Woman arrested after trying to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home in Atlanta

she better get cashless bail right?

You know what? I spoke to soon. I'm not interested in listening to the content of your fail video but I am interested in discussing why you fail whites think presenting videos from black commentators is anything but glorious evidence of your abject failure. 😄

For one, you're literally replacing yourselves. Where before this message would of been presented by your translucent super whites like David Duke, you've now been cuckolded to the point that you realize you need a black face to say them. That's funny. Secondly, it's an effort in futility because the only audience those black commentators have are you fail whites. They do nothing to convince anyone that you're not a deplorable mutant racist. So you're replacing yourselves for nothing. That's also funny. Do you folks even know how to project anything other than failure? 😄
Why would it leave a bite mark? What a funny perspective. 😄 If she were white we could use it as political fodder, that's just your social reality at the moment. And I don't think it's OK to kill jews. I'm not going to weep over the loss of anyone in the IDF but do I care if you Bingos can't tell the difference? Not really. :dunno:
What a racist vermin.
Why are Democrats such racists?
What a racist vermin.

The question is why are you all such cowards? 😄We've cuckolded your culture so thoroughly that you feel the need to pretend you and your OP aren't racist but as long as you're pretending I know you're our bitch. :funnyface: I have more respect for the Flash of the world than you beaten, servile, morons. 😄
He may be an idiot, but he didn’t try and commit a crime. If we stopped stupid people from expressing an opinion you wouldn’t have anything to say. The fact your more upset over words than actions says all anyone needs to know
Spoken like the Uncle Tom you are. I am upset by black folks like you who go along to get along.

The question is why are you all such cowards? 😄We've cuckolded your culture so thoroughly that you feel the need to pretend you and your OP aren't racist but as long as you're pretending I know you're our bitch. :funnyface: I have more respect for the Flash of the world than you beaten, servile, morons. 😄
90 Democrats just voted PRESENT on a motion to condemn racism, shitforbrains.
Laneisha Henderson is the perp. She forgot her white face lol.
The face of the white supremacy movement.
You are more upset by words you don’t like to hear than you are the actions of the lady who tries to commit arson. That’s telling
The lady that tried to commit arson will get what is coming to her, houses can be rebuilt, I have a harder time with black folks who sellout other black folks. Do you know the damage one Coon can do, study Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vescey, Nat Turner, etc. and what happened to them when someone black sold them out. Do you know what Harriet Tubman would do to sellouts? Look at what happened to Civil Rights leaders and Black organizations because of coons like you.
The lady that tried to commit arson will get what is coming to her, houses can be rebuilt, I have a harder time with black folks who sellout other black folks. Do you know the damage one Coon can do, study Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vescey, Nat Turner, etc. and what happened to them when someone black sold them out. Do you know what Harriet Tubman would do to sellouts? Look at what happened to Civil Rights leaders and Black organizations because of coons like you.
Like I said you are more upset over words on the internet than you are actual actions in the real world. That’s on you. The only thing that can beat hate is love, you should try it sometimes.

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