Wolfeboro, NH police commissioner calls Obama the N-word, refuses to apologize

Should this 82 year old racist coot have to resign?

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You should move to Europe.

What for? I can do what I want to right here in the US.

You can't persecute people for stating their mind but you can do that in Europe, legally. Sounds like your kind of thing. Better yet in the U.S., you can hate them and berate them on a online forum like this one at least until your boy or his ilk make it illegal.

Just last week some professor I believe it was stated in is farewell address that all white people must die. Pretty funny stuff when the guy is whiter than I am and still believes that Jews are an actual race. I just can't make this stuff up!

No. Wrong.
Until his accusers have the courage and integrity to spell out the so-called "N-word" I must assume the old guy used the word "NEGRO", for which definitely should not resign, or apologize.
Until his accusers have the courage and integrity to spell out the so-called "N-word" I must assume the old guy used the word "NEGRO", for which definitely should not resign, or apologize.

It's all clearly spelled out in the articles listed in the OP. The links are there for everyone to read. It has been covered all over the place. And not only that, the man openly admits to it and refuses to apologize.

You do understand that, right?
Until his accusers have the courage and integrity to spell out the so-called "N-word" I must assume the old guy used the word "NEGRO", for which definitely should not resign, or apologize.

It's all clearly spelled out in the articles listed in the OP. The links are there for everyone to read. It has been covered all over the place. And not only that, the man openly admits to it and refuses to apologize.

You do understand that, right?

Please highlight anywhere in the article the word "******".

Until you do, there is no reason to think that the old guy used the word "Negro".

Does the politically correct cat got your tongue?
Until his accusers have the courage and integrity to spell out the so-called "N-word" I must assume the old guy used the word "NEGRO", for which definitely should not resign, or apologize.

It's all clearly spelled out in the articles listed in the OP. The links are there for everyone to read. It has been covered all over the place. And not only that, the man openly admits to it and refuses to apologize.

You do understand that, right?

Please highlight anywhere in the article the word "******".

Until you do, there is no reason to think that the old guy used the word "Negro".

Does the politically correct cat got your tongue?

Instead of denouncing the guy, you play troll..see this is what's wrong with people...
A few bits of interest to note -
He is an elected official of that little berg, a rather insignificant fellow all the way 'round.
He is the commissioner, not an actual leo.
As for being forced to resign, isnt that for the people of that community to decide, not a bunch of outside busybodies?
All in all, much ado about next to nothing.

yes, it IS for the local people to decide, which is why the local people are pressuring him publicly to resign. he has a responsibility to the public which is how and why the story became public.

from the OP:

Carroll County Deputy Sheriff Paul Bois, who's black, is one of two officers the town employs part time during the summer to deal with tourists. When asked to comment outside the meeting, he said, "I'd love to, but I can't."

Town Manager David Owen said Thursday that while he finds Copeland's comment "reprehensible," he and the board of selectmen have no authority to remove an elected official. He said he expected a large number of residents would call for Copeland's resignation at the police commission meeting, and they did.

More than 100 people packed into the meeting room at the Wolfeboro Public Library, where librarian Joyce Davis said she can't remember an issue in 40 years that has sparked so much emotion and outcry. Many of the people wore on their shirts handmade stickers saying, "Resign," directed at Copeland.

"Comments like these, especially coming from a public official, are not only inexcusable but also terribly, unfortunately, reflects poorly on our town," said O'Toole, who was met with resounding applause.

Commissioner Ron Goodgame, in response to a challenge from O'Toole about whether he and Commission Chairman Joseph Balboni Jr. endorse Copeland's comments, said, "It's neither my view or Commissioner Balboni's view that the remarks are condoned."


There was no resolution Thursday evening.

Instead, the police commission plans on meeting to discuss what action they should take but they would not tell the audience where that meeting will be held or when.

Copeland is one of three members of the police commission, which hires, fires and disciplines officers and sets their salaries. He ran unopposed for re-election and secured another three-year term on March 11.
It's all clearly spelled out in the articles listed in the OP. The links are there for everyone to read. It has been covered all over the place. And not only that, the man openly admits to it and refuses to apologize.

You do understand that, right?

Please highlight anywhere in the article the word "******".

Until you do, there is no reason to think that the old guy used the word "Negro".

Does the politically correct cat got your tongue?

Instead of denouncing the guy, you play troll..see this is what's wrong with people...

Why should I denounce somebody using the word "negro"?

If it's good for United Negro College, it's good enough for me.

And unless you or anyone of your ilk has the guts to say or spell out the word or highlight any other so-called "N-word" in the article, neither I nor the old guy has anything to apologize for.
IOW's- he's a analogue to the typical, USMB, Extreme rw, Repub-voter :thup:
Please highlight anywhere in the article the word "******".

Until you do, there is no reason to think that the old guy used the word "Negro".

Does the politically correct cat got your tongue?

Instead of denouncing the guy, you play troll..see this is what's wrong with people...

Why should I denounce somebody using the word "negro"?

If it's good for United Negro College, it's good enough for me.

And unless you or anyone of your ilk has the guts to say or spell out the word or highlight any other so-called "N-word" in the article, neither I nor the old guy has anything to apologize for.

you know full well he said ******, and wont back down from saying it. You are a fucking pussy troll.
Lol, someone calls the lefts Messiah a ****** and they go crazy. Get over it ya'll called bush worse.
Got something against the 1st Amendment?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Only when someone with whom I disagree uses it.

4. I don't know, I'm just a dumb liberal, don't ask me trick questions.

Only a retard interprets the First Amendment to mean there are no consequences to your free speech. He cant be imprisoned but he should be removed from his position as he has the power to exercise his racism. We know he is angry over a Black POTUS and probably taking it out on every black person he can.

The bolded: No. We don't know that. And there is a part time officer who is black and on the force, but I believe, on in the summers.

But that he is angry over a black POTUS, that is indeed quite obvious.

Thats why I said probably and why he should be removed so he is not tempted.
Until his accusers have the courage and integrity to spell out the so-called "N-word" I must assume the old guy used the word "NEGRO", for which definitely should not resign, or apologize.

Seems you would have more courage and integrity not spelling it out. Only retards think its courageous to spell out an offensive word. Now if you said that on the street corner where I am from then I would indeed believe you to be courageous. Well that or you had a death wish.
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Should Jesse Jackson been forced to resign for this?

Why is this a national news story?

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