemical weapons again, action or inaction on our part?

Assad doesn't want to find out...

He will be dead as Saddam and the duck

Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Indian Wars, War of 1812, Spanish American War, IndoChinese War, Iraq I, Iraq II. What is wrong with you?
we didn't start any of them friend. OMG,
the indians started killing settlers, or did you forget that? The US has never ever instigated a fight.
So when Santa Anna took down the alamo, you're saying we started that?
From Wkipedia-----"The Spanish–American War (Spanish: Guerra hispano-estadounidense or Guerra hispano-americana; Filipino: Digmaang Espanyol-Amerikano) was a conflict fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in Cuba leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence." too funny. fake news from you all is all you all have.

Oh and Iraq, attacked Kuwait. fk, why don't you all just fking learn something just once.

What strategic alliance did we have with Kuwait at the time that prompted such a response from the country who's ambassador famously said that we had no position on Arab/Arab conflicts just weeks before?

Why did President Bush declare it a surprise attack when he was fully aware of the brewing crisis between the two countries?

Why did the Press let him get away with those lies?

Who's faking who here ya faker?
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Indian Wars, War of 1812, Spanish American War, IndoChinese War, Iraq I, Iraq II. What is wrong with you?
we didn't start any of them friend. OMG,
the indians started killing settlers, or did you forget that? The US has never ever instigated a fight.
So when Santa Anna took down the alamo, you're saying we started that?
From Wkipedia-----"The Spanish–American War (Spanish: Guerra hispano-estadounidense or Guerra hispano-americana; Filipino: Digmaang Espanyol-Amerikano) was a conflict fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in Cuba leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence." too funny. fake news from you all is all you all have.

Oh and Iraq, attacked Kuwait. fk, why don't you all just fking learn something just once.

What strategic alliance did we have with Kuwait at the time that prompted such a response from the country who's ambassador famously said that we had no position on Arab/Arab conflicts just weeks before?

Why did President Bush declare it a surprise attack when he was fully aware of the brewing crisis between the two countries?

Why did the Press let him get away with those lies?

Who's faking who here ya faker?
sorry bubba, from Wikipedia:

"The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait."

You can just write.....sorry!!!
Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Indian Wars, War of 1812, Spanish American War, IndoChinese War, Iraq I, Iraq II. What is wrong with you?
we didn't start any of them friend. OMG,
the indians started killing settlers, or did you forget that? The US has never ever instigated a fight.
So when Santa Anna took down the alamo, you're saying we started that?
From Wkipedia-----"The Spanish–American War (Spanish: Guerra hispano-estadounidense or Guerra hispano-americana; Filipino: Digmaang Espanyol-Amerikano) was a conflict fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in Cuba leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence." too funny. fake news from you all is all you all have.

Oh and Iraq, attacked Kuwait. fk, why don't you all just fking learn something just once.
So either you are lying or you are uneducated. Just do some reading OK?

War of 1812: US declared war after the British agreed to our terms
Indian Wars: US broke dozens of treaties
Spanish American War: US declared war on Spain
Indochina War: US took up the French's burden
Iraq I: US had no obligation to go to war in Kuwait
Iraq II: US attacked Iraq after SH had agreed to almost every US demand
Last edited:
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Indian Wars, War of 1812, Spanish American War, IndoChinese War, Iraq I, Iraq II. What is wrong with you?
we didn't start any of them friend. OMG,
the indians started killing settlers, or did you forget that? The US has never ever instigated a fight.
So when Santa Anna took down the alamo, you're saying we started that?
From Wkipedia-----"The Spanish–American War (Spanish: Guerra hispano-estadounidense or Guerra hispano-americana; Filipino: Digmaang Espanyol-Amerikano) was a conflict fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in Cuba leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence." too funny. fake news from you all is all you all have.

Oh and Iraq, attacked Kuwait. fk, why don't you all just fking learn something just once.

What strategic alliance did we have with Kuwait at the time that prompted such a response from the country who's ambassador famously said that we had no position on Arab/Arab conflicts just weeks before?

Why did President Bush declare it a surprise attack when he was fully aware of the brewing crisis between the two countries?

Why did the Press let him get away with those lies?
We have a rich and storied history of inter
Who's faking who here ya faker?
sorry bubba, from Wikipedia:

"The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait."

You can just write.....sorry!!!

We have a long a rich history of destabilizing and toppling the governments of others, and we ain’t finished yet.
Every military escapade since the end of WWII.
name one
Name any, there ya go, you're a tad slow aren't you love.
so you can't name any thanks. because there aren't any. The US has never started a war other than its own civil war. And even there, the states started it, not the feds.
Indian Wars, War of 1812, Spanish American War, IndoChinese War, Iraq I, Iraq II. What is wrong with you?
we didn't start any of them friend. OMG,
the indians started killing settlers, or did you forget that? The US has never ever instigated a fight.
So when Santa Anna took down the alamo, you're saying we started that?
From Wkipedia-----"The Spanish–American War (Spanish: Guerra hispano-estadounidense or Guerra hispano-americana; Filipino: Digmaang Espanyol-Amerikano) was a conflict fought between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in Cuba leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence." too funny. fake news from you all is all you all have.

Oh and Iraq, attacked Kuwait. fk, why don't you all just fking learn something just once.
OMG is right, alternative reality is something many want to never learn, but thanks anyway.

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