Woman Claims She Was Dead For 30 Minutes And Saw Angels


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011

It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane......30 minutes. Hell, the last time this stuff happened a man was hung on a tree, bled like a hog and showed up two days later fit as a fiddle.
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"We understand why children are afraid of darkness, but why are men afraid of light?" ~ Plato

It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane.
And you know she didn't see Angels because...?

Because I wasn't the one with a rapidly diminishing blood supply to the brain. What a load of shit. Do you know what a hallucination is....................

"Hallucinations can occur in any sensory modality — visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptive, equilibrioceptive, nociceptive, thermoceptive and chronoceptive."
Cammmpbell, do you KNOW what a soul is? The human brain according to Websters dictionary. Do you KNOW what a spirit is? The human mind. Got any questions? :dunno:
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It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane......30 minutes. Hell, the last time this stuff happened a man was hung on a tree, bled like a hog and showed up two days later fit as a fiddle.
Did you know your childish rants have absolutely no effect on anyone's faith?

True story.
No link? Just curious.

People do have what is called 'near death experiences.' I have always found them interesting, but never had any until recently. Before I got treatment for my lung problem my oxygen saturation would drop so low at night because 1) I have sleep apnea and 2) my lungs weren't functioning, that I was having NDEs on a nightly basis. If what we are told is on the other side is NOT there, then our brains do a really good job of making death attractive to us. I had some amazing 'dreams' during that period of time. When the end comes, we should all hope that our brains show us the kind of incredibly beautiful things I was seeing.
Oh geee... a Christian bashing thread by some idiot... what MAGNIFICENT imagination to think up something so ORIGINAL!


It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane......30 minutes. Hell, the last time this stuff happened a man was hung on a tree, bled like a hog and showed up two days later fit as a fiddle.

That's not Biblical. So, I suppose there is good reason to laugh at it. However, it's not good to identify that lunacy with the church. At least not a Bible-based church.

There are a few accounts of individuals that have been resurrected in the Bible. Lazarus being the most famous. There have been no accounts by any of the resurrected of seeing, hearing or experiencing anything after death. Furthermore, the Bible clearly defines death, which does not include what this "church lady" is claiming.

That's all for now.

It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane.
And you know she didn't see Angels because...?

Because I wasn't the one with a rapidly diminishing blood supply to the brain. What a load of shit. Do you know what a hallucination is....................

"Hallucinations can occur in any sensory modality — visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptive, equilibrioceptive, nociceptive, thermoceptive and chronoceptive."

This "church lady" most likely experience a massive hallucination indeed. Whatever she experienced must have been real to her, however, it was not death...clearly.
Cammmpbell, do you KNOW what a soul is? The human brain according to Websters dictionary. Do you KNOW what a spirit is? The human mind. Got any questions? :dunno:

It's hard to have any questions, when you already have all the answers. ;)
That's not Biblical. So, I suppose there is good reason to laugh at it. However, it's not good to identify that lunacy with the church. At least not a Bible-based church.

There are a few accounts of individuals that have been resurrected in the Bible. Lazarus being the most famous. There have been no accounts by any of the resurrected of seeing, hearing or experiencing anything after death. Furthermore, the Bible clearly defines death, which does not include what this "church lady" is claiming.

That's all for now.

Actually, I do know a lady personally who was pronounced dead, remained in that state for somewhere in the time period of 30-60 minutes, then revived spontaneously. She doesn't recall anything during that time. If I didn't know her and know her family, I wouldn't have believed it. She had very little residual damage.
Hey Cam, when you have the sac to mock Marc for his religious beliefs, then I might think you're serious. Otherwise, you are just a simple...

That's not Biblical. So, I suppose there is good reason to laugh at it. However, it's not good to identify that lunacy with the church. At least not a Bible-based church.

There are a few accounts of individuals that have been resurrected in the Bible. Lazarus being the most famous. There have been no accounts by any of the resurrected of seeing, hearing or experiencing anything after death. Furthermore, the Bible clearly defines death, which does not include what this "church lady" is claiming.

That's all for now.

Actually, I do know a lady personally who was pronounced dead, remained in that state for somewhere in the time period of 30-60 minutes, then revived spontaneously. She doesn't recall anything during that time. If I didn't know her and know her family, I wouldn't have believed it. She had very little residual damage.

Yep, of course she doesn't recall anything. She was in a state of unconsciousness. Which is what death is.
Cammmpbell, do you KNOW what a soul is? The human brain according to Websters dictionary. Do you KNOW what a spirit is? The human mind. Got any questions? :dunno:
If you or any other bible thumper will prove that there is any such thing maybe we can talk.

All that malarky came from primitive mankind during the stone age when his imagination was beginning to develop and he absolutely could not accept his mortality. Gods, saviors, angels, heaven, hell, devils, ghosts, spirits, souls, witches, miracles.............bullshit.

P. T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proved him right.
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Obviously the woman was not actually dead during those 30 minutes.
Total brain death does not happen immediately when respiration and heartbeat stops.
Takes the brain cells a while longer to die.
Cammmpbell, do you KNOW what a soul is? The human brain according to Websters dictionary. Do you KNOW what a spirit is? The human mind. Got any questions? :dunno:

It's hard to have any questions, when you already have all the answers. ;)

I don't post boasting to have all the answers, lizzie, I even often say that I genuinely don't know... but I don't ever go along with someone condemning another's level of spirituality, regardles if it seems to be desperately sought out in such measures as some who are known to use substances, even, to gain spiritual wisdom and depth. I don't want to ever seem to be a know it all, but I also don't wanna be someone who stops thinking... I would rather provoke thought from within others, and I apologize, but sometimes that also means sometimes provoking them emotionally. :dunno: How devilish we all are... :D

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