Woman can harvest dead boyfriend's sperm, judge says

Yes, if they had been married it would obviate the entire post. I would not impose, nor would the article be in the paper, if it involved marital rights. One major difference is that we would know that the father had committed to the woman.

So single women to whom men have at one time been committed in marriage are exempted from your claim that single women cannot effectively raise children? Sounds like more of your a woman should not have children unless a man has given his approval of her.

No, it's not a question of approval.

The premise is that to give a child the best possible chance in life is to be born into a committed relationship with loving parents. Stats pretty much bear this out.

If a woman waits to have children until she is married, then for one reason or another no longer has the husband, then she has done the best she could for the child, and she will do the best to then raise that child.

What brings about the most vilification from some of the board members is that I will not say that it's fine if a woman has children with a man who will not make the commitment to the family that is represented by marriage.

Now watch how many angry posts there are when I state how I feel about day-care.
Yes, if they had been married it would obviate the entire post. I would not impose, nor would the article be in the paper, if it involved marital rights. One major difference is that we would know that the father had committed to the woman.

So single women to whom men have at one time been committed in marriage are exempted from your claim that single women cannot effectively raise children? Sounds like more of your a woman should not have children unless a man has given his approval of her.


I am outraged. This is not even a wife, so what right does she have to his sperm? In one fell swoop this radical judge's decision will set off a chain of reactions including a child being born into a most bizarre situation without a father and thus increasing substantially the chances that he/she would be at some point be involved with the penitentiary system.

"Various studies come up with slightly different numbers, but all the figures are grim. According to the Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, children from single-parent families account for 63 percent of all youth suicides, 70 percent of all teenage pregancies, 71 percent of all adolescent chemical/substance abuse, 80 percent of all prison inmates, and 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children." Ann Coulter, Guilty p 37-38.

Not to mention who will be financially responsible for these children born out of wedlock? It is no big accomplishment to give birth to young, even animals can do that. The challenge is too raise them in the best way possible and that includes having a mother and a father. Why do people refuse to see into the future of the children of singleparent homes? You give children a fighting chance when you bring them up in intact families.

The counterculture won on this one. Sad. Sad, indeed.

If you wouldn't have felt this way had they been married, why did you add all the stuff in your OP that I underlined above? When the person is dead, the end result is a single parent either way. :confused:

See my post #282
I just found it funny that she's so melted down that she needed to fix my typos.

thanks for that. i couldn't be bothered going over it myself.



No problem, dear.

A Conservative is never so tall an when they stoop to help a Liberal.
I just found it funny that she's so melted down that she needed to fix my typos.

thanks for that. i couldn't be bothered going over it myself.



:lol: Yep.

I've been laughing all day over this one:

I in fact, feel like Leonidas at Thermopylae.

http://theanimationacademy.com/an/leonidas15a.jpg :eusa_whistle:

I guess you missed the import: I'm Leonidas, you guys the barbarians.

Seems fitting.

My snoring emoticon won't work, BUMMER!

PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?
PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?

Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.
PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?

Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.
PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?

Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.

291 posts, and you're still as brick-dumb as you were 290 posts ago?

Damn, woman.
PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?

Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.
Ravi has a point.

You could at least bake the woman a pie with ground up birth control pills in it.
PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?

Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.

Oh, this is awesome!

First you, and then DISgusting hoping against hope that the constant dumb-beat, er, drumbeat from from your coterie would cow me, silence me, and by the sheer weight of numbers, allow you to walk away in victory.

Clearly you you are both misguided,and have misjudged.

My cause is just: I guard the interests of the weakest, the child-yet-to-be-born. You, self-interested brats.

Almost 300 posts, and I stand alone.

And you say "coward"??? Self-delusion, thy name is Ravi!

In my ongoing efforts at edifying in language, writing, and philosophy, you've given me the opportunity to teach you some highly appropriate poetry.

Here, and ode to my bravery: Invictus

OUT of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Last edited:
PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?

Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.

291 posts, and you're still as brick-dumb as you were 290 posts ago?

Damn, woman.

My former friend, DISgusting, I've dedicated post #296 to you.
PC, what are you waiting for? The judge ruled harvesting the sperm was okay. He didn't rule that the woman could impregnate herself. If no one raises an objection, she will impregnate herself.

You claim you believe this is wrong. Why aren't you doing something about it besides whining on a message board?

Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.
Ravi has a point.

You could at least bake the woman a pie with ground up birth control pills in it.

Picky, picky, picky.

Actually I could have, but I had 200 posts to answer!
Be gone, back to your midden, uncouth one.

Oh, this is awsome!

First you, and then DISgusting hoping against hope that the constant dumb-beat, er, drumbeat from from your coterie would cow me, silence me, and by the sheer weight of numbers, allow you to walk away in victory.

Clearly you you are both misguided,and have misjudged.

My cause is just: I guard the interests of the weakest, the child-yet-to-be-born. You, self-interested brats.

Almost 300 posts, and I stand alone.

And you say "coward"??? Self-delusion, thy name is Ravi!

In my ongoing efforts at edifying in language, writing, and philosophy, you've given me the opportunity to teach you some highly appropriate poetry.

Here, and ode to my bravery: Invictus

OUT of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Yes, you are a coward. You feel very strongly that this woman should not be allowed to bear her dead lover's child. And yet you are afraid to start the ball rolling to prevent it.

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