Woman arrested after trying to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home in Atlanta

The lady that tried to commit arson will get what is coming to her, houses can be rebuilt, I have a harder time with black folks who sellout other black folks. Do you know the damage one Coon can do, study Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vescey, Nat Turner, etc. and what happened to them when someone black sold them out. Do you know what Harriet Tubman would do to sellouts? Look at what happened to Civil Rights leaders and Black organizations because of coons like you.
Good to know we can tear down the MLK memorial in DC and you’ll just shrug.
Like I said you are more upset over words on the internet than you are actual actions in the real world. That’s on you. The only thing that can beat hate is love, you should try it sometimes.
Only a fool tells someone to love their enemies or turn the other cheek, that's why we have lost all our cheeks. Especially when your enemy is not loving you.
Good to know we can tear down the MLK memorial in DC and you’ll just shrug.
Tear it down, it doesn't change the work of the man. The Dreamer didn't die, the Visionary was murdered. That's what you do is kill off our leaders and then name streets and buildings after them.
Only a fool tells someone to love their enemies or turn the other cheek, that's why we have lost all our cheeks. Especially when your enemy is not loving you.
I guess you have never heard the message of Dr King especially when he said.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
Or maybe you once heard
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear
You should be ashamed of yourself talking about the work of the man when you totally ignore his sacrifice and knowledge, but that would require more self awareness than you possess
Give them room to destroy!
She’s got grievances!
Removing all blacks as marketing icons sure didn’t help.
Tearing down statues didn’t help.

I know.

Reverend MLK said judge by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. That really pisses off the Left.

Even better bonus - she’s an adult and police refuse to release her name.

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She is black. Now had she been white, the press would run with that being the real news, that a white did this.
Your neo-Nazi tiki torch parade didn`t help either but that was quite the diverse crowd those goons assembled. Tall white Nazis, short white Nazis, Fat white Nazis, thin white Nazis, etc.
You know gasoline girl wasn’t a Nazi, don’t you, you imbecile?
Tear it down, it doesn't change the work of the man. The Dreamer didn't die, the Visionary was murdered. That's what you do is kill off our leaders and then name streets and buildings after them.
Does the work include having like a bunch of mistresses? I have nothing against MLK. We have no problem talking about the dirty laundry of those we considered past white heroes or iconic figures. Why is MLK off limits?
Your neo-Nazi tiki torch parade didn`t help either but that was quite the diverse crowd those goons assembled. Tall white Nazis, short white Nazis, Fat white Nazis, thin white Nazis, etc.
It is extremely tough for Americans to be genuine Nazis. They simply make claims and that makes them one?
I`d say it was none of the people who were at the Charlottesville Nazi fest.
Well all kinds were at Charlottesville that day. Many whites showed up to protest. Even a white was killed by a white that day.

“You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group … There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people — neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, and very legally protest.”

— President Trump, Aug. 15, 2017
Tear it down, it doesn't change the work of the man. The Dreamer didn't die, the Visionary was murdered. That's what you do is kill off our leaders and then name streets and buildings after them.
MLK wasn't a racist like you.
MLK wasn't a racist like you.
I used an accountant then living in Castro Valley, CA who had plaques on his office wall crediting him as one of the FBI agents that arrested the dude that shot MLK. Accounts are one of the favored occupations of the FBI he said to me.
Does the work include having like a bunch of mistresses? I have nothing against MLK. We have no problem talking about the dirty laundry of those we considered past white heroes or iconic figures. Why is MLK off limits?

Give your best try. :dunno:
The woman pouring gasoline on the MLK residence happens to be black? Funny how this is ignored here.
Aww poor fail whites. Everyone knows when a black veteran going through a mental health episode tries to destroy a home that has special significance to Black Americans that the real victims are you white people. There there. :itsok: Will you soft sensitive fail whites be OK?
I guess you have never heard the message of Dr King especially when he said.


Or maybe you once heard

You should be ashamed of yourself talking about the work of the man when you totally ignore his sacrifice and knowledge, but that would require more self awareness than you possess
Obviously you missed where Dr King said his dream turned into a nightmare.

You fools try reduce Dr King to early day.

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