Woman at Town Hall tells Romney Obama should be tried for "treason".

Actually. No the woman asked Romney a question and made a passing statement to the person next to her. Perhaps instead of being a partisan hack you could ask yourself what 1) What was she actually asking about? and 2) Why was she asking it?
Plasma, is it seriously too insane to expect you to have an honest intellectual discussion?
I don't know...John McCain managed to address a crazy at one of his town halls. He bungled the delivery a bit (kind of implying that Muslims can't be good family men), but he did stick up for Candidate Obama. I don't expect that kind of honor from Romney though...

You wouldn't recognize 'honor' if it came with a label.

Actually I would. It happens to be one of the core values of the military service I retired from; Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty.
Clearly the woman was suffering PTSD cause she was on the frontline of the Republican "War on Wimmen"

I forgive her. Now get back in the kitchen
I don't know...John McCain managed to address a crazy at one of his town halls. He bungled the delivery a bit (kind of implying that Muslims can't be good family men), but he did stick up for Candidate Obama. I don't expect that kind of honor from Romney though...

You wouldn't recognize 'honor' if it came with a label.

Really, CA? Seawytch served this country. Honorably too. You want to give her lectures on recognizing "honor" now? Show us an example of YOUR honor. More than lip service, if you please.
As many times as he has circumvented the Congress?

He should be.
Romney has faced hostile questions on everything from his wealth to his religion. And on Monday, he experienced another awkward moment, when a supporter stood and declared that President Barack Obama should be "tried for treason."

Turning back to Romney, she asked what he would do to "restore balance" between the three branches of government and "restore our Constitution." She did not specify why she believed Obama should be "tried for treason"—a comment that received a huge applause from the audience. And when it was his turn to respond, Romney ignored her suggestion about "treason" and instead spoke about how he would "respect the different branches of government."

The "treason" comment came just minutes after Ohio State Auditor Dave Yost, a Romney surrogate on hand to introduce the candidate, offered several scathing attacks on Obama, including his handling of the Osama bin Laden raid.

Yost, who read from notes, said giving Obama credit for the bin Laden raid is like "giving Ronald McDonald credit for the Big Mac."

Woman tells Romney Obama

Obama does something Republicans refused to do. But it's wrong to give him "credit". Then who deserves it? They think they do.

First Richard Grenell and now this. And you guys think Romney has a "spine"? He's weak and would be a weak president. Worse than Bush.

I rarely cut Romney any slack, but really, this sort of thing happens to politicians all the time, they get someone who says something ridiculous and their programming tells them to get back on message rather than dressing the person down.

So, no, I don't slap Romney for this one.

It does happen quite a bit. The thing is what the candidate does to show leadership. Last election some right winger said that Obama was a Muslim at a McCain event, and he calmly corrected her. Romney has no backbone.
Romney isn't even the "official" candidate yet and already the left wing tricksters are at it. You can count on Soros' tax exempt Media Matters to cherry pick every single word from now until November.
Romney isn't even the "official" candidate yet and already the left wing tricksters are at it. You can count on Soros' tax exempt Media Matters to cherry pick every single word from now until November.

Search and destroy...as always. (Anything to cover for Obama's ineptness).
Romney isn't even the "official" candidate yet and already the left wing tricksters are at it. You can count on Soros' tax exempt Media Matters to cherry pick every single word from now until November.

Crying already?
Since when is it the opposing candidate's job to defend the other candidate against ugly remarks made by private citizens? Somehow I doubt that Obama is going to spend his time defending Romney against mean comments made at his rallies.
Since when is it the opposing candidate's job to defend the other candidate against ugly remarks made by private citizens? Somehow I doubt that Obama is going to spend his time defending Romney against mean comments made at his rallies.
In fact what was 'Attack Watch" ?

Precisely what YOU point out.

Great point.
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Romney has faced hostile questions on everything from his wealth to his religion. And on Monday, he experienced another awkward moment, when a supporter stood and declared that President Barack Obama should be "tried for treason."

Turning back to Romney, she asked what he would do to "restore balance" between the three branches of government and "restore our Constitution." She did not specify why she believed Obama should be "tried for treason"—a comment that received a huge applause from the audience. And when it was his turn to respond, Romney ignored her suggestion about "treason" and instead spoke about how he would "respect the different branches of government."

The "treason" comment came just minutes after Ohio State Auditor Dave Yost, a Romney surrogate on hand to introduce the candidate, offered several scathing attacks on Obama, including his handling of the Osama bin Laden raid.

Yost, who read from notes, said giving Obama credit for the bin Laden raid is like "giving Ronald McDonald credit for the Big Mac."

Woman tells Romney Obama

Obama does something Republicans refused to do. But it's wrong to give him "credit". Then who deserves it? They think they do.

First Richard Grenell and now this. And you guys think Romney has a "spine"? He's weak and would be a weak president. Worse than Bush.

lol, we see abc and deanyO is having a friggen cow..
obama has been successfully weaselly enough to conduct his vileness without quite crossing the line into impeachment territory. His intentional strikes against the county can yet be attributed to incompetence.
Some of George Bush's most ardent critics believe he should be tried for crimes just as this woman believes Obama should be tried for treason. What's the difference? BTW, did President Obama step up for outgoing President Bush on Inaugration Day when some of his loyalists were yelling insults, accusations, etc. at him? No. Why should Romney?

If Liberals had no double standards, what standards would they have ?
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How funny you find it that the lamestream media can report on EVERY statement made BY A CITIZEN at a Republican town hall?

I don't know about charged with treason, but I've thought Obama has done some shit where he should of been, IMPEACHED...
obama has been successfully weaselly enough to conduct his vileness without quite crossing the line into impeachment territory. His intentional strikes against the county can yet be attributed to incompetence.

And to a vendetta against America he's carried with him through his whole life.

WE are seeing the fruits of it NOW.

He needs to just be voted out of office.

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