Woman Believes That Flying An American Flag Is Racist

Do I even want to know why? We always have our American flag up through the nice weather out in front of our house. Screw what people think!! 😠

Many people look for excuses to be offended. I've also seen others on social media throw around "racism" as the new catch-all term for things that are offensive without knowing what it means.
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Do I even want to know why? We always have our American flag up through the nice weather out in front of our house. Screw what people think!! 😠

I believe the Flag is supposed to come down around sundown and go back up at sunrise............................don't forget to fold properly.
I believe the Flag is supposed to come down around sundown and go back up at sunrise............................don't forget to fold properly.

Well yeah we do all that too. Except for the sunrise part. XD It's after we get up though.
The only truth that matters to you is the colonizer truth. You are a worthless human being. Goodbye.
The Last Tasmanian










etc. .. . . .
Do I even want to know why? We always have our American flag up through the nice weather out in front of our house. Screw what people think!! 😠

Not racist, but it does represent the power of the US government.... I'm sure a lot of people might find, if they actually though about what flags represent, that they're not so keen on it, or that it goes against other beliefs they have.
Where did I ever say that she didn't? But here's a tip for all of you America haters and our flag and what it represents. Don't like it? (Lord forgive me for my language) get the fuck out. Have a nice day. 🙂

So, if there's something you don't like about the US, instead of trying to improve it, no, you should just leave.
Do you like the US's high murder rate?
Do you like people in the US raping people?
Do you like Biden?
Do you like the Democrat Party?

If you say you don't like even on of these, then you "advice" to yourself is "get the fuck out"....

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